
South Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Macoupin County Board met June 14

Macoupin County Board met June 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:



PRESENT: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins



1. Macoupin County Board - Regular Meeting - May 10, 2022 6:00 PM

Motion by Dunnagan, seconded by Siegel to accept the minutes.


MOVER: Kristi Dunnagan, Board Member

SECONDER: Charlie Siegel, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins


1. Finance Committee - Budget Hearing - May 17, 2022 5:00 PM

Motion by Starr, seconded by Kiel to accept the minutes.


MOVER: Harry Starr, Board Member

SECONDER: Bernie Kiel, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins

2. Finance Committee - Budget Hearing - May 23, 2022 5:00 PM

Motion by Starr, seconded by Kiel to accept the minutes.


MOVER: Harry Starr, Board Member

SECONDER: Bernie Kiel, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins

3. Finance Committee - Budget Hearing - May 25, 2022 5:00 PM

Motion by Starr, seconded by Kiel to accept the minutes.


MOVER: Harry Starr, Board Member

SECONDER: Bernie Kiel, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins

4. Finance Committee - Regular Meeting - Jun 2, 2022 5:00 PM Motion by Starr, seconded by Kiel to accept the minutes.


MOVER: Harry Starr, Board Member

SECONDER: Bernie Kiel, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins

5. Building and Grounds Committee - Regular Meeting - Jun 6, 2022 5:15 PM Motion by Armour, seconded by Kiel to accept the minutes.


MOVER: Todd Armour, Board Member

SECONDER: Bernie Kiel, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins

6. Public Safety Committee - Regular Meeting - Jun 7, 2022 5:00 PM Motion by Starr, seconded by Ibberson to accept the minutes.


MOVER: Harry Starr, Board Member

SECONDER: Jim Ibberson, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins

7. Road and Bridge Committee - Regular Meeting - Jun 8, 2022 9:00 AM Motion by Armour, seconded by Dunnagan to accept the minutes.


MOVER: Todd Armour, Board Member

SECONDER: Kristi Dunnagan, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins

8. General Administrative Committee - Regular Meeting - Jun 8, 2022 5:15 PM

Motion by Thomas, seconded by Starr to accept the minutes.


MOVER: David Thomas, Board Member

SECONDER: Harry Starr, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins

9. Finance Committee - Regular Meeting - Jun 9, 2022 5:00 PM

Motion by Thomas, seconded by Starr to accept the minutes.


MOVER: David Thomas, Board Member

SECONDER: Harry Starr, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins


1. Liquor Commission - Annual Meeting - Jun 13, 2022 5:00 PM

Motion by Kiel, seconded by Pomatto to accept the minutes.


MOVER: Bernie Kiel, Board Member

SECONDER: Ruth Ann Pomatto, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins


1. Kent Tarro - Public Health

Kent Tarro from Public Health spoke about the collaterlization audit finding that Lori Sanson discussed last month and just wanted to find out if anyone had any questions on it. There were none.

2. Matt Jones - West Central Development Council

Matt Jones discussed the West Central Development Council and introduced himself as he had started in February of this year as executive director. They can help with job seekers as well as businesses looking for training, recruiting, and retaining employees. In terms of their budget, there are three separate boards in charge of the area. They are working on some of the past issues and making sure workforce development is handled strongly and hopefully get back to

economic development in the near future.


1. Appoint Amy Hampton to the Henderson Water District for a five year term ending May 1, 2027

Motion by Acord, seconded by Armour to approve the appointment of Amy

Hampton to the Henderson Water District for a five year term ending May 1, 2027


MOVER: Matthew Acord, Board Member

SECONDER: Todd Armour, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins

2. County Board Committee Assignments

Motion by Dunnagan, seconded by Wiggins to approve placing Holly Klausing in the vacancies on committees from Lyndel Klausing's passing.


MOVER: Kristi Dunnagan, Board Member

SECONDER: Tony Wiggins, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins


1. North Palmyra #28

Motion by Quarton, seconded by Kiel to approve the North Palmyra #28 petition.


MOVER: Robert Quarton, Board Member

SECONDER: Bernie Kiel, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins


1. Resolve into Executive Session

Motion by Acord, seconded Armour to resolve into executive session at 6:23 pm.

2. Arise from Executive Session

Motion by Thomas, seconded by Siegel to arise from executive session at 6:24 pm.

3. Executive Session Minute Review

Motion by Thomas, seconded by Dunnagan to hold the General

Administrative committee minutes of 3/2/22 due to a pending collective bargaining issue but release the 4/5/22 Public Safety minutes, the 4/6/22 Road and Bridge minutes, and the 4/13/22 board minutes.


MOVER: David Thomas, Board Member

SECONDER: Kristi Dunnagan, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins


1. Resolution to accept bids and award contracts for Nilwood Twp and Shaws Point Twp bridge

Reinhart said this accepted the bids and awarded the contracts for Nilwood township and Shaws Point township bridges.

Motion by Wiggins, seconded by Ibberson to adopt the resolution.


MOVER: Tony Wiggins, Board Member

SECONDER: Jim Ibberson, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins

2. Resolution for the Staunton-Bunker Hill Road joint agreement

Reinhart said this would accept the joint agreement for the bridge replacement in Staunton-Bunker Hill. It's total cost is $192,000, with the county paying $38,500 and the rest paid for by federal funds.

Motion by Acord, seconded by Dunnagan to adopt the resolution.


MOVER: Matthew Acord, Board Member

SECONDER: Kristi Dunnagan, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins

3. Animal Control Budget Resolution

Duncans explained this resolution came out of the Fiance Committee. Animal Control needed to increase their budgeted dollars from $157,000 to $198,000, which he had come up with based off of monthly averages. It did not include a potential raise for the animal control officer or any bills that had been unpaid during the previous administration.

This would also transfer $40,000 from the estate donation to Animal Control in order to help make sure there are enough cash dollars to make it through the end of the fiscal year.

Motion by Starr, seconded by Kiel to adopt the resolution.


MOVER: Harry Starr, Board Member

SECONDER: Bernie Kiel, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins

4. Resolution Regarding Using Donation to Payoff Animal Control Loan for Building to General Fund and Forgive Animal Control Truck Loan to Farm Fund

Schmidt said the Public Safety Committee had recommended using a portion of the estate donation to Animal Control to pay off the remainder of the building loan to the General Fund and also to forgive the loan from Farm Fund to Animal Control for the purchase of the new animal control truck.

Motion by Ibberson, seconded by Wiggins to adopt the resolution.


MOVER: Jim Ibberson, Board Member

SECONDER: Tony Wiggins, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins

5. Resolution Regarding General Fund and Special Fund Appropriations Duncan said the Finance committee had recommended adjusting the following budgets:

The Township Motor Fuel Fund was adjusted up from $1,000,000 to $3,150,000. The Recorder Microfilm Fund was adjusted up from $55,000 to $70,000. The COVID Grant Fund was adjusted up from $100,000 to $4,300,000.

The Probation line item in the General Fund was adjusted up from $390,140.33 to $426,392.40.

The County Clerk line item in the General Fund was adjusted up from $314,525.60 to $351,525.60.

The Treasurer line item in the General Fund was adjusted up from $143,284 to $147,284.

The sales tax revenue projection was increased by $49,252.07 to make the resolution budget neutral in the general fund.

Motion by Thomas, seconded by Acord to adopt the resolution.


MOVER: David Thomas, Board Member

SECONDER: Matthew Acord, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins

6. Resolution Regarding Circuit Clerk Salary

Thomas said this resolution would give the Circuit Clerk an additional 1% in December 2022 and December 2023, which would be equal what the AFSCME union received for that time period.

Motion by Dunnagan, seconded by Acord to adopt the resolution.


MOVER: Kristi Dunnagan, Board Member

SECONDER: Matthew Acord, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins



1. American Rescue Plan Funding Requests and Budget Framework

Thomas said the Finance Committee had done some work for establishing a budget framework and tentatively approving funding requests but felt it wanted to wait until the second half distribution was receipted to ensure we receive all of our funding.

2. Old clinic demolition update

Starr discussed the old clinic demolition project. After some discussion about when the county purchased it in 2007 if all the asbestos had been removed at that time After rereading the report and discussing it with the inspector, the problem area was a layer of linoleum under two layers of tile that would have to removed before the building could be removed. Starr was looking to try and get bids for the


1. Hiring Assistant Public Defender

Clough said she had an individual interested in serving with 31 years of experience as assistant Public Defender but was interested in coming in at $75,000, with no health insurance. The Finance Committee had recommended allowing that hire.

Motion by Thomas, seconded by Starr to approve hiring the new Assistant Public Defender at $75,000.


MOVER: David Thomas, Board Member

SECONDER: Harry Starr, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins

2. Approve Having an Electronic Recycling Event

Duncan said Schmidt had asked the General Administrative Committee to look into having an electronic recycling event. The committee had recommended having on October 8th with a small fee being required for any item that gets dropped off, monitors would cost $10, tvs would be $20 and $40 for projectors or broken televisions. The first event would be in Carlinville and if it was successful the Board would look at having similar events around the county.

Motion by Starr, seconded by Siegel to hold the event.


MOVER: Harry Starr, Board Member

SECONDER: Charlie Siegel, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins

3. Courthouse secure entrance automatic door bid

Starr said that there had been discussions over the years that the Courthouse public entrance was not handicap accessible. At that time it was cost prohibitive. However, recently the Carlinville Glass Cutters had found a better option for the county that was bid at about $8,500 dollars. The Building and Grounds Committee had recommended approving the bid at up to $10,000 to do the replacement.

Motion by Dunnagan, seconded by Siegel to approve.


MOVER: Kristi Dunnagan, Board Member

SECONDER: Charlie Siegel, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins

4. Great Rivers and Routes Tourism Bureau – Route 66 signage agreement Starr discussed that Great Rivers and Routes offered a grant for a 12 by 12 foot metallic Route 66 sign that the building and grounds committee felt should be placed in between the new and old jail. The cost of the project would be $5,000 covered by the grant.

5. Great Rivers and Routes Tourism Bureau old jail grant agreement

Starr said that as he had discussed at last month's meeting, Great Rivers and Routes Tourism Bureau had given the county a $173,000 grant for the old jail renovation, including roof work and the parking lot being paved. This would cover the costs of the project as well as the architect fees. The State's Attorney had reviewed and found no issue outside of a few clerical errors that needed to be addressed. The deadline to complete the work had been extended to summer of 2023.

Motion by Armour, seconded by Dunnagan to enter into the agreement.


MOVER: Todd Armour, Board Member

SECONDER: Kristi Dunnagan, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins


1. Claims and Officers Report

Motion by Dunnagan, seconded by Acord to approve the claims and officers report.


MOVER: Kristi Dunnagan, Board Member

SECONDER: Matthew Acord, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins

2. Mileage and Per Diem

Motion by Acord, seconded by Dunnagan to approve mileage and per diem.


MOVER: Matthew Acord, Board Member

SECONDER: Kristi Dunnagan, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins


Motion by Dunnagan, seconded by Starr to accept and place on file the communications.


MOVER: Kristi Dunnagan, Board Member

SECONDER: Harry Starr, Board Member

AYES: Acord, Armour, Dragovich, Dunnagan, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Klausing, Payne, Pomatto, Quarton, Schmidt, Siegel, Starr, Stayton, Thomas, Vojas, Wiggins

1. Monthly County Clerk Report - May 2022

2. Monthly Animal Control Report - May 2022

3. Monthly American Rescue Plan Report - May 2022

4. West Central Development Council Open House Invitation


1. Recognition of Vaughn Bright for the Donation to Animal Control from his estate Schmidt said that the estate of Vaughn Bright had left the Animal Control department over $100,000 which was very much appreciated and would be used to help pay off the Animal Control building and with the operations of the department.

2. Recognition of Abigail Way of Carlinville for Achieving the Gold Award in Girl Scouts

Ms. Way was unable to attend the meeting and would hopefully be present next month.


Motion by Starr, seconded by Kiel 7:1




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