
South Central Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Bunker Hill City Council met Jan. 11

City of Bunker Hill City Council met Jan. 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Chapman called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M.


Present: Mayor John Chapman, Treasurer Lisa Webb, Alderpersons Kerri Brown, Glenn Bruckert, Rich Girth, Julie West, Joe Manar, Chelsie Householder, City Clerk Heather Kraus, City Attorney Rick Verticchio, Chief of Police Zach Girth

Absent: None

Gallery: David Schick, Mark Voumard, Seth Elliott, Anne Berghoff, Steven Rice, William Rice, Jessica Schley, Greg Miller, Holly Castle, one other




A. Regular Mtg. Minutes, December 14, 2022

B. Executive Session Minutes, December 14, 2022

Alderperson Brown made the motion to approve all of the minutes. Alderperson Manar made the second.

Roll Call

Ayes: Bruckert, West, Brown, Girth, Manar, Householder

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.


Expense and Payroll reports were approved as presented. Motion to approve the Council’s reports made by Alderperson Brown and seconded by Alderperson Manar.

Roll Call

Ayes: Girth, Manar, West, Bruckert, Brown, Householders

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

6. APPROVAL FOR WATER DEPARTMENT REPORTS –December, 2022 The Depositor’s Refund report and the Inspection report were presented and accepted. Motion to approve the reports was made by Alderperson Manar and seconded by Alderperson Bruckert.

Roll Call

Ayes: Manar, West, Girth, Bruckert, Brown, Householder Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

7. APPROVAL FOR TREASURER’S REPORTS –December, 2022 The motion to approve the Treasurer’s reports as presented was made by Alderperson Bruckert and seconded by Alderperson Manar.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West, Householder

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.


A. CK Power Planned Service Agreement for Generators: Tabled

B. Meissner School Update: The Superintendent would like to meet with the Council in mid-February for an update.


A. State Championship Signs for Trap Team: Jessica Schley presented a request from the Trap Team to purchase two signs for $250 each to commemorate the Team’s Championship Season in 2022. Alderperson Brown made the motion to purchase the signs. Alderperson Girth made the second.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West, Householder

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

B. Speed Demons Car Cruises: Tabled

C. Parking Issue: Greg Miller reviewed the facts concerning the cones by his driveway “No Parking” signs. “No Parking between signs” notices had been installed, however one sign had been run over within days of installation. He stated that Caleb Kahl had placed the cones to draw attention to the signs. Mr. Miller had removed the cones due to controversy last month. He then stated that he had eight pictures on his phone of vehicles parked between the signs within a week. He made the statement that the cones did help enforce the signs. He also confirmed that the cones did sometimes get moved around due to snow or garbage collection. Alderperson Brown asked if tickets could be issued for the violation. Chief Girth affirmed that they could. Usually, the officers simply requested the patron to move the vehicle. Mr. Miller commented that it was troublesome for the County officers to have to track down the offender from the surrounding businesses. He commented that no one pays attention to the signs because there is no consequence to the violation. The Clerk suggested that using the newspaper to publish a news item enforcing the violation up to towing the vehicle might help the situation. The amount of the fine came up and the Council replied that the Ordinance Book needed to be checked.

D. Ordinance to Consider Jake Brakes: Mayor Chapman asked to have the Ordinance Committee consider the issue.

E. 615 E. Seminary Extension: Alderman Girth confirmed that the owners are making an attempt to clean up. There was discussion concerning weather interfering with cleanup. Mr. Verticchio will send her a letter granting the extension for thirty days from their return to the area in Feb.

F. IRWA Conference: Alderperson Brown requested permission to send Mark Bertolis and Trent Hanes to the conference to further the goal of them taking and passing the tests required for license. The Conference is $190 per individual for registration which is due February 3rd. The Conference is February 21st-23rd. Alderperson Brown made the motion to send the two employees to the conference for $190 each. Alderperson Householder made the second.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West, Householder

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

G. MFT Resolution Approval: Alderperson Brown explained that they had added some items to the MFT funds request to increase the allotment. Alderperson Brown made the motion to approve the MFT Resolution 2023-01 as presented in the supplement to the packet. Alderperson Manar made the second.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West, Householder

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

H. Approval to Seek Bids for Floor Maintenance: Approval was given to seek bids for the floor maintenance of the Municipal Building from the company that was approached last year to be done after the Fish Fry was over.

I. Approval to Purchase Memorial Bricks: The Clerk explained the circumstances concerning the request. There was confusion about which Memorial Bricks she wanted. Alderperson Brown volunteered to contact Wilma Stinnett and discuss the matter with her. The issue was tabled.

J. Alluvial Easements: Alluvial is now in the position to begin obtaining easements. Mayor Chapman explained that the original agreement was to have the easements written in Bunker Hill’s name and be transferrable to Alluvial after closing. Alluvial has asked to have the easements written in Alluvial’s name and pay Mr. Verticchio directly for the service. Discussion followed concerning the scheduled contacts by Heneghan and Alluvial for obtaining the easements. The payments will be made by Alluvial to the landowners at closing. Alderperson Brown asked Mr. Verticchio the pros and cons of this course of action. Mr. Verticchio expressed concern that this course of action would remove the ability to withhold the easements to Alluvial until the Alluvial repaid the City the amount they agreed to fund project. Mr. Verticchio assured the Council that he was confident that a new agreement could be drafted to alieve the possibility of Alluvial not repaying the City. More discussion followed about ideas concerning a new agreement.

K. Police Department Policies and Procedures: Mayor Chapman moved this item to Executive Session.

Alderperson Brown opened the sealed bids for the two parking lot projects. She summarized the work the bids included. There was some discussion following concerning the bids and the repairs needed:

Municipal Building Lot: DeLaurent-$60,600


Mae Whitaker Lot: North Lot: DeLaurent-$48,328.90


East Lot: DeLaurent-$52,064.90


West Lot: DeLaurent-$58,794.70


The question came up concerning the Cell Tower money and Mr. Verticchio has not been able to get in contact with him yet. Alderperson Brown suggested this money could fund the parking lots. Malls offered a total for all four jobs of $265,000.

L. City Hall Parking Lot: Mayor Chapman recommended this item be tabled.

M. Mae Whitaker Park Parking Lot: Mayor Chapman recommended this item be tabled.

N. Public Works Gate: Alderperson Brown presented a bid for $6,330 to replace the gate between the buildings, two new posts, and a new section of fence for the Public Works Yard. Alderperson Brown made a motion to accept the bid for the new gate, the new fence and the new posts for $6,330 from American Quality Fencing. Alderperson Householder made the second.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West, Householder

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

O. Bids for the Parking Lot Work were opened. See “K” above.


A. Public Works Department: Alderperson Brown informed the Council that three water main breaks had been fixed, bands were replaced with new stainless steel ones, landscaping around the pond at MWP was completed, the parks were winterized, the culvert by the concession stand was replaced, the crew continues cleaning and marking valves, and they continue to replace meters.

B. Police Department: Chief Girth summarized the police report as presented in the packet. Josh Stein has been given another thirty days and has been told he will then be given a citation.

C. City Clerk Report: Heather Kraus presented the regular reports. She informed the Council that the SAM.gov number is now active. Alderperson Brown asked about the invoice from Heneghan for help with the renewal for the UEI. There is summary in the packet of the new rate for IMRF.


A. Mr. Verticchio requested permission to file the lawsuit for the Hayes property at 610 E. Warren and the Rull property at 601 S. Washington. The Orlina property at 615 E. Seminary has been given an extension. Alderperson Householder volunteered to give Mr. Verticchio the contact information for the Hayes family. Alderperson Brown made the motion to begin proceedings for the lawsuit against Mr. Rull, owner of the property at 601 S. Washington. Alderperson Manar made the second.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West, Householder

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

B. Mr. Verticchio informed the Council that it was time to begin work on contract negotiations which expire in April. The City is required to provide contact information for all of the employees who are part of the bargaining unit. Whether the employee is an actual member of the Union does not negate the necessity to provide the contact information.

12. COMMENTS FROM THE VISITORS: Mr. David Schick recommended adding towing and fine amount to the signs, increasing size of the sign, and putting it closer to eye level to encourage compliance with the no parking rules. Mr. Verticchio recommended that the Council simply drafts a new ordinance to address the issue. Alderperson Bruckert will instruct the police department to issue tickets for no parking. Alderperson Bruckert made the motion to draft an ordinance concerning the no parking rules and signs. Alderperson Manar made the second.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West, Householder

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

13. ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: Alderperson Bruckert made the motion to adjourn to executive session at 8:24 pm. Alderperson Brown made the second. Voice vote. Motion carried.


A. Approval of Operational Policy for Police #1: Alderperson Bruckert made the motion to approve the Operational Policy for Police #1 concerning visitors to the Police Department. Alderperson Brown made the second. Policy is attached to the minutes.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West, Householder

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

B. Approval of Operational Policy for Police #2: Alderperson Bruckert made the motion to approve the Operational Policy for Police #2 concerning an individual’s presence at an active scene of the Bunker Hill Police. Alderperson Brown made the second. Policy is attached to the minutes.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West, Householder

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

15. ADJOURN: Alderperson Bruckert moved, seconded by Alderperson Brown to adjourn the Regular Council Meeting of the City of Bunker Hill of January 11, 2023. Voice vote. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:56 pm.
