Kinmundy Public Library Board of Trustees met Sept. 13.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
The Kinmundy Public Library Board of Trustees met on Wednesday September 13, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. Members present were Lorraine Day, Erica Fox, Karil Garrett, Jeanette Hoeinghaus, Crystal Squibb, Delyn Stanley, Sue White, and Director Elecia Cooper.
The President called the meeting to order and asked for public or staff comments.
Since Erica was appointed by the City Council for a new term on the Library Board, Karil led the swearing in ceremony. Erica is a valuable member of the Library Board, and her service is appreciated.
2. Staff Comments
For the month of August, 508 items were checked out, and 436 people came to the library. Computers were used by 84. This number does not reflect those who access the library's free wifi service with their own devices inside the library, in the parking lot, and in the park.
3. Approval of Minutes
Minutes from the August meeting were approved as written after a motion by Lorraine and second by Crystal.
4. Treasurer's Report
Lorraine reported that August bills totaled $2,650.39, and deposits were $813.89. The treasurer's report reconciled with the bank statement at $16,370.74.The report was accepted after motion by Jeanette and second by Erica. Crystal made a motion to authorize Lorraine to move $10,000 from the savings account for a CD for six months or a year at her discretion. Sue seconded, and motion carried.
5. Old Business
Karil and Crystal have finalized plans for their costumes and treats for Trick or Treat at the library. Crystal has received donations of children's books to give away along with books already on hand for the event. There will be enough available for each child to take home a book along with a treat bag. The event will be held on the same night the City Council sets for Kinmundy Trick or Treat.
In celebration of National Good Neighbor Day on September 28, Elecia plans to give each patron who visits the library on that day a specially designed button, a book, and a plant start.
With so many holiday events during the rest of this year, the Board decided to postpone the Book Club until January 2024.
The fifth annual Library Crawl runs through the whole month of October. Visitors to Kinmundy Library from other libraries will have their library passports stamped, receive a bottle of water and a treat, and have a photo op with a life size cardboard John Cena.
The Labor Day Bake Sale and Book Sale at the library were very successful.
7. New Business
Beth from The Dining Car has expressed interest in partnering with the library for a food event. The Library Board is interested in working with other community groups and felt that the Chili Cook off might work very well at The Dining Car. Elecia will meet with Beth and bring back a recommendation to the Board.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. with the next meeting scheduled for October 11 at 6:30 p.m. at the library.