Southwestern Community Unit School District 9 Board of Education met Feb. 15.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Southwestern Board of Education met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. in the Middle School Commons in Piasa, Illinois. Andrew Bagley-President, called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. and asked Kim Albert, Recording Secretary, to call roll showing those members present as: Andrew Bagley, Jenny Hanks, Donna Loy, Jason Oertel, Jacob Reno, Nicholas Strohbeck, Kyle Hacke, Superintendent, and Kim Albert, Recording Secretary. Randy Gallaher was absent. Andrew Bagley-President led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Comment: Rachel Sinclair addressed the board regarding masking on the school buses.
Correspondence and Recognition: High School Principal, Mark Bearley, recognized Matt Kasten, Brighton Mayor for his contributions and dedication to the school district. Mr. Kasten made it possible for the Homecoming Dance to be held at Schneider Park and was also the DJ for the dance; he helped arrange the Shop with a Cop at Christmas in which several Southwestern students participated. Mr. Kasten also arranged a few Secret Santa donations.
Administrators Reports:
Mrs. Renken, Special Education Coordinator, was present and reported that state testing will be starting in March and prep work has been taking place for that. Special Education Dept. is also beginning planning for next school year already; Mrs. Renken mentioned there will be some new laws coming before next year as well.
High School Principal, Mark Bearley, gave a shout out to the Guidance Department at the High School; Mr. Pace and Mrs. Seymour do a great job with the students and scholarships. He mentioned that there are numerous scholarships available; students just need to go to the Guidance Dept. and ask for advice/assistance. The High School will also be holding a College/Career night for the first time on March 1st. Businesses are welcome to contact the school to be included in this night. Mr. Dugas had several students participate in a stock market game thru the E-Sports club. Two participants placed 2nd in the Southern Illinois division. Mr. Bearley also gave recognition to the Scholar Bowl and Mr. Hasquin on the great job they are doing. A question was raised regarding the Pep Band and Mr. Bearley addressed that.
Shannon Bowman, Middle School Principal, reported that Claire Meininger was the winner of the Snowman picture contest. Mrs. Bowman mentioned that Middle School volleyball was also wrapping up and track would be starting soon. Principal Bowman stated that she has between 15-20 students participating in the After-School program on Tuesdays and would like to increase that number. Mrs. Bowman reported that the new permanent substitute that the school district hired, Mr. Hamilton, is working out great.
Shipman Elementary Principal, Rhonda Wooldridge, thanked the district for hiring the permanent substitutes. She indicated that Mrs. Gabbert is working out great in her building. Principal Wooldridge also reported how happy she was to see the students’ smiling faces with no masks recently. Ms. Wooldridge reported on the AR store and thanked Piasa Team for their participation in that. She mentioned that the 4th grade students are learning about the Olympics, having a two-week reading Olympics, and an awards ceremony next week. Principal Wooldridge also thanked Mr. Hopkins for sharing the counselor from Macoupin County Public Health with her as there are several more students at the Shipman Elementary that are benefiting from them. The district is also looking into new curriculum for K-2 for grammar, phonics, and writing as well as grades 3-6 math, grammar, and writing per Ms. Wooldridge.
Mrs. Reed, Brighton North Primary Principal, indicated that kindergarten is trying out a new play-based learning program. The program also provides training with a Kid’s Coach, Connie Barr, to work with the kindergarten teachers. Mrs. Reed reported that the 1st grade classes brought in 2500 items for the Twigs program in December. 1st grade students also participated in a Career-Job Day. The students read a book about careers-jobs; then they dress up one day like whatever career-job they want to be when they grow up; pictures are taken of each student and they create a book for a writing lesson with each students picture which is available for purchase.
Mr. Hopkins, Medora Intermediate Principal, reported that IAR testing will be done soon. The Medora Intermediate students were able to buy Valograms recently and the proceeds will be given to 5A’s. He indicated that the 6th grade students are participating in an academic Olympics at this time. Mrs. Lawson has started an After-School activity club recently per Mr. Hopkins. Principal Hopkins also thanked the board for the permanent sub position and indicated that Mrs. Gabbert is working out great. Mr. Hopkins reported that his students attendance has been exceptionally good lately.
Superintendent Report:
Superintendent Hacke reported that the enrollment is currently still 1223. Mr. Hacke reported that discipline is low and manageable currently but that more interaction is now picking up with the no masking option available.
Mr. Hacke reported that the Maintenance and Transportation Department has been doing a great job with the snow removal/winter issues. The dump truck that the district purchased recently is getting a workout since it came with a blade. He also reported that in the seven days of school with the no mask option available there had been zero employees and only two students reported to have Covid. The district will soon be posting for bids for several summer projects to be done this year.
Items for Discussion or Acknowledgement:
C. Klaas resigned her 2-hour cafeteria and recess monitor position recently.
Mr. Hacke explained the district report card data that is available for viewing on the Illinois State Board of Education website. The district was a Tier 1 previously but is currently a Tier 2 which he explained more in depth.
After Mr. Hacke went over the report card, each principal gave a short report on their schools scores except for Mrs. Reed as K-2 students are not included. Each principal reported that they would like higher scores but there were several issues as of late that resulted in the lower scoring such as Covid, shortened class time last year, etc. All are looking forward to higher scores this year.
Items Considered for Action…
Consent Agenda:
Items discussed in the consent agenda included the following…the financial report with balances as of January 31, 2021, being: Education Fund $5,614,380.00, Operations/Maintenance $1,392,084.00, Transportation $923,334.00, Working Cash $3,194,630.00, with the total being $11,124,428.00, and the County Schools Facilities Sales Tax Revenue for January was $54,937.67, January bills…Imprest bills…extra and substitute pay…substitute list…regular board meeting minutes from January 18, 2022…and closed session minutes from January 18, 2022.
Financially the district is doing good. The district recently received $69,000 from a Fema grant after Mr. Hacke submitted it for $82,000-$84,000. Mr. Hacke indicated the fund balances are good as well as the county schools’ facilities sales tax revenue. No questions/concerns were voiced regarding the Consent Agenda. Jason Oertel made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Andrew Bagley made the second motion to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Bagley, Hanks, Loy, Oertel, Reno, and Strohbeck
Nays: None
Mr. Hacke requested that the board approve the resolution abating a portion of taxes which allows the district to use approximately 20% of our $.01 sales tax money toward the districts debt payment reducing our tax rate. Jacob Reno made the motion to accept the resolution as presented with Donna Loy making the second motion.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Hanks, Loy, Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, and Bagley
Nays: None
Mr. Hacke reported that Janice Klug has requested to retire effective February 25, 2022. Donna Loy made a motion to accept Mrs. Klug’s resignation with Jacob Reno seconding the motion. Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Loy, Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, and Hanks
Nays: None
Mr. Bearley recommended Jaime Ditterline as a volunteer trap club coach for the 2021-2022 season. Andrew Bagley made a motion to approve J. Ditterline as a volunteer trap club coach for the 2021-22 season with Nicholas Strohbeck seconding the motion. Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, Hanks, and Loy
Nays: None
A motion was made by Donna Loy and seconded by Nicholas Strohbeck to approve the addition of History of Sports in America as a new course to be offered in the High School. Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, Hanks, Loy, and Oertel
Nays: None
A leave of absence was requested by a Certified Staff for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year. Jenny Hanks made a motion to approve the leave of absence. Donna Loy made the second motion to approve the leave of absence.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Strohbeck, Bagley, Hanks, Loy, Oertel, and Reno
Nays: None
Nicholas Strohbeck made a motion to move into closed session with Andrew Bagley seconding the motion.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Bagley, Hanks, Loy, Oertel, Reno, and Strohbeck
Nays: None
TIME: 8:26pm
Jenny Hanks made a motion to move back into open session with Jason Oertel seconding such.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Hanks, Loy, Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, and Bagley
Nays: None
TIME: 9:33pm
Andrew Bagley made a motion to adjourn the meeting with Nicholas Strohbeck seconding the motion to adjourn since there were no further items to discuss.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Loy, Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, and Hanks
Nays: None
Meeting adjourned at 9:34pm.