
South Central Reporter

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Greenville City Council met April 9

Webp 8

Lisa Stephens, Councilwoman | City of Greenville Website

Lisa Stephens, Councilwoman | City of Greenville Website

City of Greenville City Council met April 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Regular Council meeting was called to order on April 9, 2024 at 7:00 PM by Mayor George Barber.


Council Present: Mayor George Barber, Council Member Ivan Estevez, Council Member Kyle Littlefield, Council Member Lisa Stephens, and Council Member Blake Knox

Council Absent:

Staff Present: City Manager Jo Hollenkamp, City Attorney Patrick Schaufelberger, City Clerk Jody Weiss, City Economic Director Bill Walker, Finance Director Michelle Liggett, Leadership Team consisting of Jeff Sinnett, Jeff Ketten, Jason Heckman, Brad Iberg, Bryan Waugh, Jim Sutton

Public Present: Mitch Hardiek of Milano & Grunloh, Scott Wight of Bond County, Jeff Leidel, JoEllen Vohlken, Rebecca Sponsler






5.1. At the next City Council meeting on May 14, 2024 we will have the public hearing for the Appropriation Ordinance.

5.2. Plaza update:

1st pay request was sent in the amount of $103,814 for engineering which was covered by the grant.

Final design has been approved by committee and myself.

Colors for bathroom inside and outside have been approved by the committee and myself.

See attached renderings.

5.3. There will be the normal utility rate adjustment effective May 1, 2024 Sewer rates are automatically adjusted annually by 80% of the Consumer Price Index from the previous year. Water rates are adjusted by 80% of the Consumer Price Index from the previous year, plus an additional 1% that was added for five years for debt servicing of the new water plant. Consumer price index increased resulting in a change of 2.44% for sewer rates, and 3.44% for water rates.

5.4 Presentation of GIS system by Brad Iberg

. https://greenville.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/sidebar/index.html?appid=4bcbfae23c764fb3a0bc09d1efa1d 02b

Brad Iberg went over program with the Council. There are 28.75 miles of sidewalk in the City of Greenville. 23.1 are good/fair, 5.6 are poor and .85 are very poor. This program helps staff to make informed decisions on which sidewalks to replace.


6.1. HMG

Beaumont Avenue Resurfacing

• The project is slated for bid on April 26th.

• A small addendum will be issued this week to correct an erroneous item quantity.

• According to IDOT’s bid page, 3 contractors (to date) have expressed interest in bidding on this project.

Dewey Street

• An environmental survey request for cultural resources was submitted on March 21st. This was required by IDOT due to the construction of new sidewalks. Turnaround time to receive the results from IDOT is typically 6-8 months.

• It is anticipated that this project may target a bid date in early 2025. However, this is subject to change.

6.2. Milano & Grunloh

∙ SRTS (Phase 1) IDOT recommended including Phase 2 in the ESR to help the project score higher when applying for funding. The bid letting was held on August 4, 2023. See the attached bid. The contractor is complete with the project.. Outside the IDOT contract, Slatton is replacing existing curb and gutter that did not drain prior to the sidewalk project.

∙ SRTS (Phase 2) The public hearing was held on August 9th at 7:00 p.m. The application was submitted on September 28, 2023. See attached exhibit. Announcements are expected in the first quarter of 2024.

∙ The IEPA has funded the project in the amount of $21,404,770.96 at an interest rate of 0.93% with $1,250,000.00 in loan forgiveness. The city also applied for a DCEO RIPI grant which was announced and the City received a 2 million dollar grant. See attached layout and bid tabulation. The City also received a state legislative grant from Rodney Davis which is being worked through. Bids were opened on May 5th. The City awarded the All Service Contract for Filter Installation for $119,995.00 and Contract for Filter Supply for $2,043,820.00. The pre-construction conference meeting was held on September 5th. Construction began the last week of September. Pay Estimate #7 for $1,836,431.30 is presented for approval. The contractor has completed site work, vessel foundations, head tank, claricone and clearwell. They are now working on underground piping, ground storage tank and other building foundations, building foundation, above grade piping, the building, etc. See the attached construction minutes for more information.

∙ DCEO Applications were due January 19, 2023. Attached is a project exhibit and budget. The project was funded at $1.5 million. The project area is surveyed and design has started.

∙ ITEP A new project area is being evaluated. See new exhibit. Preliminary Engineering for this area has started.

∙ OSLAD (Open Space Land Acquisition and Development) The application has been submitted. The City of Greenville received a $600,000 grant. See the attachments. It will be several months before the grant agreement is executed. The grant agreement has been received. When executed, design can begin.

∙ There has been severe erosion along Sunset Point. The possibility of filling in this area is being evaluated. MET completed a geotechnical analysis in May to evaluate filling the area. The bid opening was held October 5th. The low bidder was Slatton’s Excavating for $119,170 (Pay Item #2 and Alternate Bid – Pay Item #3 was awarded). See the attached bid tabulation. A pre-construction meeting was held on March 4, 2024 and construction has started. Progress has been slowed with recent weather.

∙ Downtown Grant – The City received $1.9 million for these improvements. Milano & Grunloh will assist with Administration. The City is discussing possible changes from the original application. The City has received the grant agreement. The topographic survey has been completed. Plans are in process by Studio ARQ. The first reimbursement for $103,814.00 is being requested.

∙ There are items at the Waste Water Treatment Plant that will need addressed in the next five years. These are being evaluated to develop a plan for a timeline and budget. One clarifier was taken offline and inspected. It was in good shape, but will need work completed or deterioration will escalate. A funding application to the IEPA for a $3 million project was submitted. Preliminary, the City is eligible for 45% principal forgiveness. See the attached exhibit and plan. Milano & Grunloh has submitted the paperwork to the IEPA. Construction for this Phase I project should be in 2025. The project plan has been approved. IEPA will be completing the intended use plan. If Greenville makes the plan, construction should begin in 2025. Phase 2 is being planned to improve the intake and other items.

∙ Bond Madison Interconnect – An interconnection with Bond/Madison is being completed. Preliminary plans are complete. Once finalized, plans and permits will be sent to the IEPA.

∙ Traffic Study – This is to facilitate business growth along Route 127. This will be submitted to IDOT in December. This is being stopped.

∙ Box Culvert – There is an existing box culvert on Main Street that has failed. Options for repairing it are being evaluated. The plan is to proceed with an arch type box.

∙ DG Market Water Main Extension – The plans and IEPA permits are in progress.

∙ 319 Grant – The Notice of Funding Opportunity is out. Applications are due May 1st. Applications are 60/40.

∙ Completed Projects:

∙ Anthony Supply Storm Sewer

∙ Elm Street Overlay

∙ Source Water Protection Plan

∙ Idler Lane Water Main Replacement

∙ Buzzard Bay Sidewalk

∙ Survey on Spring Street

∙ Easements for Lights on College Avenue

∙ Survey on Pecan Street

∙ Patio at 102 N Second Street

∙ School Streets

∙ Chemical Feed Modifications


7.1. Minutes of Previous Council Meeting

A) March 12, 2024 Minutes

7.2. Financial Statements

A) March 2024

7.3. Approval of Unpaid Bills

A) April Unpaid Bills

7.4. Administrative Reports

A) Police Department

B) Public Works Department

C) Sewer Department

D) Water Department

E) Building Permits

F) Building Inspector / Code Enforcement Officer

7.5. Other Items:

A) Consideration of Pay Application #1 for Shafer Excavating in the amount of $333,000.00 for the demolition associated with the downtown plaza.

B) Consideration of pay request #1 for architectural services for the plaza project payable to Studio ARQ in the amount of $103,814.00.

C) Ratification of Slatton's Excavating quote for removal and replacement of curb on Maple Street in the amount of $25,775.00

D) Consideration of MFT Bid Award.

E) Ratification of Project Authorization with Milano & Grunloh for OSLAD Grant for Buzzard Bay improvements. This is covered in its entirety by the grant.

F) Consideration of Pay Request #7 for the water treatment plant in the amount of $1,836,431.30 payable to Grunloh Building Inc.

7.6. Approval of consent items

Approval of consent agenda items

Motion by Ivan Estevez, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, Motion to approve Consent Items 7.1 - 7.6.

RESULT: Carried MOVER: Ivan Estevez

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox


8.1. Consideration of lease agreement for 502 S. Third Street with BCMW. This lease is for 1 year, renewable, $550 per month, BCMW pays all utilities, beginning May 1, 2024.

Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Blake Knox, Motion to approve lease with BCMW for 502 South 3rd Street.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Blake Knox

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

8.2. Consideration of Ordinance for damage to water meter transmitter. Homeowners would not be charged for the first incident, two incidents or more the charge is $200 per transmitter.

Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Ivan Estevez, Motion to approve Ordinance for damage to water meter transmitters.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Ivan Estevez

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

8.3. Consideration of Ordinance 3324 for Glenwood Equities LLC for a Variance to sections 153.0317 of the Unified Development Code, for the maximum setback on Parcel 05-30-11-414-002, commonly known as 1301 E. Harris Avenue. This was unanimously approved by the Board of Adjustments at their March 19th meeting.

Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Blake Knox, approve ordinance

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Blake Knox

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Kno

8.4. Consideration of extending the water main on Harris St. to service the new DG Market. Cost not to exceed $25,000. Public Works will be doing the work.

Motion by Blake Knox, seconded by Ivan Estevez, Motion to approve extending the water main on Harris St. to service the new DG Market. Cost not to exceed $25,000.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Blake Knox

SECONDER: Ivan Estevez

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

8.5. Authorization for City Manager to proceed with a TIF agreement with Glenwood Equities for TIF funds to assist in the development for DG Market. TIF agreement will be brought back for council approval at a future date. General particulars are: $300K in development incentives - $100K out of TIF at opening, $200K over ten years split between TIF and business district.

Motion by Blake Knox, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, Motion to authorize the City Manager to proceed with a TIF agreement with Glenwood Equities for $300,000.00 TIF funds to assist in the development for DG Market. TIF agreement will be brought back for council approval at a future date.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Blake Knox

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

8.6. Consideration of Public Works, Sewer, Water Union Contract.

Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Lisa Stephens, Motion to approve the Laborers' contract for June 1, 2024 - May 31, 2026.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Lisa Stephens

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

8.7. Changes to revolving loan criteria. Note: if passed, the application for RFL will be modified to reflect changes.

After discussion, it was decided to say a fixed rate to be determined by committee recommendation rather than saying a specific rate ie 1-3%.

Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Blake Knox, Motion to pass the revised revolving loan terms/policies.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Blake Knox

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

8.8. New grant program for Museums. The City of Greenville’s Museum Capital Investment Program will set aside $15,000 in the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year for matching contributions to projects which improve museum facilities in the municipal boundaries of the City of Greenville or with in one-quarter mile of the boundaries.

This grant is a 1:1 matching grant of up to $3,000 aimed at facilitating building improvements necessary for museum operation.

Motion by Blake Knox, seconded by Ivan Estevez, Motion to approve the new grant program for museum capital investment. Budgeted in 24/25 for a total of $15,000.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Blake Knox

SECONDER: Ivan Estevez

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

8.9. Consideration of change order with Shafer Excavating to add Dryvit to the exposed wall of Collective Closet in the amount of $18,242.00. By adding Dryvit it will match Mario's building and be more appealing for the plaza. It was in the bid specs to just be painted.

Motion by Ivan Estevez, seconded by Lisa Stephens, Motion to approve change order with Shafer Excavating to add Dryvit to the exposed wall of Collective Closet in the amount of $18,242.00

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Ivan Estevez

SECONDER: Lisa Stephens

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

8.10. Consideration of proposal from Shafer Excavating to build foundation and wall to roof line at Mario's to stabilize exposed wall in the amount of $187,300.

Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, Motion to table this item and discuss in executive session due to litigation.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

8.11. Consideration of $60K revolving loan with American Farm Heritage Museum. Terms: loan amount $60K, 1% interest, 10 year term. This is to connect to the city sewer and will service the new bathrooms. Committee minutes are also attached.

Littlefield stated this will allow the AFHM grounds to host larger and more events. Their existing system is overwhelmed.

Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Blake Knox, approve

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Blake Knox

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

8.12. Consideration of Ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit for Greenville Smoke Shop and Vape to operate a tobacco and vape facility in the Commercial Neighborhood (CN) zone at property identified as Parcel # 05-30-14-425-002, commonly known as 1501 IL Rt. 127.

Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Blake Knox, approve

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Blake Knox

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

8.13. Consideration of revolving loan with Gary Belcher in the amount of $50,000 payable over five years at 3% interest. Revolving Loan Committee voted unanimously with one abstention to approve this loan.

Littlefield asked why are they coming to us now, and Walker said they had come to the City before, but had not turned in their application. Mr. Belcher is trying to lower his amount of interest. Along with this, he is receiving a 3 year property tax abatement and had sales tax exemption on products to build the business. The Revolving Loan Committee did not want to loan anything, as the business/building has already been built, however the committee did want to show support for the business and loan them $50,000 of the original $491,000. Schaufelberger added that the new Revolving Loan Policy was not in place at the time this was voted on by the committee.

Motion by Ivan Estevez, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, Motion to approve revolving loan with Gary Belcher for $50,000, 3% interest, 5 year term.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Ivan Estevez

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, and Lisa Stephens

NAYS: Kyle Littlefield and Blake Knox

8.14. Consideration of FY'25 WORKING Budget.

Littlefield asked if any numbers were different than what was on the agenda. Michelle Liggett, Finance Director, said most changes were reductions out of the general fund. She added the City is in a healthy financial situation.

Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Ivan Estevez, approve

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Ivan Estevez

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

8.15. Review of schedule for streets.

This was review only. No vote was necessary.

Public Works Director Jason Heckman reviewed the streets that will be oil and chipped this year. He explained that even though a street is high up on the list, there may be other streets that are in more need of being resurfaced. Stephens commented that Ballyvaughn has been in need of repair and keeps getting pushed down on the list. Heckman explained that Ballyvaughn has less than ten homes and other streets, such as Oak, has over 40. He added that Beaumont and Dewey are grant supported, and that will be paving two parking lots, one of which is part of the TIF for the Watson's building.


9.1. Move into executive session for Sale of Real Estate 5ILCS 2(c)(6) and Pending Litigation 5ILCS 2(c)(11).

Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, Motion to move into executive session for Sale of Real Estate 5ILCS 2(c)(6) and Pending Litigation 5ILCS 2(c)(11).

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox


10.2. Litigation

10.3. Go back into open session

Motion by Blake Knox, seconded by Ivan Estevez

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Blake Knox

SECONDER: Ivan Estevez

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox


11.1. Consideration of proposal from Shafer Excavating to build foundation and wall to roof line at Mario's to stabilize exposed wall in the amount of $187,300.

Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, Motion to approve proposal from Shafer Excavation to build foundation and wall to roof line at Mario's to stablilize exposed wall in the amount of $187,300 with conditions.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox


Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, to adjourn the

Regular Council Meeting at 10:25 PM.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox




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