
South Central Reporter

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Macoupin County Board General Administrative Committee met April 4


Macoupin County Clerk Pete Duncan | Facebook

Macoupin County Clerk Pete Duncan | Facebook

Macoupin County Board General Administrative Committee met April 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


PRESENT: Dunnagan, Stayton, Adden, Barr, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, Duncan, Starr, Tiburzi



1. Approve Draft Agenda for April Full Board Meeting

Motion by Stayton, seconded by Kilduff to approve the draft agenda with the addition.


MOVER: Aaron Stayton, Vice Chair

SECONDER: Ryan Kilduff, Member

AYES: Dunnagan, Stayton, Adden, Barr, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff

2. Non-Union Employee Time Sheets

Motion, by Stayton, seconded by Adden to approve the non-union timesheets.


MOVER: Aaron Stayton, Vice Chair

SECONDER: Ross Adden, Board Member

AYES: Dunnagan, Stayton, Adden, Barr, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff

3. Macoupin County Non-Highway Vehicle Ordinance

Stayton passed out a draft of the ordinance that had been reviewed by Garrison and Kahl. He had some changes he wanted to discuss. There was some discussion about the safety of having these vehicles on the road. There was also some discussion about who would be administering the permit process. Ibberson said he had talked with the Sheriff and the Sheriff had some concerns about the ordinance and would like more time to review it. There was discussion about having the Sheriff and Highway Engineer present to discuss the ordinance.

Motion by Ibberson, seconded by Kiel to table the ordinance until next month.


MOVER: Jim Ibberson, Member

SECONDER: Bernie Kiel, Member

AYES: Dunnagan, Stayton, Adden, Barr, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff

4. Election Update

Duncan passed out some draft statistics regarding the recent primary. The committee requested turnout data be sent out in excel to allow them to play with it.

5. Public Transportation Update

Tiburzi said he had been working with IDOT on Rebuild Illinois 2 to get all the proper paperwork turned in. He had also provided a quarterly update of the revenue and expenses for the program.

6. Public Transportation Applicant Ordinance

Tiburzi said this was part of the grant application for the public transportation program that was required annually.

7. Resolution Authorizing Execution and Amendment of 5311 Grant Agreement Tiburzi said this was part of the grant application for the public transportation program that was required annually.

8. Certification and Restrictions on Lobbying

Tiburzi said this was part of the grant application for the public transportation program that was required annually.

9. Acceptance of Special Warranty

Tiburzi said this was part of the grant application for the public transportation program that was required annually.


Motion by Adden, seconded by Ibberson to adjourn at 5:35 pm. All in favor. Motion carried.
