City of Centralia Parks and Recreation Committee met June 14.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Present: Young, Border, Garrett, and Lawson
CRC Ex Director Germann
CRC – Allen
City – Harting
Youth – Williams
Absent: Patton, Graham, and Agee
Public Participation: None
Approval of Minutes: Ricky Garrett made the motion to approve the minutes as presented and Butch Border seconded. Motion carried with unanimously.
Treasurers Report: Report was given by Harting. Gayla reported that only interest was added to both accounts and $150.00 for a memory tree. She reported that there were expenses at Walmart for the Juneteenth event. Ricky Garrett made motion to accept the report and Young seconded. Motion passed.
Monthly Reports:
1. CRD report
a. Scott Allen reported that the MCL is finished except for the 5/6th girls. The boys 5/6th ended season with 8-2 record, 5/6th girls are currently 2-7, Girls ¾ are 4-4, and the boys ¾ are 8-2. The All-Star game will be played July 23rd at Okawville. The coaches will pick 2 players who represent the team for the All-Star game.
b. Scott reported the CRD rec league is scheduled to the end of the July and the season will be finished.
c. Scott Allen reported that Fall Ball classic dates are August 27th and 28th. Currently 3 schools have committed to the tournament and would like to have 6 teams for both baseball and softball.
d. Scott reported that July 26th and 27th is the Centralia Jr High try outs for baseball and softball. He has not been given a schedule as of this time.
e. Outdoor Soccer registration is open until August 11th and season will begin in September. He hopes the season will be over before end of October.
f. Scott reported that the Utrip tournaments were cancelled due to lack of teams. They have already begun to look at new dates for next year.
g. Scott reported all the Adult leagues did not have enough participates in any of the leagues. He did have calls about the Sand Volleyball and Horseshoes but not enough came to register.
2. Youth Center
a. Herb reported still have Day camp has had 72 campers registered. Herb reported that they have an average of 60 per week. The campers have gone to the Zoo, fishing, movies, and Lasor Tag. In Week 4 they will be involved with a Basketball Camp ran by Covington.
b. The Youth Center will be sponsoring a Flag football team this fall through the Clinton County League. Currently have 2 teams one for 6-7 and 3-4 grades.
c. August 26th from 1:00-5:00 pm they will be hosting a Blood Drive.
d. Herb reported that soon he will be able to make an announcement for the betterment of the City of Centralia.
3. City Report
a. Gayla updated the board concerning the playground equipment for Laura Leeke Park. She reported that the current equipment was installed in 2016. Ricky asked if the city put in the last playground equipment and Gayla answered she was not sure but would check. Ricky asked about redoing the baseball field at Laura Leek and Herb explained that there is not enough space, and it is a safety issue.
b. Gayla reported that there was money donated for planting a tree. Young asked if knew where the tree was to be planted and Gayla thought it was Fairview Park.
Old Business:
Ricky asked if there was any news or updates concerning the outdoor pool. Gayla stated not at this time.
New Business: None
Ricky Garrett made the motion to adjourn, and Butch Border seconded the motion. The motion carried.