City of Centralia Veteran Affairs Committee will meet on February 14.
Here is the agenda as provided by the committee:
I. Call to Order- Bill Smith
II. Pledge of Allegiance- Bill Smith
III. Roll Call
Burris____ Chappell____ Helpingstine____ Jones____
Mathus____ Moran____ Murphy____ B. Smith____
Sensel____ Sutherland____ Young____ *Aarons____
IV. Public Comment
V. Minutes
Approval of Minutes November 11, 2018
VI. Treasury Report
VII. Ongoing Business
1. Bracket mounting test update- Mathus
2. Proposed Korean War Memorial discussion- Sutherland & Mathus
VIII. New Business
1. DAR donation to American legion for flag purchases
2. Veteran’s Parade preparation
IX. Open Discussion
X. Adjournment