
South Central Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Kinmundy City Council met Aug. 10

City of Kinmundy City Council met Aug. 10.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1. Petition to Vacate a Portion of N. Goodwin Street, being more specifically described as follows: 

All that part of N. Goodwin Street lying between Parcels 1, 2, and 3, with said Parcels being described as follows:

PARCEL 1: Blocks Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18), Isaac Third Addition to Kinmundy, of the Third P.M., Marion County, Illinois. 

PIN: 03-23-101-004 

Common Address: 510 East Cherry Street, Kinmundy, Illinois 62854 

PARCEL 2: A certain lot, piece or parcel of land commencing Sixteen feet (16') East of the Northeast comer (NE/c) of Lot One (1) Block Thirteen (13) and running East Two Hundred and Seventy-Six feet (276') to Street, thence South Two Hundred and Twelve feet (212') to Northeast comer (NE/c) of A.C. Reynolds Lot. Thence West along his line Two Hundred and Seventy-Six feet (276') to Alley. Thence North Two Hundred and Twelve feet (212') to the Place of Beginning. It being a part of the Southwest Quarter (SWY4) of the Northwest Quarter (NWY..) of Section Twenty-Three (23) Town Four (4) North of Range Three (3) East of the Third P.M. ALSO KNOWN AS: Lot One (1) in Block Nineteen (19) in Eagan's 3,d Addition to the Original Town, now City of Kinmundy; all situated in the City of Kinmundy, County of Marion and State of Illinois. 

PIN: 03-23-101-008 

Common Address: N. Goodwin Street, Kinmundy, Illinois 62854 

PARCEL 3: One Hundred Forty-Five feet (145') off the East side of Lot Two (2) in Block Nineteen (19) in Eagan's 3,d Addition to the Original Town, now City of Kinmundy, situated in the County of Marion, in the State of Illinois. 

PIN: 61-03-03-23-\ 0 1-002 

Common Address: 418 East Cherry Street, Kinmundy, Illinois 62854 

That part of N. Goodwin Street to be vacated is approximately Three Hundred SixtyEight feet (368') in length and lies North of Cherry Street; all situated in the City of Kinmundy, in the County of Marion and State of Illinois. 

Reserving unto the City of Kinmundy, Illinois, a public utility easement on, over, in, under, through and across the above-described part of N. Goodwin Street for water, sewer, gas, electric, telecommunications and other public utility purposes. 

All persons interested shall be heard 
