City of Hillsboro City Council met June 6.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.
Roll call was taken and those present were Mayor Downs and Commissioners Wright, Butler, Ward and Justison.
The "Pledge of Allegiance" was recited.
Minutes of the previous meetings were approved.
Commissioners' reports:
Commissioner Butler read his report for public properties and streets and they will be included in the minutes. Butler also reported there was an opening on the Natural Resources Committee.
Commissioner Justison reported the new hire in the fire department is doing ongoing training and doing well. Justison said he was going to set up a meeting with Chief Lyerla soon. Justison said he had a good meeting with the police department and will be meeting with the school on the SRO agreement to get some questions answered and read the police department report that will be included in the minutes.
Commissioner Wright read her report and it will be included in the minutes.
Commissioner Ward had nothing to report
Mayor Downs let everyone know that Main St. was not a race track and everyone needed to slow down and damage done to Main St. will not be tolerated. Downs said the downtown event went well and the Red Rooster was pouring beer.
The Community Planner report was given to Mr. D and it will be included in the minutes.
City Engineer Jeremy Connor said the Mechanic St. bid letting will be at the end of June and the OSLAD grant has been completed. Connor said the Seward St. bridge is still ongoing and he will be attending a IDOT seminar on grants with the Community Planner.
There were no public comments.
Motion was made by Commissioner Butler and seconded by Commissioner Wright to adopt Resolution No. 2023-04 a resolution approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of a land lease option agreement regarding real estate located at 218 Industrial Park Drive. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion was made by Commissioner Justison and seconded by Commissioner Butler to adopt Resolution No. 2023-05 a resolution to IDOT requesting to close Route 16 & Route 127 for the Old Settlers Parade. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion was made by Commissioner Butler and seconded by Commissioner Wright to adopt Ordinance No. 1764 authorizing advertisement for sale of real property owned by the City of Hillsboro located at 123 South Douglas Street. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion was made by Commissioner Butler and seconded by Commissioner Wright to adopt Ordinance No. 1765 authorizing advertisement for sale of real property owned by the City of Hillsboro located at 672 Virginia Street. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion was made by Commissioner Wright and seconded by Commissioner Butler to approve the final payment of $22,892.50 to Korte & Luitjohan Contractors for work done on the Huber Drive waterline project. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion was made by Commissioner Butler and seconded. by Commissioner Wright to approve the bid of $232,215.00 from Kinney Contractors for the courthouse square sidewalk and curb replacement. The City will pay $134,995 towards the project. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion was made by Commissioner Butler and seconded by Commissioner Wright to approve purchasing $10,000 worth of lights for the soccer field that will go towards the project to install lights at the soccer field. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion was made by Commissioner Wright and seconded by Commissioner Justison to approve the boat regatta to be held on Lake Hillsboro on July 15th. Motion carried 5- 0.
Motion was made by Commissioner Justison and seconded by Commissioner Wright to approve closing streets for the Old Settlers Celebration. There was no decision made until a meeting could be held with the Old Settlers Committee.
Motion was made by Commissioner Justison and seconded by Commissioner Wright to approve closing the southwest corner of the square, which will be parking spots on July 10th. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion was made by Commissioner Wright and seconded by Commissioner Butler to approve cancelling the July 4th regular council meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Butler started discussions on selling timber on land owned by the City. Jim May said there is a portion of land on the north end of the lake that could be logged and could bring in enough money to pay for some of the grants. May said there will be someone that goes through the area marking the trees to be logged and will also work on a buffer area for the lake so no trees are logged in that portion. May was going to get some more information on the project and report back to the Council.
Motion to Adjourn was made at 7:42 pm by Commissioner Wright and seconded by Commissioner Justison. Motion carried 5-0.