
South Central Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Southwestern Community Unit School District 9 Board of Education met April 19

Southwestern Community Unit School District 9 Board of Education met April 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Southwestern Board of Education met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. in the Middle School Commons in Piasa, Illinois. Andrew Bagley-President, called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. and asked Randy Gallaher, Board Secretary, to call roll showing those members present as: Andrew Bagley, Randy Gallaher, Jenny Hanks, Donna Loy, Jason Oertel, Jacob Reno, Nicholas Strohbeck, Kyle Hacke, Superintendent, and Kim Albert, Recording Secretary. Andrew Bagley-President led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Comment:

One individual voiced concern over the proposed Pre-K building changes and transportation issues.

Correspondence and Recognition: 

The high school principal, Mr. Bearley, recognized the Drama Club and the GREAT job they done with the play recently. They performed The Wizard of Oz on April 1st, 2nd, & 3rd.

Administrators Reports:

High School Principal, Mark Bearley, reported on the Teacher Prep class that has approximately 6-7 students enrolled. He reported that next school year Southwestern and Staunton High School will be doing a Virtual class together for the students from Staunton that are interested. Mrs. Robinson will be the teacher and this will be the district’s first virtual class with hopes of more virtual classes in the future. He also reported on the CNA program offered through LCCC. LCCC will now offer this program at Carlinville also, which may be better for some of Southwestern students that are interested in pursuing a career in nursing. Also, LCCC will now offer Automotive to our students which will allow them to earn up to three certifications when finished with the program and have an Associate’s Degree. Several students are interested in these programs thus far. Mr. Bearley updated the Board on the After Prom party and the transportation for such. The SAT testing finished up in the High School last week.

Shannon Bowman, Middle School Principal, was happy to report that the Middle School held their first dance in two years. Ten chaperones attended and everyone had a great time. Four new students have enrolled since third quarter per Mrs. Bowman with a total of 15 new students in the Middle School this year. She reported that the state testing went well recently. Her students are anxiously awaiting some warm weather so they can get outside during P.E.

Mrs. Bowman also reported on Curriculum updates. HS/MS English will have new curriculum next year. Also, Mrs. Bowman is looking into an Educational Virtual program through Chestnut Health Center on Vaping. Health, Dr. Ed, Ag, and Computer curriculum will be next to review/update.

Shipman Elementary Principal, Rhonda Wooldridge, reported that the IAR state testing went well but several students were out sick and have to make-up the testing yet. Shipman Elementary had 60 helpers for the Spring parties; all the parties went very well! The book fair and Family Reading night will be held next week. The technology department has installed new phones in each of the classrooms and Mrs. Wooldridge expressed her appreciation for this. She reported on language arts and math curriculum being updated. The Science curriculum will be the next subject examined.

Brighton North Primary Principal, Kim Reed, gave an update on the Week of the Young Child held recently. She reported that BN had 183 guests during that week that came to eat lunch with their little ones. On Friday, the Week of the Young Child, all the BN students and teachers went to the Stadium Theater in Jerseyville for a movie, popcorn, and a soda. Mrs. Reed also reported that on Family Reading Night 86 students attended and 87 guests attended and helped with the Spring parties.

Stephanie Renken, Special Education Coordinator, reported that the Alternate State Assessments are being done now. Mrs. Renken also reported that all IEP’s will be finished by May 13, 2022. The Special Education Department are also holding planning meetings for next year currently. Also, the district has received no Social Worker applicants yet per Mrs. Renken.

Mr. Hopkins, Medora Intermediate Principal, spoke about the IAR testing and how good his students were with attendance during it. He reported that Cheer camp is over and basketball camp will be taking place soon. The spring parties went well in his building also. Mr. Hopkins reported that 4th Quarter mid-terms will be going home this weekend. He also reported that there will be lots of activities happening before the end of school; 6th grade will be touring the Middle School and 4th grade will be touring Medora Intermediate in preparation for next year.

Superintendent Report: 

Superintendent Hacke reported that the enrollment is still at 1223. Mr. Hacke also mentioned the discipline issues are up just a little but not bad.

Mr. Hacke reported how good it was to see parents back in the schools eating and having classroom parties with their children. He also reported that interviews and hiring are currently being done.

C. Darr, K. McAfee, and several other parents have been updating the Shipman ball diamond dug-outs and Mr. Hacke wanted to thank them for that. The updates look very good.

Superintendent Hacke stated that bidding will begin soon for the work to be done this summer, and he will update the board in May.

Mr. Hacke had a bit of bad/good news for the Board in that he had received a letter from ISBE informing the district of an error that occurred from 2019-2022. The district, as well as others, had been shorted money on the EBF(Evidence Based Funding) that we receive. The district will be receiving back approximately $112,000.

Items for Discussion or Acknowledgement: 

The following resignations were acknowledged: M. Standefer (4th Grade Teacher), A. Husain (HS English Teacher), A. Sellers (Paraprofessional), and J. Durham (HS Girls Assistant Basketball Coach).

Items Considered for Action… 

Consent Agenda:

Items discussed in the consent agenda included the following…the financial report with balances as of March 30, 2022, being: Education Fund $5,160,833.00, Operations/Maintenance $1,284,540.00, Transportation $826,193.00, Working Cash $3,202,901.00, with the total being $10,474,467.00, and the County Schools Facilities Sales Tax Revenue for March was $61,573.28 which has been biggest so far this year, March bills…Imprest bills…extra and substitute pay…substitute list…regular board meeting minutes from March 15, 2022, closed session minutes from March 15, 2022, permission to seek fuel bids, permission to seek bread, milk and food bids, the Southwestern High School Membership in the IHSA for 2022-2023 School Year, the Southwestern Middle School membership in the IESA for the 2022-2023 School Year, as well as the Dual Credit Agreement with Lewis & Clark Community College.

Mr. Hacke reported that the finances of the district are good and that the district is 75% of the way thru the fiscal year. He stated that Mrs. Andres had done a good job with projecting the budget for the year!

There were no questions regarding the Consent Agenda; Jacob Reno made a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented. Andrew Bagley seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Bagley, Gallaher, Loy, Oertel, Reno, and Strohbeck

Nays: None

Abstain: Hanks


Mr. Hacke requested an approval to honorably dismiss two part-time educational support personnel. Donna Loy made a motion to approve the resolution authorizing honorable dismissal of two part-time Educational Support Personnel with Nicholas Strohbeck seconding the motion.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Gallaher, Hanks, Loy, Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, and Bagley

Nays: None


A leave of absence was approved for a Certified staff after Jacob Reno made a motion to approve with Donna Loy seconding the motion.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Hanks, Loy, Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, and Gallaher

Nays: None


A motion to approve the appointment of individuals indicated to the corresponding fall and winter extra-curricular activities for the 2022-2023 school year was made by Andrew Bagley. Jason Oertel seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Loy, Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, Gallaher, and Hanks

Nays: None


Mr. Hacke, Superintendent, presented a contract with Weatherproofing Technologies for roof maintenance/repair for the 2022-23 school year. The contract would be for repairing issues with existing roofs, damage control, and examination of the roofs twice a year. This would be an annual contract if approved each year. Jason Oertel made a motion to approve this contract with Randy Gallaher seconding the motion to approve.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, Gallaher, Hanks, and Loy

Nays: None


Superintendent Hacke reported on possible Pre-K changes for the district in that all Pre-K classes would be moved to Brighton North Primary starting the 2022-23 school year. This change is recommended after the School Board Members toured the buildings in the district recently and noted overcrowding at the Shipman Elementary School. This topic was discussed and several concerns were raised. The main issue being transportation to Brighton by parents.

Jason Oertel made a motion to consolidate all Pre-K classrooms to Brighton North Primary beginning with the 2022-23 School Year, survey parents regarding transportation, and being open to possibly providing transportation if needed and/or possible. Andrew Bagley seconded this motion.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, Gallaher, Hanks, and Oertel

Nays: None

Abstain: Loy


Mrs. Reed, Brighton North Principal, discussed changing the Kindergarten report cards for the next school year. After the discussion, Donna Loy made a motion to change the Kindergarten report cards with Jason Oertel seconding the motion.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Strohbeck, Bagley, Gallaher, Hanks, Loy, Oertel, and Reno

Nays: None


Mr. Hacke presented the board with the Summer School Plan for this year. It will be similar to last years summer school…four days a week for five weeks, 8am-11am, transportation the same as last year, but only breakfast provided this year. Letters will be sent home with students that suggest they need to attend summer school as well as to the students that need to attend in order to advance to the next grade level. Nicholas Strohbeck made a motion to approve the Summer School Plan as presented. Donna Loy seconded to approve the Summer School Plan.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Bagley, Gallaher, Hanks, Loy, Oertel, Reno, and Strohbeck

Nays: None


Jason Oertel made a motion to approve the CNA program partnership with Carlinville High School. Andrew Bagley seconded the motion to approve.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Gallaher, Hanks, Loy, Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, and Bagley

Nays: None


The topic of improvements to the HS/MS landscaping was discussed at length. After the discussion, Jason Oertel made a motion to approve the listed items as presented with a $5000 cap except for last item. Jacob Reno seconded Mr. Oertels motion.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Hanks, Loy, Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, and Gallaher

Nays: None


Jason Oertel also made a second motion to explore options to fix the last item on the above improvement list. Nicholas Strohbeck seconded this said motion.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Loy, Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, Gallaher, and Hanks

Nays: None


as the Middle School Assistant Track Coach after Donna Loy made a motion for such. Jacob Reno seconded this motion.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, Gallaher, Hanks, and Loy

Nays: None


Andrew Bagley made a motion to employ T. Sellars-Kamp as a Kindergarten Teacher for the 2022-23 School Year. Randy Gallaher seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, Gallaher, Hanks, Loy, and Oertel

Nays: None


Tasha McQuay will be employed as a 4th Grade Teacher for the 2022-23 School Year. Donna Loy and Randy Gallaher made the first and second motions for such. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Strohbeck, Bagley, Gallaher, Hanks, Loy, Oertel, and Reno

Nays: None


Nicholas Strohbeck made a motion to employ Jamie Orban as a High School English Teacher for the 2022-23 School Year. Jason Oertel seconded this motion. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Bagley, Gallaher, Hanks, Loy, Oertel, Reno, and Strohbeck

Nays: None


Holly Campbell will be employed as the Elementary Art Teacher for the 2022-23 School Year after Nicholas Strohbeck and Donna Loy made the 1st and 2nd motions. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Gallaher, Hanks, Loy, Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, and Bagley

Nays: None


Jacob Reno made a motion to adjourn the meeting with Jenny Hanks seconding the motion to adjourn since there were no further items to discuss.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Hanks, Loy, Oertel, Reno, Strohbeck, Bagley, and Gallaher

Nays: None


Meeting adjourned at 9:11pm.  
