
South Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Centralia City Council Met July 27

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City of Centralia City Council met July 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Per Senate Bill 2135, the City Council for Centralia, Illinois met via teleconference. Mayor Williams called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


Present: Mayor Williams, Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer and Councilman Marshall (Mayor

Williams was physically present at City Hall and the other members attended electronically via teleconference) Absent: None

Staff Members Participating Physically at City Hall: Lowell Crow, City Manager; Gayla Harting, Community Development Director; Bill Agee, City Treasurer, and Kim Enke, City Clerk

Staff Members Participating Electronically: Doug Gruenke, City Attorney; Luke Behme, City Attorney; Chief Lynch, Fire Department; Chief Greg Dodson, Police Department, and Rose Aldag - McVey; Economic Development Director


Mayor Williams led the Pledge of Allegiance.




Submissions for public participation were submitted prior to the meeting electronically to the City Clerk. The submissions were also shared with the City Council by the City Clerk.

Vernell Burris stated that the City should open the meetings to the public and also stated that he would be suing the city if they were not opened up.

Rick Garrett expressed his concerns regarding the towing of vehicles from the Housing Authority property and asked questions in regards to who authorized the towing and why a notice was not given. He also expressed his concerns about the towing company’s procedures. He also stated that his biggest concern was placement of a confederate flag on the property where people were sent to pick up their vehicles. He asked that the city and housing authority review who they have contracts with.

A Proclamation for Alzheimer’s Disease was read by the City Clerk in honor of the upcoming Walk to End Alzheimer’s Awareness Day.


A Motion was made by Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Sauer to Approve Items 1-6 of the Consent Agenda.

1. Approval Of The Minutes Of The July 13, 2020 City Council Meeting

2. Approval Of Payrolls And Vouchers In The Amount Of $ 758,441.80

3. Receive And Place On File The Monthly Treasurer’s Report As Of June 30, 2020

4. A Resolution Confirming Appointments Of Certain Individuals To Various Board And Commissions Of The City Of Centralia

5. A Resolution Approving An Employment Agreement With Kathleen Plutz As Assistant City Manager/Economic Development Director

6. Approval Of Request By Centralia Downtown Co-Op To Place Decorations Upon City Owned Property In The Downtown Area And Use Of City Owned Property During Balloon Fest

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, and Mayor Williams Nays: None

Abstain: Councilman Marshall

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.




City Manager Crow stated that this resolution is for the approval of the engagement letter with the law office of Ford & Harrison. He stated that there were 4 law firms that submitted bids and after reviewing the bids and getting recommendations from the City Attorney and other municipalities, the recommendation was to move forward with Ford & Harrison as the labor attorney. A motion was made Councilman Sauer and seconded by Councilman Smith to Approve A Resolution Approving The Appointment Of The Law Office Of Ford & Harrison LLP As Labor and Employment Attorney And Approving A Fee Proposal.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.


Mayor Williams stated that Crooked Creek Winery Downtown is planning further downtown entertainment. A motion was made Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Jones to Approve An Ordinance Waiving the Application of Chapter 12, Section 12-6 of the Centralia Municipal Code for 102 E. Broadway (Crooked Creek Winery Downtown) On Multiple Dates In July And August, 2020.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

Councilman Smith stated that he had a chance to talk to Chief Dodson and the City Manager and stated that his concern was that if parking was not allowed on both sides, it was going to create a problem on the other side streets. He stated that he also had a chance to talk to some of the residents in the area and the person that owns the apartment complex. He stated that moving the parking to the North Side only will not be an issue. He stated that he appreciated everyone’s time and effort to look into this. Councilman Jones stated that this is why Councilman Marshall and himself put this back on the agenda so there would be parking on one side of the street. Councilman Sauer asked if the recommendation of the Chief or City Manager has changed. City Manager Crow stated that Chief Dodson has done a great detailed survey. Chief Dodson stated that he contacted the residents between Elm and Lincoln that faced 5th St. He identified how many parking spots they had. He stated that except for the apartment building none of the residents had any issues with no parking on both sides of the street. He stated that at the apartment building, there are 6 units that have 12 spaces available to them between the alley and Sycamore. He stated that in the 800 block of 5th St., which is the last block before Lincoln, one resident stated that they use street parking and one resident, that they couldn’t make contact with, is believed to be using on street parking. He stated that this section is the section that Mayor Williams pointed out as a problematic area to turn onto Lincoln. He stated that he still recommends no parking on both sides of the street. He stated that after doing the survey, the only people effected with be the two people on Lincoln and the apartment building. Chief Lynch stated that his recommendation is still no parking on that street due to the size of vehicles and the congestion. Councilman Sauer stated that nothing has changed since the last time this was voted on and everyone that the Council should be listening to is against it. Mayor Williams stated that those that park on 5th St would be required to park on the side streets which creates a problem for those on the side streets with the same problem now on Sycamore that was on 5th. Councilman Sauer stated that the Fire Department uses 5th St. as a corridor for responses to get across town. He stated that he doesn’t think they utilize Sycamore as a corridor unless there would be a fire along that street. Councilman Jones stated that he is still in support of only one side of the street. Councilman Sauer stated that he wondered what the rules are due to bringing this up three times. Councilman Jones stated that this is being brought up due to changing it to no parking on only one side of the street instead of both. A motion was made Councilman Jones and seconded by Councilman Marshall to Approve An Ordinance Amending Ordinance O20-21, To Allow Parking On The North Side of East 5th Street From Elm Street to Lincoln Boulevard.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams Nays: Councilman Sauer

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.


City Manager Crow stated that the next two resolutions are for the purpose of changing the forms used for the approval with IDOT and this project was already approved. City Clerk Enke stated that this form was being utilized to approve the use of the MFT funds. A motion was made Councilman Sauer and seconded by Councilman Jones to Approve A Resolution For Improvement Under The Illinois Highway Code For Portions Of Frazier Ave., Sara Dr. And Nancy Dr.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

A motion was made Councilman Sauer and seconded by Councilman Smith to Approve A Resolution For Improvement Under The Illinois Highway Code For Portions Of Sycamore St. And Pine St.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

Chief Dodson stated that there was discussion between the City Attorney and the school’s attorney to reach an agreement. He stated that he is looking forward to getting this program implemented and up and running. Councilman Jones asked if the City Manager was in agreement with the amount. City Manager Crow stated that the school superintendent and him have spent a lot of time going over the agreement and they are going to start paying once the next officer starts training in October. He stated that they are picking up the cost of the training and cost of hiring and clarified that it will continue over the next four years. He stated that there is a little difference between the two contracts due to one officer already in training. Mayor Williams clarified if this will add two more officers. City Manager stated that with the reorganization of the department it will add one more officer with changes in the upper level including the sergeants and lieutenants of the department Chief Dodson confirmed that the total number of officers will be 25. He stated that the past 6-7 years there was 24 authorized and this is the first time the department has been authorized for more since then. Councilman Jones asked if these officers would be able to be used as patrol officers in the summer. City Manager Crow stated that they would be. He also noted that this was one of the points between the attorneys concerning the liability and force majeure and how to resolve it. A motion was made Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Jones to Approve A Resolution Approving An Intergovernmental Agreement Between The City Of Centralia And Centralia High School District #200 To Establish A School Resource (SRO) Program.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

Mayor Williams asked Chief Dodson if the difference in this agreement included the starting time. Chief Dodson stated that with the City School the school resource officer is going to start in August at the very beginning of the school year. A motion was made Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Marshall to Approve A Resolution Approving An Intergovernmental Agreement Between The City Of Centralia And Centralia City School District #135 To Establish A School Resource (SRO) Program.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

City Manager Crow stated that this agreement was approved by the telecommunicators approximately 10 days ago. He stated that this agreement is a 2 year contract that includes a 1% raise effective January 1st and 1% next year. He stated that the residency is set at 26 miles and changes the vacation time taken to able to be in 4 hour increments. He also noted that the agreement includes the child bereavement act for additional time off for the death of a child according to state law. He stated that the shift differential is increased from 35 cents to 40 cents which works out to about $291 over the course of the contract for 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. A motion was made Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Sauer to Approve A Resolution Accepting The Collective Bargaining Agreement With The Illinois Fraternal Order Of The Police Labor Council On Behalf Of The Centralia Telecommunicators.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.

City Manager Crow stated that this is approval to accept the grant for Intermountain Electronics for their expansion. Rose Aldag-McVey stated that this will allow them to expand. She stated that their commitment is to buy the property and add 18 new positions. A motion was made Councilman Jones and seconded by Councilman Sauer to Approve A Resolution Approving An Inter-Governmental Agreement Between The City of Centralia and The Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Accepting Grant Funds For Intermountain Electronics.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.






City Clerk Enke reported that there is one request for proposal for janitorial service that will be opened on July 30th and surplus property bids that will be opened on July 31st.

City Manager Crow stated that a request for proposal for actuarial services is in the process. He stated that starting 2018/2019 there was a requirement for the City to have OPEB actuarial services. He stated that there will be a comment on the audit concerning that. He stated that he has recommendations of 3 actuaries that are state qualified. City Manager Crow also stated that the Recreation Complex is watching the junior high baseball and softball plans. He stated that a decision concerning fall sports is to be made shortly and if it is cancelled, the Recreation Complex will offer a Fall baseball and softball classic in Centralia for the travel teams. He stated that the State is running behind on the Downstate Small

Business Grants and noted that Rose has had inquiries about it and it unfortunately it keeps being pushed back by the state. He stated that the first 25% of the grant is promised by August 14th. He stated that he has a meeting with a member from DCEO and they will have a conversation about it. He stated that the CURES Act that has $500,000 set aside for our community, but it can only be used to reimburse the City for COVID expenses which is only approximately $35,000.00. He stated that IML is trying to lobby to allow the City to use the money as fit to offset the revenue and help the local businesses. He stated that the faststart grant has not started being processed. He stated that he got an inquiry from some of the Councilmen about the sidewalks on North Hickory and that is what was submitted for that project. He stated that Jeff is going to start on the work due to not knowing when the $900,000 or the rest of the funds for the completion of the road will be available. He noted that the state is very far behind on processing the grants.

He asked that Chief Dodson address the towing concerns. Chief Dodson explained the history of the towing. He stated that parking enforcement is a program that has went on for 20 years. He stated that it dates back to when Officer Ingersoll was the Marion County Housing officer and ran the program. He stated that neither the City or the Housing Authority receives any revenue or funds from the towing of the vehicles. He stated that the main goal is to maintain the integrity of the housing so that the only people in housing are the people that live there. He stated that it is a tool to keep those that don’t belong in the housing from coming in and doing criminal activity and creating disorderly situations that affect the lives of those that live in the housing. He stated that 90% of the people in housing are good hard working families that are trying to raise their kids and this is a tool to keep the others out. He stated that he remembers how housing was before programs like this were put in place. He stated that housing is one of the best landlords in the community due to the partnership to keep the people safe and keep those that don’t belong there out. He stated that one thing Mr. Garrett brought up was giving notice to those being towed. He stated that if he noticed the residents that cars are going to be towed on a Tuesday, then the cars would only be illegally parked on the other days of the week. He added that part of the reason it is done that way is so they don’t know when it is going to be towed and then they don’t park their cars in there because they don’t want it to be subjected to being towed. He stated that Mr. Garrett also brought up that there were a couple cars that had stickers and were still towed. He reported that it is true, but the stickers were displayed in their rear tinted windows and they have been told that if they have tinted windows to put the sticker in their front windshield. He stated that Housing tells the Police Department when parking is an issue for them again and then leaves it up to the Police Department to determine the day of the towing based on the department’s resources. He stated that this is a vary good program and it works to keep the housing safe. He stated that this is done by Marion County Housing at their other properties and by Housing authorities throughout the state as well. Mayor Williams stated that his questions were answered in regards to if other locations of the Housing Authority does this and enforces the same thing. Councilman Jones questioned that since there was only one company doing the towing, the storage issue came up. He asked why there wasn’t another towing service involved. Chief Dodson stated that one service was out of town and another was not available. He stated that a 4th company was overlooked but at the time of the event, there was an attempt to contact them but they were not able to be contacted. He stated that this will not happen in the future, so everyone can be involved. He stated that in the past they were all given the opportunity to be involved. Mayor Williams stated that he did receive many calls and they were upset. He stated that the next issue was that when they went to get their cars there was a confederate flag being flown. He stated that he understands that it is the tow company’s private property and he has the right to fly whatever flag he wants to, but it was an issue. He stated that this was discussed by the Chief and City Manager with the towing company. He stated that with today’s climate it is a major issue. He stated that the clientele of the Marion County Centralia Housing is more minority than the other towns. He stated that this was the issue that many were concerned about and it left a sour taste in some people’s mouths. Councilman Sauer stated that he agreed with Chief Dodson’s support of Marion County Housing Authority tow program but it has come their attention through Mr. Garrett and others about how this towing worked. He explained that the towing company, which is on the City’s towing list, has used his home as an axillary lot and above that lot flies a big confederate flag. He stated that he is asking that the Mayor and City Manager place a resolution on the next City Council agenda to remove the operator from the tow list. He stated that he suggested that if Chief Dodson or the City Manager confirms that the flag has been removed, then he would suggest that

they not pass that resolution. If it is there at the next meeting, then he feels that they should be removed from the tow list. Councilman Smith stated that he concurred with Chief Dodson. He didn’t know if anyone has had a chance to speak to Mr. Garrett to answer his questions. He reiterated that this comes from the Housing Authority and like the Chief stated the City doesn’t get anything from it and it is a great tool throughout all of their locations. He stated that he agreed with Councilman Sauer that the tow company that on the list with the City of Centralia should be held accountable. He stated that he hoped it has already been addressed so they don’t have to take care of it and proceed at the next meeting with a resolution. He thanked the City Manager and Chief Dodson for laying it out and explaining it so they had a complete understanding of what it is all about. Mayor Williams stated the Chief, City Manager, and himself have spoken in depth about this situation and they have done a good job reaching and talking to the towing company operator. He asked that they talk with the owner following Councilman Sauer’s suggestion, review what is going on, and come back with a resolution concerning the flag especially the way things are right now and the way the battle for equalization and justice is going forth. He stated that he agreed that everyone has a right to put what they want on their property, but the City also has the right to determine who they do business with and how they do business.

Councilman Jones stated that he supported what is needed to be done for the resolution that Councilman Sauer and the Mayor have discussed. He stated that he also would like the Chief to come up with a way to communicate and involve the other towing companies.

Councilman Smith thanked and appreciated the Mayor for his due diligence with the amount of people contacting him. He also addressed Vernell Burris’ concerns and stated that he was not sure how opening the meetings would happen in the foreseeable future. He noted that they are supposed to make a ruling this week concerning the schools and fall sports and it doesn’t look good. He stated that hopefully Mr. Burris can be patient and understands what is at stake since the number of those able to attend would be restricted. He stated that it’s not that they like doing it over the phone, but it does allow the citizens to listen in and be part of it which he does encourage. He stated that he thanked the Chief and hopefully the towing issue is resolved and hopefully it has satisfied everyone that was in the situation.

Councilman Marshall stated that he wanted to explain why he abstained on the consent agenda. He stated that it was due to one of the appointments on the committees. He also stated that he had made some comments that were made in haste in regards to an appointment. He stated that the professional thing should have been to call the Mayor, since the Mayor makes these appointments and the Council approves it. He stated that in regards to the towing issue, everything that was said was great. He stated that he wondered when the last time was that this happened. He stated that he thought the Mayor and Council did a wonderful job addressing it.

Mayor Williams addressed Mr. Burris’ concerns stating that they continue to abide by the Governor’s order and the Council endorses open meetings. He stated that they can’t endorse the open meetings when it goes against the orders set and established for the protection of our citizens. He stated that they have done everything they can to make the meetings as open as possible. He stated that the Clerk has put out notices about how to participate by phone and he

thanked her for continuing to hold the meetings so everyone knows what it going on with the city’s government. He addressed Mr. Garrett’s concerns and stated that it is being addressed. He asked that if he has any additional concerns to contact him or the City Manager.

Mayor Williams offered the condolences to the family of the Ann Chappell and recognized her for her service to the community.


A motion was made by Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Sauer Adjourn The Meeting.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:56 p.m.




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