
South Central Reporter

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Macoupin County Board Building and Grounds Committee met May 6

Webp 4

L. Amber McGartland, Macoupin County Treasurer/ Ex-Officio Collector | Macoupin County

L. Amber McGartland, Macoupin County Treasurer/ Ex-Officio Collector | Macoupin County

Macoupin County Board Building and Grounds Committee met May 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the Committee:


PRESENT: Starr, Ibberson, Barr, Blank, Heuer, Kilduff, Trevino



1. Courthouse HVAC Bid Recommendation

Leonetti said that he had confirmed with Jen that the numbers were correct and accurate. He had a letter of recommendation on the bid and left it to the committee to discuss whether to only accept the base bid or to also accept the alternate bid. There was a discussion about if the Courthouse offices would be down and how that would effect business. The recommendation was to have a meeting with the general contractor once the contract is signed and go room by room in the building and come up with a plan. In terms of funding the project, Duncan said the county had been working on saving up money in the general fund over the last few years. Thanks to their efforts, there should be $3.5 million that could easily be set aside for this project. There was also $900,000 in ARPA money that was budgeted for this project. He was also recommending that any money not spent or obligated as part of a signed contract by December 1, 2024 be transferred to the Courthouse HVAC project giving another potential $100,000 to $200,000 that could go to the project. The committee felt that the Finance Committee should also have the chance to review that plan.

Motion by Kilduff, seconded by Trevino to recommend the bid from Jen

Construction pending the Finance Committee reviewing the payment plan.


MOVER: Ryan Kilduff, Member

SECONDER: John Trevino, Member

AYES: Starr, Ibberson, Barr, Blank, Heuer, Kilduff, Trevino

2. Approve Asbestos and Lead Paint Testing for Courthouse HVAC Project Starr said that one of the first steps that needed to be taken with the Courthouse HVAC project would be testing for lead paint and asbestos. He expected that would be about $4,000 to $5,000 in total.

Motion by Blank, seconded by Kilduff to recommend getting asbestos and lead paint testing done for the Courthouse HVAC project.


MOVER: John Blank, Member

SECONDER: Ryan Kilduff, Member

AYES: Starr, Ibberson, Barr, Blank, Heuer, Kilduff, Trevino

3. Courthouse Roof Inspection System Safety Policy Discussion Starr said that there needed to be a courthouse roof safety system policy to ensure that the proper safety measures are being taken. He was asking everyone with experience to bring suggestions on what the policy should say to a future meeting.
