Aviston School District 21 Board of Education met Sept. 21.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
a. Roll Call
b. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Public Comment/Recognition of Visitors/Good News Report
3. Motion to Amend the Agenda (if necessary)
4. Consent Agenda:
a. Approve Minutes of Regular August Meeting
b. Approve Payment of Bills
c. Treasurer’s Report
5. Public Hearing: Budget Approval
a. Review of Budget for FY23 – Information
b. Open Forum for Public Hearing of Proposed FY23 Budget
c. Motion to Approve FY23 Budget – Action
d. Return to Regular Meeting
6. Superintendent’s Report
a. School Improvement Program
b. Teacher Mentoring and Observations
c. School Maintenance Grant
7. Old Business
a. Building Addition
8. New Business
a. Negotiated Agreement Schedule B
b. Copier Lease
c. Extracurricular Resignation
d. Consideration to Hire Extracurricular Position
9. **Closed Session – Closed session may be used to discuss contract negotiations, employee issues and other items as deemed necessary by the board and as approved in 5 ILCS 120/2 of the Open Meeting