City of Hillsboro City Council met Sept. 19.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.
Roll call was taken and those present were Mayor Downs and Commissioners Wright, Butler, Ward and Justison.
The "Pledge of Allegiance" was recited.
Minutes of the previous meetings were approved.
Commissioners' reports:
Commissioner Butler read his reports for public properties and the street department and they will be included in the minutes. Butler wanted to let everyone know the Lake Hillsboro draw down would begin at the end of the month.
Commissioner Justison reported the police department had 486 calls for the month and 2,699 for the year with most of them traffic. Justison said the police department is short staffed and thanked them for keeping things running and thanked the water department for the hydrant flushing and testing. Justison also thanked the Police & Fire Board for testing applicants in the fire department. Mike Lee said he is dealing with high grass and weeds and will probably being doing 3 abatement notices next week. Lee thanked Mayor Downs for getting the grass mowed on Jefferson Street.
Commissioner Wright read her report and it will be included in the minutes.
Commissioner Ward had nothing to report other than bills on the agenda.
Mayor Downs said the abatement process for the old highway department building has been completed.
Community Planner's report will be included in the minutes.
The City Engineer was not present.
Public Comments:
Daughters of the American Revolution presented Mayor Downs with a proclamation for Constitution Week.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ward and seconded by Commissioner Justison to approve paying bills for the month of September in the amount of $551,851.36. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ward and seconded by Commissioner Justison to approve closing certain roads for the Christmas Festival and Parade. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion was made by Commissioner Butler and seconded by Commissioner Wright to adopt Ordinance No. 1775 an ordinance amending section 31-3-1 of the revised code of ordinances pertaining to the rules and regulations for Sherwood Forest Campground. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion was made by Commissioner Butler and seconded by Commissioner Wright to adopt Ordinance No. 1776 the advertisement for sale of real property located at 123 South Douglas Street. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion was made by Commissioner Wright and seconded by Commissioner Butler to approve paying an invoice for Petersburg Plumbing for $9,050.69. Motion carried 5- 0.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ward and seconded by Commissioner Wright to approve the annual health insurance renewal with United Healthcare. Motion carried 5- 0.
Motion was made by Commissioner Justison and seconded by Commissioner Wright to approve hiring Nathan Wolf as an engineer/dispatcher with the fire department. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Butler abstaining.
Motion was made by Commissioner Butler and seconded by Commissioner Wright to approve paying $2,200.00 to PLC Pavement Striping for striping around the Courthouse Square. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Butler started discussions on Eagle Zinc property which is on the eastside of Industrial Drive. Butler said there is a business owner who would like to put his business there if he can get the property. Butler said it is Durbin Excavating and he said the property is actually in Schram City so it won't go on Hillsboro's tax role. Butler said he wanted to make everyone aware of what he was going to do and said he will start working on the contract with them to get it done. Commissioner Wright asked if it would affect the property behind there and Butler said no. Commissioner Ward asked how the City would enforce anything and Butler said it would be enforced through the contract and the award of the property to Durbin would be done at the end of the contract. Butler said the City has done this type of transaction before.
Motion to Adjourn was made at 7:39 pm by Commissioner Butler and seconded by Commissioner Wright. Motion carried 5-0.