Sarah Oswald - Mayor | City of Carlinville
Sarah Oswald - Mayor | City of Carlinville
City of Carlinville City Council met Nov. 18.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
PRESENT: Alderman Downey, Alderman Ober, Alderman Wagstaff, Alderman Demuzio, Alderman Reese, Alderman Link, Alderman Harber, Alderman LeVora, City Clerk Carla Brockmeier, Mayor Oswald, Chief Derek Graham, Budget Officer Linda Boente, City Treasurer Jody Reichmann
Approval of Previous Minutes - Motion was made by Alderman Ober to approve minutes, seconded by LeVora, motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Bills - Motion was made to approve bills by Alderman Harber, seconded by Wagstaff, motion passed unanimously.
Carlinville Market Days- Motion was made to approve Market Day dates for 2025, first Saturday April-November on the Carlinville Square, by Alderman Wagstaff, seconded by Link, motion passed unanimously.
Old Business
Updates from Don Taul/Woodard & Curran – Don Taul updated the council on several projects that are being managed by Woodard & Curran. He updated on the lead line replacement project, Schien tower, and the Alton Road project.
Rebuild Illinois Fund Update – Alderman Harber reminded the council that the funds need to be used by July 1, 2025. We are anticipating using the funds on the Alton blacktop project, discussion was had regarding asking for a time extension from the state.
New Business
Diamond Brothers/Renewal/Mitch Newell- Mitch presented renewal for property, general liability, auto and umbrella, as well as cyber and workman’s compensation. Renewal price will be $251,509.00 per year. Motion was made to renew as of 12/01/24 for the following year by Alderman Harber, seconded by Reese, motion passed unanimously.
Carlinville CPA Audit – Angela Verticchio with Carlinville CPAs presented our audit for 23-24. The audit was in order for the last fiscal year with no immediate red flags, the usual separation of duties. A motion was made to accept the audit by Alderman by Alderman Downey, seconded by Demuzio, motion passed unanimously.
Tax Levy Ordinance – Short discussion took place regarding the tax levy, we only have the ability to levy 5% more per year, a motion was made to approve the ordinance by Alderman Harber, seconded by Demuzio, motion passed unanimously.
2024 Farm Lease Non-Payment – Payment of $4,596.00 has not been made by our tenant on the city’s farm ground that was due March 1st, second payment of $4,596.00 is due December 1st, a letter was sent from the city attorney, motion was made for the city attorney to take the next legal step by Alderman Link, seconded by LeVora, motion passed unanimously.
Street Department Truck Purchase – tabled.
Dutch Lane Water Line Replacement – Don Taul reported that we have approximately $150,000.00 left from the water service line replacement grant on Rt 108 West, a motion was made to use the money to run a new service line down Dutch Lane, as far as the money will allow by Alderman Link, seconded by Demuzio, motion passed unanimously.
Motion to adjourn was made by Alderman Downey at 6:49 p.m., seconded by LeVora motion passed unanimously.