
South Central Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village Of Aviston Board of Trustees Met Dec. 7

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Village Of Aviston Board of Trustees Met Dec. 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was held at 7:00 pm in the Village Hall. In attendance were Village President Dale Haukap, Village Treasurer Steve Goestenkors (via conference call), Trustees Larry Harper (via conference call), Mike Kampwerth, Gary Litteken, Kurt Schmitz (by conference call) and Kevin Eversgerd. Employees present included Gary Rakers, Dave Trame, Mike Kuhl, Kyle Markus, Irma Deimeke and Village Attorney Henry Bergmann (via conference call). No guests were present.

A moment of silence was held in respect of Trustee Randy Peek’s passing in November. A black cloth has been placed on his chair for the remainder of his term.


Minutes of the previous meeting were available for review. A motion to approve the minutes as presented was made by Kurt Schmitz, second by Kevin Eversgerd. Motion carried 5-0.


Steve Goestenkors reviewed the Annual Tax Levy Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 (Ordinance 2020-12-1) showing 4.9% increase (same proportions as last year). Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote as follows: L. Harper – aye, M. Kampwerth – aye, G. Litteken – aye, K. Eversgerd – aye, K. Schmitz – aye.

Steve then reviewed the monthly financial report.

GF – Collected $65K and disbursed $57K., resulting in a surplus of $8K

WF – Normal monthly receipts noted and a surplus of $29K.

SF – Normal month was noted and a surplus of $12K. Steve suggested to increase the sewer rate by $2 for minimum usage now and increase $1 next year.

PF – Steve noted that is sitting at a deficit at the end of November but we just received the rent so it will reflect in the January report.

MFT – Surplus of $6K.

TIF & DRUG FUNDS – Minor interest noted in these funds.

A motion to pay all normal bills and also approve the financial report was made by Larry Harper, second by Gary Litteken. Motion carried 5-0.

Sewer rate increase is to be tabled until the beginning of 2021.


Mike Kuhl reviewed the police report and also brought forth issues of getting the Taurus fixed (Squad car #2), issues brought up by Faust Automotive or the possibility of getting a new squad car. Clinton County Sheriff Department has a 2016 Explorer (with inside cage) for sale that we can purchase for $8,000 and will serve as the Chief’s vehicle. Chief Kuhl is to check into the background of the car. As far as he knows, all maintenance has been done at Breese Motors. A motion was made by Gary Litteken, second by Kevin Eversgerd to make the purchase as long as everything is checked into first. Motion Carried 5-0.

Kyle Markus checked in the grant for $2,000 for the Vest grant – it is still coming.

Kurt Schmitz inquired as to the 911 call placed by Susan Toennies over the weekend and Aviston didn’t answer the call. The call was answered by the County at the time and Mike Kuhl followed up on the call this morning.

4. VILLAGE CLERK: No report/absent due to COVID.


The Park District minutes were in everyone’s packet for review. Gary Litteken was in attendance at their meeting and reported that they are discussing putting in a dog park, similar to the one in Highland. It will be located to the west side of the left field baseball diamond fence. Gary also stated that Gary Rakers helped work on a project at Kopff field to help drainage issues there. They’re letting the dirt settle and will be re-evaluate in the spring to get it ready for new grass.


-Infiltration/Inflow Meters: Dave Trame stated that everything is in now. On hold until the next meeting to see how everything is going.

- Water meter replacement – committee meeting will be held in December to discuss 

- Village Hall repairs – Irma told of a chair that needed fixing from over the weekend – Kurt said he would take care of it.

- Emergency workers list – Gary Rakers will have the list available for all soon (and posted) 

- Village Administrator Position – no report


-RLF Grant – Kurt Schmitz held discussion on it and stated that a Certified Grant Administrator from HMG was looking into it for us. With everything that needed to get done and the expense involved, Kurt recommended to walk away from it and not pursue it any further. 

-WW#4 – Mike Kampwerth advised that he would like a letter to be written to Marvin Frohn for an agreement and to get the agreement in writing.

- Potential Business: Faust Automotive was checking into putting in Storage Buildings on the lot that Josh Thole currently owns but it appears that it may not happen.


Zoning Board minutes were available for review. Dave Trame stated that a Public Hearing was held at the meeting for changing the Zoning Code in Section 14-3-16(B) and adding 14-3- 16(E). It was approved by the Zoning Board and recommended to Village Board to change the code.


- Lead & copper samples. Gary Rakers would like a ‘Thank You’ of some sort to be sent to residents who have helped gather samples over the years. Discussion was held and it was decided to send a ‘Thank You’ card to those helping the Village. Gary Rakers will submit a list for the effected residents.

- Snow plow – Gary Rakers reported that the snow plow for the Gator was received and installed and works well.


- Storm Water Detention – Kurt needs to talk to Pat or Seth Netemeyer on the issue.


- Comp Time – This was discussed if this was a feasible thing to do instead of overtime. The Board decided that if extra time was needed to complete a particular job and the employee would rather have time off some other time instead of taking over-time, that the time needed to be used within a month. This is to prevent the extra cost of overtime.

A motion to adjourn was made by Gary Litteken, second by Kevin Eversgerd. Motion carried 5- 0. Time was 8:00
