City of Centralia Veteran Affairs Committee met September 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Bill Smith with the pledge of allegiance.
Members Present: Burris, Chappell, Murphy, Smith, Young, Jones and Helpingstine
Attendance: Kala Lambert, Economic Development, City of Centralia
Public Comment- none
A motion was made by Vernell Burris and Seconded by Mike Young to approve the minutes from the August 9, 2018, all in favor, motion carried.
Treasurers Report –
Kala presented a financial report with a balance of 3342.56 as of August 31, 2018, includes no revenue and expenses of 987.50 which included straps and brackets. A motion was made by Mike Young and Seconded by Jim Murphy to accept the treasurers report as provided, all in favor, motion carried.
Kala noted due to generous donations 100 flags were purchased over the last month and she wanted to make sure it was in the minutes and asked Ann for comment. Ann stated that 100 flags were purchased by the American Legion from the company out of Indiana. DAR donated a large portion of the funds which they collected from various individuals additionally donations came from American Legion members, DAV, Women’s Auxiliary and VFW. Kala noted their generous donations and wanted to make sure it was in the minutes.
Ongoing Business –
There was no discussion on the Korean War Memorial as Judy was not present.
New Business –
Members discussed brackets that needed to be install. Jim commented that he counted the poles missing brackets running north and south and he needed 115. Kala stated she had 100 brackets and bands in her office. Members discussed a new way to attach the brackets by first mounting them to 2x4s.
Ann stated that she asked the American Legion and VFW to each choose 6 names to have placed on flags. She had received the names and would have them put on flags and they would be presenting them on Monday, September 17 at 2pm and the Carillon will be performing a patriotic concert starting at 3pm.
Members decided that the flags should stay up until after November 11, instead of taking them down for a month.
Kala commented on the man that fell off the truck while volunteering for the City and stated she never heard from him. Jim stayed he is doing ok now but did have to be in an air cast for a little while. Kala stated she started exploring how someone would be covered while volunteering putting flags up, assuming she would be hearing from Mr. Claar and the initial response pointed to the vehicles insurance coverage. She stated that she will work on this further and she agreed that the City does appreciate our volunteers and that this concern of coverage has been unclear from the beginning of the City’s Veteran Affairs Committee taking over putting up and taking down the flags. Jim stated it would be difficult to get volunteers if the drivers or transports would be liability for increased insurance premiums if someone got hurt. Mike Young thought that Kyle Shell from ICRMT could maybe help us come up with a waiver to have everyone sign that would hold them harmless.
Open Discussion –
Bill Smith stated that the women’s auxiliary stated that they would be willing to schedule a beggars corner date to collect for flags in the future and Kala stated she would look at early November dates.
Ann stated she would talk to Judy about design and cost estimate for the Korean War Monument.
Jim Murphy reported that Elmwood Cemetery was in desperate need of being weed eated and there are several veteran graves out there that you can barely see due to the weed invasion. Kala stated she would report to Pat Stedelin and the City Manager.
With no further business to discuss a motion was made by Bill Smith and Seconded by Howard Jones to adjourn the meeting, all in favor, motion carried.