
South Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Centralia City Council Met June 8

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City of Centralia City Council met June 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Per Senate Bill 2135, the City Council for Centralia, Illinois met via teleconference. Mayor Williams called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


Present: Mayor Williams, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer and Councilman Marshall (all members attended electronically via teleconference) Absent: Councilman Jones

Staff Members Participating Physically at City Hall: Lowell Crow, City Manager; Gayla Harting, Community Development Director; Bill Agee, City Treasurer, and Kim Enke, City Clerk

Staff Members Participating Electronically: Doug Gruenke, City Attorney; Chief Greg Dodson, Police Department, and Chief John Lynch, Fire Department


Mayor Williams led the Pledge of Allegiance.




Mayor Williams stated that he would like the comments from the work session prior to the regular meeting to also be shared during this meeting.

Submissions for public participation were submitted prior to the meeting electronically to the City Clerk. The submissions were also shared with the City Council by the City Clerk.

Vernell Burris addressed the Council in regards to the Fire Department Equipment. He would like the Council to consider issuing bonds as done in the past and asks that the Council consider updating the Fire Department trucks with the bonds. He added that if the records are checked it will be determined that the last trucks purchased were purchased by bonds.


A Motion was made by Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Sauer to Approve Items 1-7 of the Consent Agenda.

1. Approval Of The Minutes Of The May 26, 2020 City Council Meeting

2. Approval Of Payrolls And Vouchers In The Amount Of $ 649,526.77

3. A Resolution Approving the Temporary Closure of City Streets for the Children’s Halloween Parade

4. A Resolution Approving The Temporary Closure Of Streets For The Halloween Parade

5. Approval Of Request For The Placement Of Halloween Pumpkin Signs Along The Parade Route And Other City Streets

6. An Ordinance Waiving The Application Of Section 20-125(B)(2) Of The Centralia Municipal Code And Approving A Request By The McKendree University Bass Fishing Team To Use Centralia Lake On August 30th or September 13th, 2020

7. Approval of the Request for a Fireworks Display on Lake Centralia by the Lake Association

Ayes: Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.




Councilman Sauer noted that this bid was less than the engineers estimate as well as less than the amount budgeted. A motion was made Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Sauer to Approve Bid From Guinzy Construction For Reconstruction Of Randolph Drive, West 4th Street, Oak Park Drive East, & Oak Park Drive West In The Amount Of $523,269.11.

Ayes: Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.


City Manager Crow stated that there was an increase approved for the Class C and Class E1 licenses previously and the owner of the Class E1 establishment has not yet moved forward on the plans to remodel or open the business at 609 E 15th. He stated that the Class C establishment on W. Broadway recently closed on the purchase of the property for his establishment, established a local manager, and the attorney has reviewed that license for approval. Councilman Smith recalled that both of the class increases took a while to be reviewed and approved. He questioned if the owner has to be in place in order for the liquor license to be given to him and clarified further by asking if a license can be given to someone that doesn’t own the property. Attorney Gruenke stated that technically a license can be issued to someone that doesn’t own the property, if they are leasing the property. He explained that neither of these locations had licenses issued following the approval of the increase in the number of licenses. He noted that the City keeps the number of licenses reduced so there are never any licenses open and available so when someone wants to obtain a license for an establishment they must present their plans to the Council so the Council can decide if they want to increase the number of liquor licenses. He noted that with both of these licenses, the Council approved changing the ordinance so there were licenses open for each of them and they had not yet applied for the licenses. He further noted that if they are not applied for, then the license is open for anyone to apply for it. Councilman Smith stated that both of the properties are becoming eyesores. He noted that the one on E 15th, doesn’t look like either are being maintained. He questioned who is responsible to keep them maintained. City Manager Crow stated that the property on W. Broadway has just changed hands last week and Mayor Williams noted that this is the property that the owner is now beginning to work on. City Clerk Enke reported that the owner of the W. Broadway location is hoping to open by September 1st following the remodel and improvements. She explained that he is ordering new coolers and has met with Code Enforcement in regards to the renovations, new signage, and the tall grass on the lot. She also noted that water service was just connected last week following his completing the purchase of the property. Councilman Smith noted that the pandemic is probably responsible for part of the delay. He also asked who was responsible for the upkeep of the 609 E. 15th property. City Manager Crow noted that if tickets have not been written for any violations, ticket will be written to the owner. Mayor Williams noted that a lot of time was spent with that owner so he is disappointed that he has not taken steps to get it started or completed. Councilman Smith agreed. Councilman Sauer stated that he feels that digital signage in the city needs to be restricted although the existing ones would be grandfathered in. He stated that he thinks that it should be known to the public that these regulations will in place. He stated that anyone thinking about putting in big digital signs are doing so at their own risk and he is opposed to large digital signs throughout the town especially those that are in residential areas. A motion was made Councilman Sauer and seconded by Councilman Smith to Approve An Ordinance Amending The Centralia Municipal Code Regarding A Decrease In The Number Of Class E1 Liquor Licenses.

Ayes: Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.


City Manager Crow stated that the Chief, City Attorney, and the Marion County Telephone Board have worked together toward the proposed agreement to provide the City with $35,550.00 as reimbursement for the completion of the dispatch area. He stated that the City will not have to pay them back for any of these improvements and as the City purchases the material, they will reimburse the City back for the material. He stated that it was already approved by the 911 board and will allow for the completion of the project. Chief Dodson stated that this will enable the department to complete the work in the dispatch area where the Next Generation 911 equipment will be installed which will be huge benefit to the citizens. Councilman Sauer asked if the amount of money being provided is adequate to complete the project. Chief Dodson stated that the Public Property Manager, Pat Stedelin, has compiled the numbers to complete the areas identified. Councilman Sauer stated that the 911 Board receives funding to do these types of things and hopes that someone has looked at these expenses to be sure the money is enough to cover it. Chief Dodson stated that the Pat Stedelin was confident that those amounts will cover the project. A motion was made Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Sauer to Approve A Resolution Approving a Memorandum of Understanding Between The City Of Centralia And The Marion County Emergency Telephone System Board Concerning Improvement Of The City Dispatch Center Area.

Ayes: Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

Mayor Williams stated that this is an approval to ensure that the City has the attorney under contract. City Manager Crow stated that this is to establish a contract and fee schedule with the existing attorney. A motion was made Councilman Marshall and seconded by Councilman Sauer to Approve A Resolution Approving The Appointment Of The Law Office Of Bruckert, Gruenke & Long, P.C. As City Attorney And Approving A Fee Agreement.

Ayes: Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.






City Clerk Enke reported that the annual lake lease payment letters were sent out to lease holders following the last meeting. Also, the annual renewals for liquor, tobacco, and gaming licenses are in the process of renewals since the expiration date is approaching on June 30th. She reported that there have been 12 permits issues for outdoor seating and service and some others that have expressed interest, but not applied at this time. There are also several other establishments that have taken advantage of offering outdoor seating that do not require permits due to using their own private property for seating and/or not offering alcohol service at their establishment. She reported that she has had many of the business owners that have expressed their appreciation of the council allowing the outdoor service of alcohol and use of the city property such the sidewalks.

City Treasurer Agee provided an update on revenue from the State of Illinois. He stated that the city has approximately the same as the revenue for sales tax from a year ago with about $2,000- $3,000 more than a year ago. He stated that this is 44% of the 2.6 Million budgeted. He stated that the City has received approximately $1.1 Million. He reported that the personal property tax amount received is $254,000 out of $495,000 budgeted which is 51% of the budgeted amount. He reported that $806,000 in income tax has been received out of $1,812,000 budgeted through May which is 45% of the budgeted amount. He stated that video gaming is only 36.5% of what was budgeted and the City won’t receive anything further until after the state has reopened. He also noted that any of the state revenues are still to be determined for the remainder of the year due to not yet seeing the effect of the closures. He reported that the state facility utility bills are current for Murray Center, but the correctional center is 5 months past due. Mayor Williams asked how those revenue numbers compare to the projected revenues in the budget. City Treasurer Agee explained that the income tax is a little ahead in May, but the others are behind. He stated that the sales tax is 6% below where they should be assuming that they receive the same each month but are not. He stated that the payments during the summer do slow down due to getting the Christmas and holiday sales earlier in the year. Mayor Williams clarified that the city is below the anticipated revenue for the year and City Treasurer Agee confirmed that he was correct. He also noted that the video gaming was on track until the COVID-19 hit. He stated that the City hoped to see a rebound in sales tax after the bridge was opened and that remains to be seen. He stated that he will be watching to see how the retail stores did during the shutdown in regards to sales tax. Mayor Williams once again stated that he wanted to make sure that everyone was aware that the City was behind on the anticipated revenue that was expected when the budget was passed.

City Manager Crow noted that also the City received the property tax information from Marion and Clinton County and the City will be about $188,000 short on property tax revenue. He stated that also during a conference call with IML, the state income tax will be approximately $281 M short across all municipalities. He stated that he still doesn’t know what the overall impact to the City will be yet but is estimating 18-20% short. City Manager Crow reported that the pool opening guidelines from the state was released and the information was shared with the Recreation Complex. He stated that it will allow swim teams to participate and laps but will not allow open swimming in Phase 4. City Manager Crow stated that a work session is planned prior to the next meeting for a budget review. He reported that confirmation was received to award two of the applicants for the Downstate Small Business grant including Rail and Hollywood Hair that will receive $25,000 each. He thanked Rose Aldag-McVey for her work on those grant applications that will be good for the businesses and the community. He noted that a RFP for a labor attorney is being prepared and he has reached out to several different attorneys in order to have one on retainer. He stated that it is so he can consult with them concerning labor issues, get assistance with grievances, or deal with any arbitration issues if needed.

Councilman Smith stated that he has had complaints about parking off of 5th St. around Pine and Sycamore that he believes has to do with the apartment building tenants parking. He stated that he was unsure if that was a no parking area but the complaint was that it is tough to drive by that area due to the parking in front of that apartment building. He asked if Jeff Schwartz could review this situation. He also mentioned that the intersection at Frazier and Perrine was a concern of blocked view. Councilman Smith also thanked Gayla Harting for providing him with information about neighborhood watch programs that he has also shared with residents in 6 neighborhoods and believes that 3-4 neighborhoods are already looking at starting it. He stated that the common theme is that if you see something, say something. He stated that it is the same in all the neighborhoods and if you see something, call 911. He stated that people should not let elicit activity take over the neighborhood. He stated that they are going to keep moving forward with the hopes to eradicate the issues. Councilman Smith stated that he supports Chief Lynch in an effort to get the needed equipment and acknowledge that he knows that they have been working more with a lot less.

Councilman Marshall congratulated Rose Aldag-McVey for the business grant awards and noted that it is a big help to those businesses. He also noted that it has been great to see so many protests all over southern Illinois that have been peaceful. He discussed the great differences in the opinions of the society regarding the addition of more officers and others that want the defunding of the police. He discussed the announcement of the Attorney General desiring to license the Police Officers in the future as well.

Mayor Williams thanked those that are protesting in an orderly fashion. He stated that he was proud to help them along with the Chief and Councilman Smith that attended. He stated that he will continue to work with them. Mayor Williams also stated that he has had people contact him in regards to the policy and procedure for arrests in the City. He stated that he felt that the inquiry was due to the recent death of George Floyd and the procedures of his arrest. He asked that City Manager and Chief make the procedures available to anyone that wants them. He stated that he would want to make sure that there are no procedures that are not right and that everyone can understand Centralia’s policies and procedures. Mayor Williams congratulated Rose Aldag- McVey as well for sending out the grant applications and helping the businesses. He also thanked the Chief for putting together all the information for the Fire Department. Mayor Williams explained that the 4th of July carnival is not funded or operated by the City of Centralia and it is held by another group. He stated that the carnivals are not being licensed at this time by the state. He also noted that the City didn’t cancel the Juneteenth celebration, it was cancelled by the State due to being in Phase 3 of reopening at this time. It was noted that that Phase 3 still only allows for a gathering of 10 people and many, including himself, were disappointed that it could not be held. He discussed the importance of the event and the unfortunate mandates at this time that will not allow for it to be held.


A motion was made by Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Marshall to Adjourn The Meeting.

Ayes: Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:37 p.m.




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