
South Central Reporter

Friday, January 24, 2025

City of Calumet City City Council met Oct. 10

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City of Calumet met Oct. 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Public Comment

The following individuals addressed the City Council during the public forum held at 7:30 pm:

Joe Balkis, 117 155th St. regarding union strikes.

Pledge of Allegiance

The City Council of the City of Calumet City met in the City Council Chambers at 7:31 p.m. in a regular meeting on October 10, 2019 with Mayor Michelle Markiewicz Qualkinbush, present and presiding.

Roll Call

Present: 6 Alderman: Navarrete, Swibes, Tillman, Williams, Gardner, Smith.

Absent: 1 Alderman: Patton

Also present was City Clerk Figgs, City Attorney Mike Smith, Police Chief Fletcher, Fire Chief Bachert, Economic Director joe Wiszowaty, Mayor's Assistant Bonato and City Administrator William Murray.

There being a quorum present, the meeting was called to order.

Approval of minutes

Alderman Williams moved, seconded by Alderman Tillman, to approve the September 4, 2019 Special Meeting, September 4, 2019 Ordinance Resolution COW, September 11, 2019 Safety COW, September 12, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting, September 17, 2019, Special Meeting, September 26, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting, and October 3, 2019 Special Meeting minutes as presented.

Motion Carried

Reports of Standing Committees

Finance Alderman Swibes had no report

Public Safety Alderman Patton was absent. Alderman Navarrete reported on behalf of Alderman Patton informing residents there will be an Open House at the Fire Station on October 12, 2019.

Public Utilities Alderman Williams had no report.

Ord. abd Res. Alderman Tillman had no report

H.E.W Alderman Gardner had no report.

Permits and Licenses Alderman Smith had no report.

Public Works Alderman Navarrete had no report.

City Council Reports

Ald. Navarrete-1st Ward

Alderman Navarrete informed residents that the St. Victor's demolition is completed, and grass will be planted. A town hall meeting is scheduled for the last Wednesday of November @ 7:30 at the VFW. The Burnham revitalization Plan will be available online soon.

Ald. Swibes-2nd Ward

Alderman Swibes thanked the resident for the calls. She can also be contacted @ Mswibes@calumetcity.org.

Ald. Tillman-3rd Ward

Alderman Tillman thanked residents who attended the Town Hall meeting and thanked the department heads who participated. The 3rd Ward newsletter will be out soon. Sidewalk repair requests can be submitted.

Ald, Williams-4th Ward

Alderman Williams gave honor to GOD. Alderman Williams reported there will be a Sweetest Day Event on October 17, 2019 at Bernadine Manor. Alderman Williams thanked the residents who attended the town hall meeting.

Ald. Smith-7th Ward

Alderman Smith informed resident there will be a document shredding event. Alderman Williams informed residents to report sidewalks needing repair. He will be submitting a list for sidewalk repair. Alderman Smith thanked residents who attended the Town hall Meeting.

Informational Items to be Accepted and Placed on File

A. City Clerk RE: Submitting Revenue Report September 2019.

B. Waste Management RE: Notice if Class 1 and Class* Permit Modifications

Accept and place on file

|Alderman Gardner moved, seconded by Alderman Smith, to approve the communications and place on file.

Motion Carried

New Business

#1: Rescind the action taken on October 3, 2019 and approve the Collective Bargaining Agreement

Rescind the action taken on October 3, 2019 and approve the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Teamsters Local 700 and Calumet City in accordance with the October 7, Memorandum from the City Attorney.

#2: Approve Tag Day for Knights of Columbus

Approve Tag Day for Knights of Columbus Council on October 11 and 12, 2019 from 8 a.m. -1 p.m, at the corner of 159th and Torrence Ave.

Approve Items #1 - #2

Alderman Tillman moved, seconded by Alderman Smith, to approve new business item #1 & #2 as presented.

Roll Call

Yeas: 6 Aldermen: Navarrete, Swibes, Tillman, Williams, Gardner, Smith

Nays: 0 Aldermen: None

Absent: 1 Alderman: Patton

Motion Carried

Building Permits

Privacy Fence

New Fence Ward

516 Buffalo Privacy 7th Ward

New Garage Construction

600 Paxton 4th Ward

211 Elizabeth 5th Ward

Approve Permits

Alderman Gardner moved, seconded by Alderman Smith, to approve the building permits as presented.

Motion Carried

Resolutions and Ordinance

Ord. #1: Ordinance To Set A Date For, And To Approve A Public Notice of A Public Hearing

Ordinance of The City of Calumet City, Cook County, Illinois, To Set A Date For, And To Approve A Public Notice of A Public Hearing on The City of Calumet City TIF Redevelopment Plan Sibley Blvd./Torrence Ave./State St. Tax Increment Financing District Redevelopment Plan and Program. (Date Set December 11, 2019)

(Ord.#19-52) (See attached page 3A)

Ord.#2: Ordinance Amending Ordinance Amending Handicapped Parking Ordinance Chapter 90 of the Municipal Code

Ordinance Amending Handicapped Parking Ordinance Chapter 90 of the Municipal of the City of Calumet City, Cook County, Illinois Handicapped Parking by adding: 664 163rd St., 106 163rd St.

(Ord.#19-53) (See attached page 3B)

Res.#3 Resolution For The Cook County Community Development Block Grant 2019

Resolution For The Cook County Community Development Block Grant 2019 Authorization to Execute and Submit Subrecipient Agreement to County of Cook.

Res.#19-76 (See attached page 3C)

Res.#4 Resolution For the Adoption of The Update of The Cook County Multi- Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan

Resolution For the Adoption of The Update of The Cook County Multi Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Count-Wide Municipal Annex.

Res.# 19-77 (See attached 3D)

Ordinance No._19-52

An Ordinance of the City of Calumet City, Cook County, Illinois, to Set a Date for, and to Approve a Public Notice of a Public Hearing on the City of Calumet City TIF Redevelopment Plan Sibley Blvd./ Torrence Ave./State St. Tax Increment Financing District Redevelopment Plan and Program

WHEREAS, the City of Calumet City, Cook County, Illinois (the "City") is a municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Illinois and as such is reviewing the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, 65 ILCS 5/11-74.4-1, et seq. (the “Act”) for purposes of designating the Sibley Blvd./Torrence Ave./State St. Redevelopment Project Area; and,

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act, the City is required to adopt an ordinance fixing the time and place for a public hearing on the Redevelopment Plan and Program for the proposed Sibley Blvd./Torrence Ave./State St. Redevelopment Project Area; and,

WHEREAS, the City desires to adopt this Ordinance in order to comply with such requirements of the Act.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of City of Calumet City, Cook County, Illinois, as follows:

Section 1. The above recitals are incorporated herein and made a part hereof.

Section 2. It is necessary and in the best interests of the City that a public hearing be held prior to the consideration of the adoption by the Mayor and City Council of the City (the “Corporate Authorities”) of an ordinance or ordinances approving the City of Calumet City Redevelopment Plan and Program for the proposed Sibley Blvd./Torrence Ave./State St. Tax Increment Financing District (the “Plan and Program”), designating the Sibley Blvd./Torrence Ave./State St. Redevelopment Project Area (the “Project Area”) and adopting tax increment allocation financing, and accordingly, it is necessary that a date for such public hearing be established and notice thereof be given, all in accordance with the provisions of the Act.

Section 3. It is hereby determined that a public hearing (the “Hearing”) on the proposed Plan and Program for the proposed Project Area, as legally described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof this Ordinance, shall be held on the 11th day of December, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at the City of Calumet City, City Hall, 204 Pulaski Road, Calumet City, Illinois.

Section 4. Within a reasonable time after the adoption of this ordinance, the Plan and Project along with the name of the contact person at the City shall be sent to the affected taxing districts by certified mail.

Section 5. Notice of the Hearing is hereby authorized to be given by publication and mailing, said notice by publication to be given at least twice, the first publication to be not more than thirty (30) nor less than ten (10) days prior to the Hearing in a newspaper of general circulation within the taxing districts having property in the Project Area, and notice by mailing to be given by depositing such notice in the United States mail by certified mail addressed to the person or persons in whose name the general taxes for the last preceding year were paid on each lot, block, tract, or parcel of land lying within the Project Area and to each residential address located within the Project Area, not less than ten (10) days prior to the date set for the Hearing. In the event taxes for the last preceding year were not paid, notice shall also be sent to the persons last listed on the tax rolls within the preceding three (3) years as owner(s) of such property.

Section 6. Notice of the Hearing is hereby directed to be in substantially in the form found in Exhibit B which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.

Section 7. The above notice is hereby directed to be given by mail, not less than forty-five (45) days prior to the date set for the Hearing, to all taxing districts of which taxable property is included in the proposed Project Area and to the Illinois Department of Commerce Ord.#19-52

Section 11. If any section, paragraph, clause, or provision of this Ordinance shall be held invalid, the invalidity of such section, paragraph, clause, or provision shall not affect any of the other provisions of this Ordinance.

Section 12. All ordinances, resolutions, motions or orders in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict.

Section 13. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage. PASSED this 10th day of October 2019. and Economic Opportunity (“DCEO”). Notice shall include an invitation to each taxing district and DCEO to submit written comments to the City, in care of the City Clerk of the City of Calumet City, 204 Pulaski Road, Calumet City, Illinois 60409 concerning the subject matter of the Hearing prior to the date of the Hearing.

Section 8. It is hereby ordered that a Joint Review Board (the “Board") shall be convened on the 6th day of November, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. at the City of Calumet City, 204 Pulaski Road, Calumet City, Illinois, which is not sooner than fourteen (14) days nor later than twenty eight (28) days following the notice to be given to all taxing districts, as provided in 

Section 7 above, to review the public record, the proposed Plan and Project and the proposed ordinances approving the proposed Plan and Project. The Joint Review Board shall consist of a representative selected by the community college district, the local elementary school district and high school district, the park district, the township, and county all of which have authority to directly levy taxes on the property in the proposed Project Area, a representative selected by the City, and a public member to be selected by a majority of other Board members, and shall act in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Act.

Section 9. The document entitled Sibley Blvd./Torrence Ave./State St, Tax Increment Financing District Redevelopment Plan & Program has been available for inspection and review commencing the 1st day of June 1, 2019, which is more than 10 days prior to the adoption of this Ordinance at the office of the City Clerk at the City of Calumet City, City Hall, 204 Pulaski Road, Calumet City, Illinois, during regular office hours.

Section 10. Notice of the establishment of an interested parties' registry which entitles all registrants to receive information on activities related to the proposed designation of a redevelopment project area and the preparation of a redevelopment plan and project is hereby Authorized.

Ordinance No.: 14--53

An Ordinance Amending Chapter 90 of the Municipal Code of the City of Calumet City, Cook County, Illinois

BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Calumet City, Cook County, Illinois, by and through its home rule powers, as follows:

Section 1. That Section 90-317 (Handicapped parking) of Article V [Stopping, Standing and Parking] of Chapter 90 [Traffic and Vehicles] of the Municipal Code of Calumet City, Illinois, is hereby amended by adding the following language to subsection G (Signed areas) to read, as follows:

664 163rd St.

106 163rd St.

Section 2. The Commissioner of Streets and Alleys is hereby authorized and directed to install the proper signs in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Ordinance.

Section 3. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Ordinance shall be held invalid, the invalidity thereof shall not affect any other provision of this Ordinance.

Section 4. All ordinances, resolutions, motions or orders in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict.

Section 5. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication as provided by law.

City of Calumet City Resolution 19-77

Adoption of the Update of the Cook County Multi Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan County-Wide Miunicipal Annex

WHEREAS, the City of Calumet City recognizes the threat that natural hazards pose to people and property within our community; and

WHEREAS, the City of Calumet City recognizes the importance of reducing or eliminating vulnerability to disasters caused by natural hazards for the overall good and welfare of the community, and

WHEREAS, on October 10, 2000, the U.S. Congress passed the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 ("Act") which provides the legal framework for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) mitigation, planning requirements for state, local, and tribal governments as a condition of mitigation grant assistance emphasizing the need for pre-disaster mitigation of potential hazards; and

WHEREAS, as a condition of future funding for mitigation projects, the Act requires jurisdictions to prepare and adopt a hazard mitigation plan to identify and address certain vulnerabilities that exist prior to and during a disaster; and

WHEREAS, FEMA supports post-disaster grant funding through the Hazard Mitigation Plan Grant program, which has as a condition of funding eligibility, a requirement for jurisdictions to prepare and adopt a hazard mitigation plan; and

WHEREAS, to maintain continued eligibility for FEMA mitigation grant assistance programs the Act requires a hazard mitigation plan be updated every five years; and

WHEREAS, in accordance with the Act's requirements, 121 Cook County Res. 19-77 Regular jurisdictions engaged in the FEMA-prescribed mitigation planning process to prepare the 2019 Plan and its associated local hazard mitigation plan annexes; and

WHEREAS, the 2019 Plan has been approved pending Cook County adoption, by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region V; and


1. The City of Calumet city hereby accepts, approves and adopts in its entirety, Volume 1, the Countywide Mitigation Actions in Volume 2; and the City Jurisdictional Annex of Volume 2 of the 2019 Cook County Multi Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan.

2. The City will continue to participate in the updating and revision of the 2019 Plan with another plan review and revision to occur within a five year cycle, and designated staff will provide annual progress reports on the status of implementation of the 2019 Plan to the president of the City council.

Res.#5 Resolution for the Improvement Under The Illinois Highway Code (Huntington Drive)

Resolution for the Improvement Under The Illinois Highway Code. (Appropriating $98,000.00 for design engineering services for the reconstruction of Huntington Drive)

Res.#19-78 (See attached 4A)

Res.#6 Resolution for the Improvement Under The Illinois Highway Code (Buffalo Ave.)

Resolution for the Improvement Under The Illinois Highway Code. (Appropriating $30,000.00 for preliminary engineering services for the resurfacing of Buffalo Ave.)

Res.#19-79 (See attached 4B)

Pass Resolutions /Adopt Ordinances

Alderman Tillman moved, seconded by Alderman Smith, to pass the resolutions and adopt the ordinances as presented.

Roll Call

Yeas: 6 Aldermen: Navarrete, Swibes, Tillman, Williams, Gardner, Smith

Nays: 0 Aldermen: None

Absent: 1 Alderman: Patton

Motion Carried

Financial Matters

#1) Approve the repairs to E12

Approve the repairs to E12 in the amount of $7,510.60 and remit payment to Fire Service; authorize the City Treasurer to charge account #06617-54150.

#2 Approve purchase of a new Unit 12 engine module

#3: Approve the renewal of the city's contract with Guardian Pest Control

Approve purchase of a new Unit 12 engine module in the amount of $7,055.62; authorize City Treasurer to remit payment to Rush Truck Center and charge account #01041-54140 Approve the renewal of the city's contract with Guardian Pest Control and authorize the City Treasurer to remit payment in the amount of $5,187.00 to be charged to account #01099-52990.

#4: Award bid to the lowest bidder for the demolition of 225 Gold Coast Lane

Approve awarding demolition bid to Green Demolition, the lowest bidder for the demolition of 225 Gold Coast Lane in the amount of $199,800.00 per bid opening held on October 3, 2019, in the council chambers; authorize the City Treasurer to remit payment from account # 12507-52645. The following companies submitted a bid: Milburn, Environmental Cleansing Corp., Actin Contracting, Holland Asphalt, K.L.F, JM Industrial, and National Wreaking Company

#5: Approve the purchase of a new furnace for replacement and air conditioning system at Station 2

Approve the purchase of a replacement furnace and air conditioning system at Station 2; authorize the City Treasurer to remit payment to South Suburban Heating and Air Conditioning Inc in the amount of $9,065.00 and charge to account # 06617-55104.

#6: Approve the agreement and payment to Strike Force

Approve the agreement and payment to Strike Force for reimbursable bills up to the amount of $15,000.00 for FY 2020 (October 1, 2019- September 30, 2020).

#7: Approve bill listing Approve bill listing ($852,219.59).

#8: Approve payroll Approve payroll ($824,394.47).

#9: Emergency payments Approve Emergency payments ($8,057.14).

Approve financial items #1-#9

Alderman Navarrete moved, seconded by Alderman Swibes, to approve financial items #1 -#9 as presented with amendment.

Roll Call

Yeas: 6 Aldermen: Navarrete, Swibes, Tillman, Williams, Gardner, Smith

Nays: 0 Aldermen: None

Absent: 1 Alderman: Patton

Motion Carried

Unfinished Business

6th Ward Sidewalk List

Alderman Navarrete informed the 6th Ward residents that Alderman Patton is requesting residents to contact him to request sidewalk repairs.

Thanked Fire Dept. for the Fire Stimulation Event

Alderman Gardner thanked the Fire dept. for the stimulation of Fire operations this past weekend.

Document Shred Event

Alderman Smith informed residents of the Document Shred Event on Saturday October 26, 2019 at the Fire Training Center.

Report Suspicious Activity

Alderman Smith instructed residents to report all suspicious activity to the police.


Adjournment was at 7:44 p.m., on a motion by Alderman Gardner, seconded by Alderman Smith.

Motion Carried




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