City of Litchfield City Council met Dec. 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Steven Dougherty called the Regular Meeting to order at 6: 30 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Present on roll call were Alderpersons Dwayne Gerl, Marilyn Sisson, Mark Brown, Dave Hollo, Kassidy Paine, Tim Wright, Woody Street and Ray Kellenberger. The Mayor declared that a quorum was present.
The Mayor recognized the following employees for their years of service to the City: Sarah Waggoner for 5 years, Jeremiah Beckham 15 years, Curt Evans 15 years, Thomas Dewitt 20 years and Gary Vega 35 years.
The Mayor recognized Litchfield Police Dept Sargent Jason Black for his promotion to
Lieutenant. The Mayor then swore in Lieutenant Black.
Other Business:
Alderman Brown made a motion, seconded by Alderman Wright to accept the minutes of the November 21, 2019 meeting.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Gerl, Sisson, Hollo, Brown, Paine, Wright, Street, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Motion carried.
Alderman Kellenberger made a motion, seconded by Alderwoman Sisson to direct the City Clerk to transfer funds from the city sales tax to the City' s general fund to issue checks and authorize to pay the bills.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Gerl, Sisson, Hollo, Brown, Paine, Wright, Street, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Motion carried.
New Business:
Paul Osborne ofKerber, Eck and Braeckel read the FYE 2019 Audit Management Letter followed by Jereme Zook' s presentation of the FYE audit. Alderman Gerl made a motion, seconded by Alderwoman Sisson to accept the City of Litchfield Annual Audit for the year ending April 30, 2019.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Gerl, Sisson, Hollo, Brown, Paine, Wright, Street, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Motion carried.
Alderman Street made a motion, seconded by Alderman Brown to approve an Ordinance ascertaining the total amount budgeted for all corporate purposes legally made and to be collected from the tax levy ofthe fiscal year, beginning on the 1 st day of May, 2019, ending on the 30th day ofApril, 2020 and levying a tax for the same on all property subject to taxation within the City of Litchfield, Montgomery County, Illinois, as the same is assessed and equalized for state and county purposes for the current year. (Jereme Zook, ofKEB, to report on the 2019 proposed real estate tax levy)
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Gerl, Sisson, Hollo, Brown, Paine, Wright, Street, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Motion carried.
Fire and Ambulance:
Alderman Street made a motion, seconded by Alderman Hollo to approve an Agreement with Andres Medical Billing Ltd. as an outside billing service to collect monies for all ambulance services rendered by the Litchfield Fire Department beginning January 1, 2020 and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Gerl, Sisson, Hollo, Brown, Paine, Wright, Street, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Motion carried.
Alderman Hollo made a motion, seconded by Alderwoman Sisson to approve the purchase of HDPE (Solid Plastic) partitions for the LLYRA Comfort Stations from Sustainable Supply for 9, 650 and to authorize the City Clerk to issue payment upon satisfactory delivery. The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Gerl, Sisson, Hollo, Brown, Paine, Wright, Street, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Motion carried.
Economic Development:
Alderman Kellenberger made a motion, seconded by Alderman Gerl to renew membership with
the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation( MCEDC) for$ 6, 939 for a oneyear period and to authorize the City Clerk to cut a check.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Gerl, Sisson, Hollo, Brown, Paine, Wright, Street, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Motion carried.,2019.pdf