
South Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Greenville City Council met June 13

City of Greenville City Council met June 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Regular Council meeting was called to order on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM by Mayor George Barber.


Council Present: Mayor George Barber, Council Member Kyle Littlefield, Council Member Lisa Stephens, and Council Member Blake Knox

Council Absent: Council Member Ivan Estevez

Staff Present: JoAnn Hollenkamp, Jody Weiss, Jim Sutton, George Schofield, Jake McClintock, Michelle Liggett, Patrick Schaufelberger

Public Present: Kevin Williams, Robert Wodochek, William Rench, Norman Highlander, Kayla Stillman, Patrick Grunloh, Andrew Grunloh, Brent Langel, Kim Cruse, Tyler Hanke, Kevin Hanke, Doug Willis, Tina Bingham, Roger McDowell, Kenny Hampton, Cody Bingham, Larry Koonce, Deshad Aikens, Jim Dierkes, Joe Dierkes, Tom Goodson, Matt Chase, Riki Dial, David Cruthis, Gregg Kapp, Dan Sidwell, Geoff Lant, Steve Erwin, Frank Peters, Philip Kosydor, John Gillard, Jeff Leidel



3.1. FY 24 Appropriation Hearing

Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, Motion to close the public hearing for the FY 24 Appropriation.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: George Barber, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: Ivan Estevez


4.1. General Public

John Gillard spoke regarding changing the Citizen Participation policy. He feels public comment should be allowed throughout the entire meeting. He felt the council should want to listen to the citizens and was offended at the last council meeting for being cutoff.

Kenny Hampton is disappointed the council wants to codify an ordinance regarding Citizen Participation. He feels this is taking a step backwards in the context of transparency. He was concerned expediency was the issue to have a quicker meeting. He stated he was embarrassed by this issue.

Mayor George Barber read a letter from Alan Gaffner, John King, Roger Sanders and Mike Heath regarding the Citizen Participation Policy. They encouraged the current council to keep the original policy that was in effect while they were on the city council board.

Lisa Stephens read a similar letter from both Rex Catron and John King. 4.2. Union representatives concerning Water Treatment Plant Bid.

Roger McDowell spoke on behalf of the local Laborer's. He encouraged the council to accept the Water Treatment Plant bid from a signatory contractor. This would ensure men and women in the local community will be working on the project. He suggested the council think of them when making their decision to award the Water Treatment Plant project.

Matt Chase, a rep with the Carpenters union, suggested council has other options than to accept the low bid from Grunloh Builders. He emphasized the 2nd lowest bidder is a responsible bidder. There is a red flag with the lowest bidder. Grunloh has not done a job as large as this project. Other bidders have done many buildings of this magnitude. Chase was also concerned about the Prevailing Wage law, where documentation showed the subcontractors violated Prevailing Wage. Chase also stated the 2nd lowest bidder will employ local folks, and not sure if Grunloh Builders would do the same. He urged the council to vote to accept the bid from the 2nd lowest bidder.

Greg Kapp, representing the Ironworkers, emphasized the Prevailing Wage law, and that River City pays that all the time. He is unsure if Grunloh will do the same.

Jim Dierkes, a lifetime union member, stated the city is always promoting "Shop Greenville". Most people in the room live in the area and local businesses will benefit.

Tyler Hanke stated he is Pro-Union, and this job would help provide for his children.

Tina Bingham said she grew up union and would like the project to stay with local union workers.

Philip Kosydor said he works for River City, and they have built quite a few Water Treatment Plants. He said the lowest bidder is a non-union contractor and just wanted the Council to listen to those in the room. City may pay more, but the union does quality work.

4.3. Andrew Grunloh concerning Water Treatment Plant Bid.

Andrew Grunloh, of Grunloh Builders and All Service Contracting, said his company has complied with all laws, including Prevailing Wage Law. He is required by law to do this. His subcontractors had a total of fines of $3,000 or so that appeared to be clerical error. If the subcontractor had not corrected the issue, Grunloh Builders would have. He went on to say they have an Apprenticeship Program that is also required by law. He was the lowest bidder by millions of dollars and asked the Council to not throw out all bids and rebid. Grunloh stated he had reached out to multiple union shops and did not get any response. There is currently a labor shortage in the area.



6.1. The City has purchased the following budgeted items:

• Kawasaski Mule - $8,963.00

The City has extended the following agreements:

• ESRI Software for three years - $33,900.00

6.2. We have executed the following agreements:

• Pure Line Service Agreement - Water Plant - $19,355

• Vandevanter Preventative Maintenance - Sewer Plant - $15,950 (2023), $15,950 (2024) $16,750 (2025)

• Vandevanter - 6th Street Water Pump - $34,635

All budgeted items


7.1. Milano & Grunloh

• Idler Lane Water Main Replacement Project—Bids were opened on January 20, 2022. The Contractor completed seeding and mulching. Any punch list items that come up will be addressed by the Contractor. The City has held back $5000 until completion of punch list items.

• SRTS – M&G helped the city submit an application, which was due September 30th. Attached is a map of the application area. The City received $250,000. Design and Construction Engineering contracts have been approved by the City. The ESR (Environmental Survey Request) is in progress. A coordination meeting was held with IDOT. They recommended including Phase 2 in the ESR to help the project score higher when applying for funding. The project will tentatively be bid out in the third quarter of 2023.

The bid letting is scheduled for August 4, 2023. Final layout of sidewalk and design is complete and plans have been sent to IDOT for review. See the attached budget. The next round of Safe Route to School (SRTS) Grants are due October 2, 2023 if the City would like to apply for Phase 2.

• The water treatment plant was sent to the IEPA in December. RD funding is secured. The IEPA has funded the project at $1,250,000 in grant funds and $17,123,050 in loan funds (see the attached Reservation of Loan Funds letter form the IEPA). The city also applied for a DCEO RIPI grant which was announced and the City received a 2 million dollar grant. We have received the grant agreement, executed it and sent back to DCEO. See attached layout and estimate. The IEPA Permit has been issued. The City also received a state legislative grant from Rodney Davis which is being worked through. Bids were opened on May 5th. The bids were approximately 20% over budget. With favorable interest rates, it is recommended to award the bid to the low bidder – Grunloh Building for Contract 1 - $3,341,092 and Contract 3 -$16,408,442 with a deduct of $20,000 and a deduct for Alternate #4 for $220,543 with a resulting award of $19,508,991 and seek additional funding from the IEPA. Interest rates are approximately 1% and can be locked in for 30 years. It is recommended to request $20 million from the IEPA and proceed with the project.

• DCEO Applications were due January 19th. DCEO has raised the grant ceiling to $1.5 million dollars for this year only. Attached is a project exhibit and budget. The application was submitted January 19th.

• ITEP – The application has been submitted. See the attached exhibit and estimate for the proposed project. Announcements were made and the City was not selected.

• OSLAD (Open Space Land Acquisition and Development) The application has been submitted. The City of Greenville is theoretically eligible for a 100% $600,000 grant. See the attachments. Announcements were made last week, and Greenville was not successful. Tentatively, applications will be accepted from July – September if the City would like to reapply.

• There has been severe erosion along Sunset Point. The possibility of filling in this area is being evaluated. MET is completing a geotechnical analysis in May to evaluate filling the area. The field work has been completed and the report should be received in July.

• Downtown Grant – The City received $1.9 million for these improvements. Milano & Grunloh will assist with Administration. The City is discussing possible changes from the original application. The City is still waiting on a grant agreement.

• There are items at the Waste Water Treatment Plant that will need addressed in the next five years. These are being evaluated to develop a plan for a timeline and budget. One clarifier was taken offline and inspected. It was in good shape, but will need work completed or deterioration will escalate. The plan is to submit a funding application to the IEPA for a $3 million project. Preliminary, the City is eligible for 45% principal forgiveness. See the attached exhibit and plan. Milano & Grunloh has submitted the paperwork to the IEPA.

• Buzzard Bay Sidewalk – Sidewalk to the boat ramp was bid out on April 4th. Attached is the bid tabulation. We reviewed previous work completed by the contractor and recommend to award to Mettler Development for $67,296.00. All paperwork is complete. A pre-construction meeting was held on May 4th and the contractor plans to start work on May 15th. All work is complete except for the handrailing.

• Elm Street Overlay– This is to overlay Elm Street South of Route 40 and the parking lot at Summer Street and 2nd Street. When plans are approved, the project can be bid out.

• Anthony Supply Storm Sewer – This is an existing storm sewer under Anthony Supply that is failing. A bid opening is scheduled for June 30th at 1:30.

• Source Water Protection Plan – Milano & Grunloh is working on the IEPA requirements for this project.

• Completed Projects:

• Survey on Spring Street

• Easements for Lights on College Avenue

• Survey on Pecan Street

• Patio at 102 N Second Street

• School Streets

• Chemical Feed Modifications

7.2. HMG Report

Beaumont Avenue Resurfacing

• The final project report has been completed. This report will be reviewed by the City and signed by the mayor. HMG will then submit the documents to IDOT for approval.

• Once the project report has been approved, the project will progress into IDOT Phase II, which encompasses the development of construction plans.

• There has been no movement from IDOT regarding reallocation of federal funding for this project from FY 2025 to FY 2024.

Dewey Street

• Expected construction in FY 2025.


8.1. Minutes of:

A) Regular Council Meeting - 05-9-2023

B) Special Council Meeting - 05-09-2023

C) Special Council Meeting - 05-15-2023

8.2. Financial Statements

A) May 2023

8.3. Approval of Unpaid Bills

A) June Bills

8.4. Administrative Reports

A) Police Department

B) Public Works Department

C) Sewer Department

D) Water Department

E) Building Permits

F) Building Inspector / Code Enforcement Officer

G) Fleet Management Report for May 2023

H) Record - None

8.5. Other Items:

A) Ratification of service contract with the Water Plant. This is a budgeted item that we renew each year.

B) Ratification of Vandevanter Preventive Maintenance Contract - Sewer Plant. Budgeted. 3 Year Agreement.

C) Ratification of Agreement with Vandevanter for 6th Street Water Pump. Budgeted.

8.6. Approval of consent items

Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Blake Knox, Motion to approve Consent Items 8.1 - 8.6.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Blake Knox

AYES: George Barber, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: Ivan Estevez


9.1. Consideration of Appropriation Ordinance for FY '24.

Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, Motion to approve the FY 24 Appropriation Ordinance for $54,012,274.00

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: George Barber, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: Ivan Estevez

9.2. Consideration to increase police credit card to $10,000.

Motion by Blake Knox, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, Motion to increase police credit card to $10,000.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Blake Knox

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: George Barber, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: Ivan Estevez

9.3. Consideration of Resolution for Safe Route to Schools

Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, Motion to approve IDOT Resolution for Safe Route to Schools.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: George Barber, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: Ivan Estevez

9.4. Consideration of awarding low bidder for Water Treatment Facility Upgrade to Gunloh Building and All Service Contracting.

Stephens asked why is this now an issue? Mayor Barber explained the lowest responsible bidder has to be taken. The Union and Grunloh Builders have been in contact and there are issues with the Project Labor Agreement. The PLA was requested after the bid opening. Grunloh Builders work with signatory and non signatory contractors. Grunloh received no bids from local contractors due to the amount of work going on right now. He stated he received no bids from concrete signatory contractors.

Riki Dial, a Union rep, said that Grunloh Builders has substandard subcontractors due to their past track record.

Lee Beckman, engineer for the City, was asked his opinion. He first stated there is no connection between Milano & Grunloh and Grunloh Builders. He felt like Grunloh Builders appears to be a responsible bidder. If this project goes out to rebid, delays are expected up to 60 days, and could lose some funding.

Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, Motion to table and go into executive session for litigation purposes.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: George Barber, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: Ivan Estevez

9.5. City Manager Hollenkamp was asked to create an ordinance to add a Class N license (package/pour hard spirits) to include ounces or unit of measure and bring back to council. No council action was needed.

9.6. Consideration Ordinance for a Variance to sections 153.0996 and 153.1076 of the Unified Development Code, for the construction of an additional driveway entrance in the front yard on Parcel # 05-10-12-135-001, commonly known as 1515 Ballyvaughn Ct.

Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Blake Knox, Motion to approve a Variance to sections 153.0996 and 153.1076 of the Unified Development Code, for the construction of an additional driveway entrance in the front yard on Parcel # 05-10-12-135-001, commonly known as 1515 Ballyvaughn Ct.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Blake Knox

AYES: George Barber, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: Ivan Estevez

9.7. Discussion of "Public Comment" during council meetings.

Stephens and Knox had asked that this item be put on the agenda. Currently, there is nothing in the City Code regarding Citizen Participation, only Policy. It was suggested to revamp the old policy to add the requirement to be recognized in order to speak by raising their hand, being called on by the Mayor, go to the podium and state their name and address before speaking to the council.

Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, To revise the current policy with additional requirements including recognized by the mayor, standing at the podium and stating name and address before speaking to the council.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

NAYS: George Barber

ABSENT: Ivan Estevez

9.8. Discussion of Swimming Pool sewer charge waiver. No action was taken.


10.1. Executive Session began at 10:10 PM. Council went into Executive Session to discuss litigation. Executive Session ended at 11:10 PM.


Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Lisa Stephens, to adjourn the

Regular Council at 11:15 PM.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Lisa Stephens

ABSENT: Ivan Estevez




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