City of Litchfield City Council met Oct. 19.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Steven Dougherty called the Regular Meeting to order at 6: 30 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Present on roll call were Alderpersons Marilyn Sisson, Dan Newkirk, Sara Zumwalt, Kassidy Paine, and Jacob Fleming. Absent: Alderpersons Gerl, Hughes and Kellenberger. The Mayor declared that a quorum was present.
Mayor' s Report:
Mayor Dougherty reported that he had attended the County Mayor' s meeting and that an Animal Control Agreement was reached. He explained that there will no longer be a per incident fee, but rather a per capita fee. He said the new agreement will include a program for feral cats.
Other Business:
Alderperson Fleming made a motion, seconded by Alderperson Sisson to accept the minutes from the October 5, 2023 meeting.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Sisson, Newkirk, Zumwalt, Paine, Fleming.
Nay: None.
Absent: Gerl, Hughes, Kellenberger.
Motion carried.
Alderperson Newkirk made a motion, seconded by Alderperson Paine to direct the City Clerk to transfer funds from the city sales tax to the City' s general fund to issue checks and authorize to pay the bills and process payroll.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Sisson, Newkirk, Zumwalt, Paine, Fleming.
Nay: None.
Absent: Gerl, Hughes, Kellenberger.
Motion carried.
New Business:
Building and Grounds:
Alderperson Fleming made a motion, seconded by Alderperson Paine to approve a bid from Ace Sign Company for$ 29, 569. 00 for an electronic sign for Carnegie Park to be located at the corner of State and Union within the Park area and authorize the City Clerk to issue a check upon completion. It was noted that the sign will provide information on events and The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Sisson, Newkirk, Zumwalt, Paine, Fleming.
Nay: None.
Absent: Gerl, Hughes, Kellenberger.
Motion carried.
Alderperson Newkirk made a motion, seconded by Alderperson Paine to contract Halloran& Yauch, Inc., for services related to the design ofthe irrigation system for the Sports Park Complex for an amount not to exceed $ 5, 000.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Sisson, Newkirk, Paine, Fleming.
Nay: Zumwalt.
Absent: Gerl, Hughes, Kellenberger.
Motion carried.
Economic Development:
Alderperson Sisson made a motion, seconded by Alderperson Fleming to approve a professional services agreement with Milano and Grunloh Engineers, LLC for the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Rebuild Downtowns and Main Streets Capital Grant administration for a cost not to exceed $ 20, 000.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Sisson, Newkirk, Zumwalt, Paine, Fleming.
Nay: None.
Absent: Gerl, Hughes, Kellenberger.
Motion carried.
Alderperson Fleming made a motion, seconded by Alderperson Zumwalt to approve a Resolution approving and authorizing the execution of a water and sanitary sewer construction agreement between the City of Litchfield and the State of Illinois Department of Transportation.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Sisson, Newkirk, Zumwalt, Paine, Fleming.
Nay: None.
Absent: Gerl, Hughes, Kellenberger.
Motion carried.
Alderperson Fleming made a motion, seconded by Alderperson Zumwalt to approve a Resolution approving and authoring the execution of a professional services agreement with HMG Engineers to design construction drawings and specifications for a water main extension and sewer pump station and force main to and from IDOT Maintenance yard for a price not to exceed$ 211, 365.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Sisson, Newkirk, Zumwalt, Paine, Fleming.
Nay: None.
Absent: Gerl, Hughes, Kellenberger.
Motion carried.
Alderperson Fleming made a motion, seconded by Alderperson Newkirk to approve a Resolution waiving customary bidding procedures for purchase of a compact utility tractor pursuant to Sourcewell Pricing from Sloan Implement Company for $ 17,643.94
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Sisson, Newkirk, Paine, Fleming.
Nay: None.
Abstain: Zumwalt.
Absent: Gerl, Hughes, Kellenberger.
Motion carried.
Alderperson Newkirk made a motion, seconded by Alderperson Paine to approve an Ordinance amending Chapter 38: Finance of the Municipal Code. A brief discussion followed.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Sisson, Newkirk, Paine, Fleming.
Nay: Zumwalt.
Absent: Gerl, Hughes, Kellenberger.
Motion carried.
Having no further business, Alderperson Zumwalt made a motion, seconded by Alderperson Paine to adjourn the regular meeting of the Litchfield City Council. The Mayor called for a voice vote, motion carried, and the regular meeting adjourned at 6: 55 p.m.