
South Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Centralia City Council Met July 13

Webp hall

City of Centralia City Council met July 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Per Senate Bill 2135, the City Council for Centralia, Illinois met via teleconference. Mayor Williams called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


Present: Mayor Williams, Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer and Councilman Marshall (Mayor

Williams was physically present at City Hall and the other members attended electronically via teleconference) Absent: None

Staff Members Participating Physically at City Hall: Lowell Crow, City Manager; Gayla Harting, Community Development Director; Bill Agee, City Treasurer, and Kim Enke, City Clerk

Staff Members Participating Electronically: Doug Gruenke, City Attorney; Chief Lynch, Fire Department; Chief Greg Dodson, Police Department, Rose Aldag McVey; Economic Development Director; and Kala Lambert, Assistant City Manager


Mayor Williams led the Pledge of Allegiance.




Submissions for public participation were submitted prior to the meeting electronically to the City Clerk. The submissions were also shared with the City Council by the City Clerk.

Vernell Burris stated that he is against making the Treasurer position a part-time position. He also stated that he feels that the sales tax increase will not pass. He also stated that the city appears to be where it was 8 years ago, in the same financial trouble.

The Council recognized the retirement of Rick McMillan. Mayor Williams noted that Rick McMillian was retiring after 42 year of service. The Councilmen also commended him for his years of dedicated service.

Service awards were presented to both Lt. Blake Perez and Lt. Scott Wiesen, recognizing them both for 15 years of service in the Fire Department.

A Proclamation for Gary Gaetti Day was read by the City Clerk proclaiming the opening day of baseball each year as Gary Gaetti Day.


A Motion was made by Councilman Sauer and seconded by Councilman Smith to Approve Items 1-6 of the Consent Agenda.

1. Approval Of The Minutes Of The June 22, 2020 City Council Meeting

2. Approval Of The Minutes Of The June 22, 2020 Work Session

3. Approval Of Payrolls And Vouchers In The Amount Of $611,777.38

4. Approval Of Request To Allow Use Of Lake Centralia By The Hollywood Heights Bass Club For A Tournament On August 16, 2020

5. Approval Of Request To Allow Use Of Fairview Park By The Chamber of Commerce For The Centralia Balloon Fest On August 21, 2020 and August 22, 2020

6. A Resolution Confirming Appointments Of Certain Individuals To Various Board And Commissions Of The City Of Centralia

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.






Mayor Williams stated that he would like to move the fire truck lease ordinance to the beginning of the ordinances to be considered on the agenda. With no opposition, City Manager Crow discussed the 15 year lease with the first payment being due in January. Attorney Gruenke noted that the ordinance should also be published two times in the newspaper following passage. A motion was made Councilman Sauer and seconded by Councilman Jones to Approve An Ordinance Approving A Lease For Fire Trucks.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: Councilman Marshall

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried. Councilman Jones left the meeting at 6:19 p.m.

Rose Aldag- McVey explained that the previous leased space approved for use by the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs needed to have 24 hour access due to a power panel, so a different office space will need to be utilized by them. This space is larger in square footage which will increase the rent amount by a small amount. They will not open the office until they have approval by the Governor. Mayor Williams asked if there was an approximate date that they will move in and be ready to operate. Rose stated that they are still closed due to the COVID orders, so they are waiting for that order to Change, but they have already moved into the office. A motion was made Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Marshall to Approve An Ordinance Approving An Amendment To An Agreement With The State Of Illinois To Lease Office Space To The Illinois Department Of Veterans’ Affairs.

Ayes: Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

City Manager Crow explained that this ordinance to be considered pertains to the lift assist fees that were previously discussed. He stated that the City is averaging 150 lift assists per year. He stated that this will add fees for providing lift assist services to those that need assistance to get back into beds or chairs at various nursing homes. Councilman Sauer noted that when this is initiated in some communities, the departments seem to get a lot fewer calls. He stated that it puts the responsibility on the employees instead of the fire department. He stated that those that prefer the Fire Department to do it, can still call but now will pay a fee. He also noted that he appreciated that the first three calls are no charge. City Manager Crow stated that Councilman Sauer is correct and this is what he has seen happen in other communities as well and it has reduced the number of calls. A motion was made Councilman Sauer and seconded by Councilman Smith to Approve An Ordinance Amending Chapter 9 Of The Centralia Municipal Code Adding Special Service Fees.

Ayes: Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

Mayor Williams questioned the current speed limit on Raccoon Lake and City Clerk Enke noted that the speed limit is 5 MPH. A motion was made Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Sauer to Approve An Ordinance Waiving The Speed Limit On Raccoon Lake For Participants In The 2020 Boat Races.

Ayes: Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

City Manager Crow stated that this is.50 % sales tax to support the lease of the fire trucks. He stated that as a non-home rule community this has to be done in.25% increments. He stated that.50% would also provide enough based on estimates to obtain a 3rd truck next year. He stated this has to be filed with the County Clerk by the middle of August. Mayor Williams reiterated that the increase proposed is.50% (one-half of one percent). A motion was made Councilman Sauer and seconded by Councilman Smith to Approve An Ordinance Submitting The Question Of The Imposition Of A Retailers’ Occupation Tax And A Service Occupation Tax.

Ayes: Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: Councilman Marshall

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

City Manager Crow stated that this ordinance to be considered is for surplus items across all departments. A motion was made Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Marshall to Approve An Ordinance Declaring Certain Property To Be Surplus Property And Authorizing The Sale, Trade, Disposal, Or Donation, Thereof.

Ayes: Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

Councilman Sauer stated that the City Council can exercise discretion if a bar would make this request in a residential area, but this particular location is in the downtown area that has nothing residential in the area. He stated that in the long run it is good to encourage outdoor seating and outdoor dining. Mayor Williams noted that he feels that it is a great idea, due to it providing activity in the downtown area. A motion was made Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Marshall to Approve An Ordinance Waiving the Application of Chapter 12, Section 12-6 of the Centralia Municipal Code for 102 E. Broadway (Crooked Creek Winery Downtown) on Saturday, July 18, 2020.

Ayes: Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

City Manager Crow stated that this ordinance provides a consolidated list of duties for the City Treasurer and establishes the position of the treasurer to be part-time. He noted that this change would occur following the next election. Councilman Marshall asked if this was being done to cut costs. City Manager Crow stated that it was combination of cost savings as well as codifying the roles and responsibilities of the position. He stated that the cost savings will not be seen until after the next election. Councilman Sauer asked if there was additional certification that the City will receive with a part-time position. City Manager Crow explained that a lot of communities have changed to a part time treasurer or made the position dual hatted with the Finance Director, but there is no additional certification. Councilman Sauer confirmed with City Manager Crow that it is likely for the position to be filled by an accountant or auditor. Mayor Williams also questioned if it would be a professional accountant that would fill the position. City Manager Crow stated that this is just the first step to possibly combine the Financial Director with the Treasurer’s position where they could get a professional or retired professional to come in part-time. Mayor Williams asked if this would combine the positions. City Manager Crow stated that this ordinance doesn’t combine the position it only codifies the duties and makes it a part-time position. He stated that it still allows the Mayor to appoint someone that is a CPA or retired from a bank that would only do it part-time. Mayor Williams questioned if it increased the responsibilities of the position or eliminated the position. City Manager Crow stated that it does not. Councilman Sauer stated that this is correcting an omission from the ordinances that defines the role of Treasurer. A motion was made Councilman Sauer and seconded by Councilman Smith to Approve An Ordinance Setting Forth The Functions And Duties Of The City Treasurer.

Ayes: Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, and Councilman Marshall 

Nays: None

Abstain: Mayor Williams

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.


City Manager Lowell explained that Brindlee would take up to 10% of the revenue from the sale. He stated that they sell them to other departments, for spare parts, or museums. He stated that they would sell the two trucks that are being replaced with the lease of the new ones. A motion was made Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Sauer to Approve A Resolution Approving Agreements With Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus To Sell Surplus Fire Apparatus.

Ayes: Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

Mayor Williams stated that organizational charts are something that are needed. He stated that he is glad that the City Manager also feels that it is important. He stated that he feels it is important to know the chain of command. Councilman Marshall stated that it is going to make things move a little more fluent and it is good to have it on paper to see how the City is structured. Councilman Sauer stated it is important to note that this is a revised chart. City Manager Crow stated that it combines the Assistant City Manager with the Economic Development Director and it eliminates one of the Code Enforcement Officers. It changes that role to a building inspector in the long term and adds an IT Director/GIS person. He noted that it restructures the Police Department, eliminating one of Lt. and one Sgt. position and adds a Deputy Chief. A motion was made Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Marshall to Approve A Resolution Adopting A Revised Organizational Chart For The City Of Centralia.

Ayes: Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

City Manager Crow explained that he worked with the City Attorney on this resolution. He stated that this act directs the City to pay paid sick leave if a member takes care of his employee at 2/3 of the employee’s rate of pay. He stated that in Phase 4 the communities have the ability to adopt a policy that exempts the City from giving paid sick leave for taking care of childcare of the emergency responders. He stated that it also establishes that if a person is unable to work due to quarantine they must have a medical diagnosis and fitness test for duty before returning to work. Attorney Gruenke noted that typically you would have allow an employee to work from home and this exempts that due to not having the ability as a first responder to be able to work from home. A motion was made Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Sauer to Approve A Resolution Excluding Emergency Responders From Families First Coronavirus Response Act.

Ayes: Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

City Manager Crow explained that the revised operating budget is what was discussed previously at the work session and this is a balanced budget. He stated that there are cuts in the amount of $856,000.00. He stated that part of the reorganization will include layoffs and the Council is aware of that. He stated that those members are also aware. He stated that the non-union employees took a 2% pay decrease including himself. He stated that it is an overall balanced budget and they have looked at savings across the board. He commended the department heads and Bill Agee for getting this budget balanced. Councilman Sauer stated that in public comment there was mention that the City is right back where it was 8 or 9 years ago. He stated that this is not the case. He stated that the City is $10M less in debt and the City is able, in light of what is happening in country right now, to have a balanced budget. He stated that this shows the dedication of the City Manager and staff for working with him. He stated that many communities will not be able to make this happen. He commended the City Manager and staff for their work to make this happen for Centralia. Councilman Smith stated that he concurred as well. Councilman Marshall congratulated the department heads for going through their budgets to cut costs. He also congratulated the City Manager. He stated the State of Illinois has been effected by approximately $1 Billion. Mayor Williams stated that the City Manager did an excellent job reducing and balancing the budget. He thanked those took the cuts including the City Manager who just started. A motion was made Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Marshall to Approve A Resolution Amending The Operating Budget For The Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2020.

Ayes: Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.




This no parking ordinance was tabled at the previous City Council Meeting on June 22nd. Mayor Williams stated that he feels that this ordinance will put a hardship on many people that live in that area. He suggested considering a no parking zone from Cedar to Lincoln St. on East 5th instead of from Elm to Lincoln. He stated that this will be a disservice to the homeowners that have more than one vehicle that will need to park on the street. He stated that this would require them to park on a side street. Councilman Sauer stated that he drove the route and noticed that if cars are parked on both sides, it is an issue. He noted that on the request for council action that the Public Works Supervisor, the Chief of Police, and the City Manager all agreed that this is necessary for safety reasons and they also recommended the entire area be no parking. Councilman Smith stated that this will be affecting those that live on the street in addition to those that live in the apartment complex. He stated that it may create congestion on the side streets due to them not having a space to park in. He stated that he understands the difficulty of the vehicles getting down the street, but it may create an issue on the side streets. Attorney Gruenke stated that the ordinance is written to prohibit parking on both sides of the street and suggested considering prohibiting the parking on only one side of the street instead. City Manager Crow stated that parking on one side also restricts the road to one lane. He stated that he did receive a complaint from the apartment complex owner about the ordinance. He also noted that when the Police Chief reviewed the area he noticed that the apartment complex had many empty spaces that they were not utilizing. Councilman Sauer stated that he feels the vote would be divided two-two and questioned if there is a section that has more congestion in order to find a passable compromise. City Manager Crow stated that the area around the apartment complex is bad as well as at the end by Lincoln St. He stated that these two areas are where there is the most congestion all the time. He stated that there are occasions where there are people parked all along the street. Councilman Sauer stated that it seems that Mayor and Councilman Smith are not wanting the no parking to be in that block and noted to them that many cities and some larger cities require people to park a block or many blocks away. He stated that he doesn't see it to be that great of a burden. Councilman Smith stated that he agrees with the safety concern and the need to have the street passable, but he is concerned that it will cause congestion on the side streets that haven't had people parking on them. He stated he is worried about those that have more than one vehicle and is concerned if they have people come over they will not have somewhere to park. He stated that they will clog up the alleys and side streets that may cause other issues. Mayor Williams stated that his issue is that there are stretches along 5th St. that don't seem to have an issue and he suggested not allowing parking in certain sections or on one side of the street in some areas which is similar to the situation on his street. Police Chief Dodson stated that out of all of the east/west side streets, 5th street is the most travelled side street between 2nd and Calumet due to the 5th St. crossing. He stated that biggest issue surrounds the apartment building. He stated that he counted 7 or 8 spaces. He stated the problem is the apartment complex owner is not regulating the number of vehicles that the tenants are allowed to have. He stated that it is similar to regulating the occupancy of the apartment and they need to regulate the number of cars due to not providing parking spaces. He noted the congestion is the worst at the complex which is also the person that complained about this ordinance being put into effect. He stated that from a public safety standpoint, it is important for the vehicles to be able get up and down all the streets. Mayor Williams asked if it would help to eliminate the problem if only no parking was only on one side of the street. He stated that he surveyed the area and most residents on 5th St, have driveway parking or alley access so there is parking for the residents. He stated the congestion point seems to be the apartment complex. Councilman Sauer stated that if the tenants are taking up the parking space of two houses and there are 8 tenants, then they may need to walk a block or two to park their cars. He stated that he wishes he had more information about the side streets but these downtown streets are narrower which creates a need for more off street parking. He stated that he feels the Chief is correct. A motion was made Councilman Sauer and seconded by Councilman Marshall to Approve An Ordinance Establishing A No Parking Zone On East 5Th Street From Elm Street to Lincoln Boulevard.

Ayes: Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, and Councilman Marshall 

Nays: Mayor Williams

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.


City Treasurer Agee stated that he has received notification from the Illinois Department of Insurance Pension Division that they will be performing an audit of both the Police and Fire Pension Fund. He noted that the date of the audit will be as of December 31, 2019. He stated that the last time they performed an audit, it was December 31, 2008. He stated that they are requesting 11 years of records that he is gathering. He anticipates them being in within 30 -60 days. He stated that typically they do these audit every 5-6 years but he feels that they are doing it in anticipation of the consolidation of the state police and fire pensions.

City Manager Crow stated that they will be meeting with a group concerning the Balloonfest planning. He stated that their plans consist of glows throughout the community and they have already met with Wamac and Central City. He stated that he will also be meeting with the Chamber Executive Board in regards to their branding initiative. He stated that the he met and went through the S&P call last week and expects results within 10 days.

Councilman Smith stated that in regards to the 5th St. parking he feels that it is a double edge sword. He noted that first and foremost the safety of the residents and first responders are important to be able to access the area. He also commended and congratulated the Police Department for their work on the recent drug arrests. He stated that it doesn't seem that COVID-19 is going away anytime soon and there are a lot of questions concerning reopening of schools, sports, and activities, but hopes that everyone does their due diligence and don't get off guard. He also stated that he has messaged the City Manager, but would like to discuss the Fairview Park ball fields’ condition further with him. He stated that the fields have not been addressed in a couple years. He stated that they are not approachable and blight to the community and need to be maintained.

Councilman Sauer recognized the longevity of Rick McMillan, Blake Perez, & Scott Wiesen. He stated that while interviewing City Manager candidates, one of the ways to measure the quality of the management in the City is to have long standing employees. He stated that it is a good sign to have employees making a career in the city.

Councilman Marshall stated that the budget situation was a tough time for the city and it was hard for him to look at this. He thanked City Manager Crow for making tough decision and getting the budget balanced. He also stated that he has nothing against the Fire Department and they are a very honorable Department. He also stated that they have a good strong Chief. He stated years ago that he would not support anything with a tax increase. He also congratulated the retiree, employees, and Mr. Gaetti.

Mayor Williams congratulated Gary Gaetti for reinvesting in his hometown. He noted that the recognition of employees total almost 72 years combined service. He stated that this says a lot about the city and the management of the city. He commended the Police Chief for the recent drug arrests and noted that he is seeing more people saying no more not here and realizes that they are actively trying to control and get rid of the illegal activity in the city. He thanked the City Manager and staff for amending the operating budget to balance it. He stated that he doesn't think the city is in the dire straits that it was 8 years ago and thanked those that took pay cuts to keep the city working. He stated that he looks forward to balancing the budget for next year and feels that the city is a step ahead. He stated that he would like more information about the Treasurer position and what will be done with the position in the future. He stated that he agrees that they need to make cuts and it needs to be a part time position, but he needs more information about what is going to happen. He also noted that he wanted to make it clear that he understands the safety concerns on E. 5th St. but there are some other streets where there is no parking on one side of the street that he feels is very good. He stated that Elm to Lincoln is a long stretch and the people from Elm to Sycamore are now having to deal with the no parking situation. He stated that he would have liked to see no parking only on some parts of street. He stated that he understands the concerns but has seen firetrucks get thru there. He stated that he is not against no parking, but is against the distance from Elm to Lincoln due to putting people in positions that they didn't need to be put in as well as additional problems on the side streets. He stated that he likes to see the city to continue to move forward. He noted the help of the City Council and how they are working together as a group. He stated that one of the reasons is due to the great communication from the City Manager and his ability to move things in the right direction and communicate to get things done.


A motion was made by Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Sauer to Adjourn The Meeting.

Ayes: Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:14 p.m.




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