
South Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Centralia City Council Met May 26

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City of Centralia City Council met May 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Per the Covid-19 Executive Orders, the City Council for Centralia, Illinois met via teleconference. Mayor Williams called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


Present: Mayor Williams, Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, and Councilman Sauer(all members attended electronically via teleconference)

Absent: Councilman Marshall (joined the call at 6:04 p.m. due to technical difficulty)

Staff Members Participating Physically at City Hall: Lowell Crow, City Manager; Doug Gruenke; City Attorney; Bill Agee, City Treasurer, and Kim Enke, City Clerk

Staff Members Participating Electronically: Rose Aldag-McVey, Economic Development Director, Chief John Lynch, Fire Department, and Gayla Harting, Community Development Director


Mayor Williams led the Pledge of Allegiance.




Submissions for public participation were submitted prior to the meeting electronically to the City Clerk. The submissions were also shared with the City Council by the City Clerk.

Vernell Burris addressed the Council in regards to the Fire Department Equipment. He would like the Council to consider issuing bonds as done in the past and asks that the Council consider updating the Fire Department trucks with the bonds.


A Motion was made by Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Sauer to Approve Items 1-3 of the Consent Agenda.

1. Approval Of The Minutes Of The May 11, 2020 City Council Meeting

2. Approval Of The Minutes Of The May 20, 2020 Public Hearing

3. Approval Of Payrolls And Vouchers In The Amount Of $949,515.52

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, and Mayor Williams

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.






Councilman Marshall joined electronically.

City Manager Lowell Crow reported that the consumer price index over the last 5 years was reviewed and it was determined that the average was approximately 1.5% each year. This is what reflects the proposed 7.5% increase. He noted the last increase was 5 years ago. He stated that the 20 year lease amounts with the lease terms that allows these increases every 5 years would increase from $1,010 to $1,085 and the 40 year lease amounts would increase from $1,006 to $1,081. He stated that approximately 3 of the lease owners would benefit from converting to the new lease terms if they choose to. Councilman Sauer stated that these leases that they discussed provide in each of their lease terms an increase every 5 years of up to 50%. It does not state that it has to be based on the consumer price index, but he feels that this is very reasonable. A motion was made Councilman Sauer and seconded by Councilman Smith to Approve An Ordinance Increasing The Annual Rental Of Certain Lake Leases.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

City Manager Crow stated that this ordinance will allow businesses to serve outside during Phase 3 with the guidance as provided by the state. He stated that he had received some advanced information from the IML. He stated that Attorney Gruenke and Councilman Sauer worked on the ordinance and had the staff review it as well. He stated that it was sent to the Chamber for comments and he reported that they fully support this as they move forward. He stated that the servers must wear masks and the tables must be distanced by 6 ft. He stated that there would not be music or amplified sound allowed. He stated that a permit must be issued by the City Manager and any violations of the rules would allow for the permit to be revoked They will be allowed to serve alcohol outdoors and also allow the restaurants to utilize public property such as sidewalks or adjoining property with the City Manager’s approval. Councilman Jones asked if this was reviewed by the attorney. Lowell reported that it was reviewed. Councilman Sauer stated that this does not allow people to walk down the streets with alcohol. He stated that the consumption has to be on site with a physical barrier between those being served and the public. He stated that this will get business outside and give them the opportunity to serve customers. Councilman Smith asked the City Manager if there would be sidewalks blocked and asked how many businesses would be taking advantage of this. City Manager stated that there were at least 4 businesses that expressed that they intended to utilize the outdoor service and dining. Rose Aldag- McVey stated that Crooked Creek Winery and the Downtown Lounge had contacted her with questions but she was unsure if they will move forward with it. City Manager Crow stated that Tequila’s had approached him as well. Councilman Smith stated that he was in favor of it, but he had some individuals that approached him with the concern that the sidewalks would be blocked especially in the downtown area. Attorney Gruenke confirmed that the businesses do have to allow for 4’ of walkway space on the sidewalks. Mayor Williams asked how the areas would be restricted. City Manager Crow stated that there must be some sort of delineation with either rope, barriers, or plants. He stated that there are many options and they would just need to lay out the area to reflect a delineation with a liberal interpretation of what the barriers are going to be. A motion was made Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Sauer to Approve An Ordinance Authorizing Outdoor Seating Areas For Restaurants And Bars During The Illinois State Of Emergency Declared By The Illinois Governor Resulting From The Infection Of Covid-19 In The State Of Illinois.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.


City Manager Crow stated that this resolution is for approval of the engineering, planning, and design of the next portion of roadway along S. Locust. A motion was made Councilman Jones and seconded by Councilman Marshall to Approve A Resolution Approving An Agreement With The State Of Illinois Department Of Transportation For The Resurfacing Of A Portion Of S Locust Street.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

City Manager Crow explained that this resolution is for the planned engineering work. A motion was made Councilman Jones and seconded by Councilman Marshall to Approve A Resolution Approving a Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement with Rhutasel & Associates Inc. to Perform Engineering Services for Resurfacing Portions of Frazier, Sara, & Nancy Drive.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

A motion was made Councilman Jones and seconded by Councilman Sauer to Approve A Resolution Approving A Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement With Rhutasel & Associates Inc. To Perform Engineering Services For Resurfacing Portions Of Sycamore Street & Pine Street.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

A motion was made Councilman Sauer and seconded by Councilman Marshall to Approve A Resolution of Support For The Fleming Cleaners Application for a State of Illinois Community Development Block Grant for a Downstate Small Business Stabilization Program Grant.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

A motion was made Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Jones to Approve A Resolution of Support For The Marilyn’s Downtown Lounge Inc. Application for a State of Illinois Community Development Block Grant for a Downstate Small Business Stabilization Program Grant.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

Councilman Sauer asked City Manager Crow if this is for the same company that the City has been working with in the past. City Manager Crow explained that there is a provision in the agreement that allows the communities that are in the consortium due to the prices from Ameren being lower than the aggregation. It allows that if the price comes in above what Ameren is providing, the City can choose to not sign into the agreement. He noted that Attorney Gruenke has been working with the City and other communities on this. A motion was made Councilman Sauer and seconded by Councilman Smith to Approve A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Service Agreement for the Supply of Electricity for Residential and Small Commercial Retail Customers Who Do Not Opt Out of Such a Program.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

A motion was made Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Marshall to Approve A Resolution Approving A

Landlord’s Estoppel Certificate For A Mortgage In Reference to Lake Lease Site C-8.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

Councilman Jones asked if the City Attorney had reviewed the agreement and Attorney Gruenke confirmed that he had. Chief Lynch stated that in the past there have been paramedics in the department that have not been able to operate as paramedics. He stated that since some of the staff are trained as paramedics, it will be a benefit for them to be able to operate at that level and assist on calls as needed in order to care for patients. It will provide better service with the trained professionals that the City already has. A motion was made Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Sauer to Approve A Resolution Approving A Mutual Aid Agreement With Lifestar Ambulance Service Inc.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

City Manager Crow stated that there was a phone conference with DCEO and the IDPH previously where it was reported that markets were not allowed to operate. He stated that this was miscommunication and eventually there was confirmation received stating that there was confusion and that farmers markets are to be allowed. He stated that he recommends this be approved. Councilman Sauer stated that he spoke to Terry Herrell and they intend to have many safety protocols in place. A motion was made Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Jones to Approve A Resolution Authorizing The Use Of A City-Owned Parking Lot For A Farmers’ Market and Authorizing Terry Herrell As Market Master.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.






City Manager Crow stated that the work session concerning the fire trucks will be held prior to the next meeting at 5 p.m. He stated that there will be further research by himself and the Chief and they will have information to share with the Council at the work session.

City Manager Crow explained that on Sunday the guidance was sent out from the state and the state also passed their budget. He stated that the LGDF reduced amount will be the same as last year, but expects the income tax to be between 18-20% less. He stated that the sales tax revenue is the same as 2019 through March, but they will have to see what the April and May revenue amounts are.

Councilman Smith congratulated all of the area graduates. He also stated that some of the anglers have asked him about their concerns with the size of the bass and crappie. He questioned if the DNR biologists should review it. He stated that he had not had a chance to speak to the City Manager about this but wanted to mention their concern. Councilman Smith also discussed illegal activity taking place in neighborhoods. He explained a situation that took place in his neighborhood, during the past week, where a known gang member hit his neighbor with the car, sped out of the neighborhood, and threw a loaded gun out of his car before exiting onto 161. He explained that this individual was arrested by the police nearby. He discussed how this individual was later released and the concerns with the States Attorney. He commended the Police Department and the dispatchers that handled the neighbor’s calls. He expressed the concerns of other neighborhoods and stated that he thought a workshop or a meeting to get everyone together would be beneficial. He stated that he knows of a handful in 5 neighborhoods and understands that the police department is doing what they can, but then some of these charges are being dropped by the States Attorney or reduced. He stated that he didn’t know what can be done or if the City Attorney could look into it. He stated that many of his neighbors are scared and it’s concerning. He stated that many are trying to eradicate it. Councilman Smith also stated that he had some people ask what the restrictions at the animal shelter will be or if it will be opening back up soon. City Manager Crow stated that the shelter will be open by appointment in Phase 3 and a notification will be in place for shelter visitors to call as needed. Gayla Harting stated that there are signs that will be on the gate which is locked and the shelter employee will be working normal hours. She also added in reference to Councilman Smith’s concerns, that a few years ago there were meetings concerning neighborhood associations and neighborhood watch. She explained that the meetings were between the City and other community leaders to provide the information to residents. She stated that she would be happy to meet with anyone that is interested in doing that again in order to provide packets of information. She stated that Judge Sanders and Mayor Williams was involved with it previously. She stated that the Melrose Association was formed but there have not been any other neighborhoods that has taken advantage of it.

Councilman Sauer stated that the ordinance that was passed for outdoor seating is temporary and it was shaped by the state orders. He stated that the businesses are going to have to invest in purchasing seating and supplies for outdoor seating to do this and they are going to be wondering if this will be ending this summer. He stated that he has done an informal poll and feels that the Mayor and Council favors having outdoor dining and he sees this being highly likely to continue. He asked that the City Manager and Attorney move forward to make this a permanent option for businesses with an ordinance. Councilman Jones stated that he would also encourage that as well.

Councilman Marshall stated that he thinks there is a crime issue and hearing what Councilman Smith stated, he is not sure how the States Attorney can be blamed. He stated that he thinks that the City Manager should be looking at this to see where the problem is and what is going on. He stated that he doesn’t have the answer and if there are problems, he would like to know what they are. He stated that he doesn’t see how the State’s Attorney is responsible for what Centralia is dealing with.

Mayor Williams stated that the outdoor ordinance is great and hopefully the businesses will invest and see the investment increase their sales. He stated that it is much welcomed at this time. Mayor Williams stated that he understands that there was a situation in the northeast part of town recently. He stated that he was unsure about how many patrolmen are being used in the evening, but from his recollection a majority of the criminal activity happens after 3 p.m. or 4 p.m. in the evening. He stated that he would like to know how many people are being used on those shifts. He stated that there was an incident with film and photos of a shooting where the Police Department did a good job with the arrest and then the States Attorney failed to prosecute. He stated that there is a problem that needs to be investigated. He stated that he is concerned with summer coming, the increase in illegal activity will be something that will have to be faced, and he doesn’t want the police department to be at a disadvantage. He noted that the problems are going to arise in the late evening hours and a concentration of officers is needed at that time when it is proven that most of the activity takes place. Councilman Marshall asked why the States Attorney didn’t prosecute and he would like to know. Mayor Williams stated that the Chief of Police can investigate it further. He stated that the department is putting forth the effort to make the arrests and it is up to the State’s Attorney to say why he isn’t prosecuting certain individuals. He stated that he is concerned with the additional activity. He stated that more people do need to get involved with neighborhood watch and there needs to be more people involved with reporting what they are seeing.


A motion was made by Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Marshall to Adjourn The Meeting To Closed Session Under 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) Collective Negotiating Matters Between The Public Body And Its Employees Or Their Representatives , Or Deliberations Concerning Salary Schedules For One Or More Classes Of Employees and Under 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:46 p.m.




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