City of Litchfield City Council met Aug. 15.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Steven Dougherty called the Regular Meeting to order on August 15, 2019 at 6: 32 p.m. The Pledge ofAllegiance was recited. Present on roll call were Alderpersons Dwayne Gerl, Marilyn Sisson, Dave Hollo, Mark Brown, Kassidy Paine, Tim Wright, Woody Street, and Ray Kellenberger. The Mayor declared that a quorum was present.
Other Business:
Alderman Gerl made a motion, seconded by Alderwoman Sisson to accept the minutes of the August
2, 2019 meeting. Alderman Wright asked that the minutes be corrected to reflect that he attended the meeting.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote on the minutes with the corrections.
Aye: Gerl, Sisson, Hollo, Brown, Paine, Wright, Street, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Motion carried.
Old Business:
New Business:
Alderman Hollo made a motion, seconded by Alderman Wright to approve an ordinance authorizing and providing for the issuance of $1,966,000 Promissory Note, Series 2019, of the City of Litchfield, Montgomery County, Illinois, for the purposes of defraying the cost of infrastructure and capital improvements in the Eagle Ridge Subdivision located at Lake Lou Yaeger and the costs of issuing said note, and prescribing all the details of said note. City Administrator Flannery indicated that the loan has a 10-year term and that revenue would be generated from leasing of lots and the sale of additional bulk water with the replacement of the waterline, as well as the reimbursement of water and sewer funds for respective work. She mentioned that there had already been interest.
Alderman Gerl stated that putting money into the lake is taking money from the town, and that people in town don' t understand. Alderman Brown said he is not in favor, stating that we need lake projects done now and asked why these funds could not be used in town. Alderwoman Sisson remarked that the reason people aren' t buying houses here is because the town is getting so run down and that the roads are terrible. The Mayor stated that the City is fighting derelict properties and that a housing committee as been formed to investigate solutions for the lack of home construction, including incentives for contractors.
City Attorney Hantla shared that the cash flow plan for repaying the loan has been approved by the accountants. He said that if there was no plan on how to pay back the loan that the banks wouldn't lend the money. Pie stated that this is the best opportunity for the City to be able to do many of the projects mentioned.
Flannery reiterated that the bank had also reviewed the cash flow plan and believes the City can pay back the loan. She also mentioned that the project has been in planning for nearly two years, and that the Planning and Zoning committee presented a change in zoning which the Council had approved. In addition, the Council has previously approved the preliminary plans and other costs, indicating that this is not the first time the lake subdivision has been presented. Flannery said that there are projects being done in town including the south side ditch drainage which is funded in part by a grant, Illinois Street, Monroe Street, and the work already completed on Sargent, West St. John and Tyler Avenue.
Alderwoman Paine shared some insight as a realtor indicating that there has been a demand for homes in the $400k to $500k price range and stated the importance of communicating that the City is generating revenue to help improve the lake for everyone.
Alderman Street asked how much money had already been invested in the lake subdivision? Flannery did not have an exact amount but said that the Council had authorized CMT to do the design work, to which Street responded that these questions should have been asked one to two years ago. He feels that the project is expected to pay for itself and is an opportunity to better the whole community. Water Superintendent Ray Weller stated that this has already been proven through the development ofWest Lake and Solar Circle and that the reimbursement ofwater and sewer funds were the same as for the west side industrial park and other projects.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Hollo, Paine, Wright, Street.
Nay: Gerl, Sisson, Brown, Kellenberger.
The Mayor voted aye.
Motion carried.
Alderman Hollo made a motion, seconded by Alderman Street to approve a proposal from Crawford, Murphy& Tilly for a 4-page brochure and renderings for the Eagle Ridge Subdivision development located at Lake Lou Yaeger for a cost not to exceed$ 2, 500.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Hollo, Paine, Wright, Street, Kellenberger.
Nay: Gerl, Sisson, Brown.
Motion carried.
Alderwoman Sisson made a motion, seconded by Alderman Wright to approve a resolution to support the second Tourism Attraction Program 2019- 2020 grant application and to commit local funds. Tourism Coordinator Sarah Waggoner said this is a 50/ 50 grant which allows for infrastructure projects, purchase of equipment, or purchase or enhancement ofproperty. If awarded the funds could be used to purchase a push boat, pro hauler, ADA accessible fishing dock, and sand for the beach. Lake Superintendent Eric Lamb said that they don' t currently have equipment to put up rip rap to help protect the shoreline and that it would be nice to be able to do so.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Gerl, Sisson, Hollo, Brown, Paine, Wright, Street, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Motion carried.
Executive Session:
Alderman Brown made a motion, seconded by Alderman Wright to Enter into Executive Session, as allowed under the Illinois Open Meetings Act, as found in Chapter 5 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes, Section 120, to address these certain and restricted items:
1. " The purchase or lease ofreal property for the use ofthe public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired." ( 51LCS 120/ 2( C)( 5))
2. " The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body." ( 5ILCS 120/ 2( 2)( C)( 1).
3. " Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees." ( 5ILCS 120/2( C)( 2))
4. " Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting." ( 5ILCS 120/ 2(2)( C)( 11)
The Mayor directed a roll call vote:
Aye: Gerl, Sisson, Hollo, Brown, Paine, Wright, Street, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Motion carried.
Executive Session was entered at 7: 10 p.m.
Alderman Gerl made a motion, seconded by Alderman Kellenberger to return to open session at 7:36 p.m.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote:
Aye: Gerl, Sisson, Hollo, Brown, Paine, Wright, Street, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Motion carried.
New Business:
Alderman Hollo made a motion, seconded by Alderman Kellenberger to approve a lease agreement with United Community Bank for land associated with the OSLAD grant application.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote:
Aye: Gerl, Sisson, Hollo, Brown, Paine, Wright, Street, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Motion carried.
Alderman Wright made a motion, seconded by Alderman Street to approve giving direction to the Police and Fire Commission to promote a Sargent from the current list.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote:
Aye: Gerl, Sisson, Hollo, Brown, Paine, Wright, Street, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Motion carried.
Alderman Wright made a motion, seconded by Alderman Street to approve soliciting letters of interest for a Police Department Lieutenant position list.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote:
Aye: Gerl, Sisson, Hollo, Brown, Paine, Wright, Street, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Motion carried.
Alderman Street made a motion, seconded by Alderman Wright to extend the employment of the Part-Time Interim Fire Chief for an additional six months and to approve a vehicle allowance of $6,000 for that period.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote:
Aye: Gerl, Sisson, Hollo, Brown, Paine, Wright, Street, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Motion carried.
Alderman Kellenberger made a motion, seconded by Alderwoman Paine to approve the purchase of lots from the Montgomery County Trustee as follows: 1518 N. State, 125 S. Brown, 901 S.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote:
Aye: Gerl, Sisson, Hollo, Brown, Paine, Wright, Street, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Motion carried.
Having no further business, Alderman Gerl made a motion, seconded by Alderman Street to adjourn the regular meeting of the Litchfield City Council.
The Mayor called for a voice vote, motion carried, and the regular meeting adjourned at 7: 39 p.m.,2019.pdf