
South Central Reporter

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Wesclin Community Unit School District 3 Board of Education met Dec. 18

Webp 14

Jennifer Filyaw, Superintendent | Wesclin Community Unit School District #3

Jennifer Filyaw, Superintendent | Wesclin Community Unit School District #3

Wesclin Community Unit School District 3 Board of Education met Dec. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I Regular Meeting

A. Roll Call

The Board of Education of Wesclin Community School District # 3, Clinton and St. Clair Counties, Illinois, met in a regular session on Monday, the 18th day of December 2023, at the hour of 6:00 p.m., at the Wesclin High School in said district.

At the above-named time and place there were present the following officers and members of the Board:

                                                         Present       Absent

Jeff Stroot, President:                  ____ X____ _________

Tina Litteken, Treasurer:              ____ X____ _________

Connie Elmore:                            ____ X____ _________

Zach Peters:                                ____ X____ _________

Dustin Biggs:                               ____ X____ _________

Jared Poettker:                            ____ X____ _________

Krystal Schmitt:                           ____ X____ _________

A quorum of the Board members being present, the current president called the meeting to order and declared the Board to be in session for the transaction of business.

                                                    Administrators present:

Jennifer Filyaw, Superintendent: ____ X____ _________

Jamey Rahm:                              ____ X____ _________

Angela Woll:                                ____ X____ _________

Zack Huels:                                 ____ X____ _________

Patrick Weathers:                       ____ X____ _________

Jaime Bonsall:                            ____ X____ _________

B. Public Hearing (Truth in Taxation)

Information- Mrs. Filyaw reviews 2 different options for the proposed levy. The first was similar to last month, the second reduced the tort fund from $750,000 to $650,000. She also shared how this would affect the taxpayers as well.

Public Comments - none

Motion made by _Tina Litteken_, seconded by _Jared Poettker_ to adjourn the Truth in Taxation meeting.

C. Roll Call

At the above-named time and place there were present the following officers and members of the


                                                          Present       Absent

Jeff Stroot, President:                   ____ X____ _________

Tina Litteken, Treasurer:               ____ X____ _________

Connie Elmore:                             ____ X____ _________

Zach Peters:                                 ____ X____ _________

Dustin Biggs:                                ____ X____ _________

Jared Poettker:                            ____ X____ _________

Krystal Schmitt:                           ____ X____ _________

A quorum of the Board members being present, the current president called the meeting to order and declared the Board to be in session for the transaction of business.

                                                     Administrators present:

Jennifer Filyaw, Superintendent: ____ X____ _________

Jamey Rahm:                              ____ X____ _________

Angela Woll:                                ____ X____ _________

Zack Huels:                                 ____ X____ _________

Patrick Weathers:                       ____ X____ _________

Jaime Bonsall:                            ____ X____ _________

D. Adopt the 2023 Certificate of Tax Levy

The district is requesting a tax levy with an overall increase of 8% in the Equalized Assessed Value (EAV) as compared to last year. It is important to remember that this is not an 8% tax increase. The only money received is the money that is entitled to us and the increase is used to protect the district from any unforeseen increases in the EAV.

Motion made by _Tina Litteken_, seconded by _Zach Peters_ to approve option 1 of the adoption of the 2023 Certificate of Tax Levy.

Vote: Dustin Biggs-no, Connie Elmore-no, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-no, Jeff Stroot-no, Krystal Schmitt-no. Motion does not pass 5-2

Motion made by _Jared Poettker_, seconded by _Dustin Biggs_ to approve option 2 of the adoption of the 2023 Certificate of Tax Levy.

Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-no, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye, Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 6-0

Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the previous regular meeting and of the executive session of November 20, 2023 were approved on a motion by _Connie Elmore_, seconded by _Tina Litteken_.

Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye, Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0

District Finances

Motion made by _Tina Litteken, seconded by _Dustin Biggs_ to approve The Treasurer's Report and payment of payroll in the amount of _$959,393.61_ and bills in the amount of _$727,070.62_.

Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye, Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0

Agenda Modification

Motion made by _Tina Litteken_, seconded by _Connie Elmore_ to approve agenda as presented.

Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye, Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0

Superintendent Report

January Board Meeting

Just a reminder that the January board meeting will be held Tuesday, January 16 due to Martin Luther

King Day.

Bullying Presentation

Mrs. Filyaw shared a presentation at the meeting, titled “Addressing Bullying.” This presentation included adding cameras on the buses as well as additional reporting options for students and families.

High School Gym Floor

The High School gym floor in front of the visitors bench has warped. In discussions with Stalker Flooring, the company that installed the floor, they believe that there was some type of water damage within the last month. They are scheduled to meet on Monday with the flooring company to review the damage and to determine what the next steps will be. Mrs. Filyaw has contacted our insurance company as this will most likely be an insurance claim.

Illinois Department of Transportation Appraisal, Land Purchase, and Easement

In order to make the improvements to Illinois 160 and Wesclin Road, a Land Purchase and Easement are required. In order to purchase the land and provide improvements that may be necessary, the Illinois Department of Transportation is proposing $82,500.00.


The agendas are attached for the following meetings:

Administration Team Meeting

Faculty Meetings

Principals’ Report

Mr. Weathers congratulated the New Baden Elementary 3rd Grade Teachers, who were awarded $450 for “Animal & Plant Life Cycles Projects.” Also, a big thank you to Mrs. Klause, who oversees a program that pairs older students with younger students, and they teach them how to tie their shoes and other engaging activities.

Mrs. Woll expressed how the students at Trenton Elementary were so excited to see all of the Christmas lights that were installed in the gym, and are ready for Christmas! On December 19, there is a “Midnight Crazy Bowl” event that all of the Elementary students are looking forward to.

Mr. Huels sent a special “Thank you” to Mrs. Washburn, Mrs. Page, and Mr. Davis on all of their hard work and dedication to the school Christmas Concerts! The Middle School ‘Penny War’ event was a success- and raised $1,751.80, which will be spent on gifts for families in need throughout our district.

Mr. Rahm states that the CEO fundraiser and the Band Fundraisers were a success! Thank you to everyone who helped make these successful. As the semester comes to an end- Finals throughout the High School will start on December 19th.

II. Public Comments:

Paul Parsons states that while it will not bring his daughter back, he would like to see the district offer more one-on-one time with students and teachers. He added that when faculty sees a mood change in the kids, someone needs to speak with them.

Kayla Clubb states that her daughter Emma was assaulted on the school bus. She says that nobody was made aware of this assault until 9 pm that day, and that her daughter is struggling severely due to this incident. Her daughter is afraid to get on bus and/or be at school at 11 years old, and Kayla feels that her daughter’s assault is not important because it’s not a child of the board/faculty.

Gary Bunker is Emma Bunker’s Grandfather. He says that bullying is a huge problem at Wesclin, and that the Anonymous App is too confusing/ the students should be able to go to a staff member. Gary also says that the safety of the kids is what is important, and that the Board can be replaced if they are not doing their job to keep all of the students safe in this district. He finishes by saying all we are asking you to do, is to protect the kids in this school- and so far you guys have not been able to do that.

Nick Bunker is Emma's father- and he wants to know why the bus cameras were not installed/approved

10-20 years ago, before his daughter got assaulted on the bus? He adds that it is negligence of duty, and that it is the Superintendent's job and responsibility to protect the kids of this district. Nick has concerns for the Anonymous App- as he states that cell phones are not to be utilized while in school, and does not know how that will work.

Natalie Burton says she has 5 children in this school district, and one was friends with Noelle Parsons.

She has a letter from one of the students at Wesclin, and it states how this student had balls thrown at them, was told to die, and was called racial slurs. This student is asking for help with bullying in this school. Natalie adds that while there are amazing educators out there in this district, one of the things she felt made a difference in her children’s life- was Middle School Principal Zach Huels. Mr. Huels talked to her childs group of friends, and treated them like they were people. He made them feel recognized, and like they were important and they matter.

  Jessica Clark states that she is the mother of a child who was recently expelled from this district. While she does not disagree with that decision, she states that her son was bullied since 4th grade. She says that she had meetings with Mrs. Filyaw and the Administration, and nothing was ever done about it.

Jessica states that her son’s expulsion is the only thing that the school district has ever done that stopped the bullying he has endured. She finishes by saying that she and her husband had believed the bullying had finally stopped once he reached High School, because he no longer spoke about it. When asked why he did not say anything to them, he stated that he didn't believe anything was going to be done about it anyway.

Amanda Swaim is a parent of a daughter who used to attend Wesclin High School, as she pulled her out of the district in December of 2021. She states her daughter was at the receiving end of the extensive bullying at this school, and that she had meetings about it starting at the elementary level. Amanda states her daughter was assaulted by another student, and that nothing ever changed with these meetings that went on throughout Middle School. Meeting after meeting, Amanda states she was told (by the admin) that there is not a bullying problem at Wesclin. Her daughter said she wanted to end her life because of the relentless bullying- so she now attends private school. Amanda finishes by stating there are over one dozen parents who personally pulled their students from Wesclin, and that it is a   shame it took a child taking her own life to get a presentation about bullying- and what about accountability?

Shannon Smith states she has 2 boys that attend Middle School at Wesclin. She wonders how the Anonymous App will work, when the students are told to stay off of devices? She finishes by saying why are we asking students to do more, when they need to focus on their education?

Amy Champion-Hilmes states that she is new to the community, and she has 4 kids that attend all the schools in this district. Amy said what the board, administration, staff, and the community need to focus on is what everyone can do together to better this district. She added that consistency across the board in terms of what kind of student behavior is being expected, needs to be consistent from kindergarten through High School. Amy finishes by saying that she was appalled at the name-calling, foul language, and racial slurs that were being used by students at a young age- and as an educator she understands that children cannot be watched every second & it takes a community to help the situation. Parents need to make sure that they are teaching their children right from wrong from the very beginning, lets pull together and make a difference.

Mackenzie Frye states that she has a daughter in Middle School at Wesclin, and her brother was depantsed at school. She adds that bullying is not taken seriously when brought up to Administration- and feels that too many jokes are made about bullying.

Kassie Hund, who is a volunteer Youth Minister with the Life Teen Program, says the root of the problem regarding bullying is relational. She adds that hurt people, hurt people- and that the kids who are bullying and are getting bullied- have the exact same problems in life they are dealing with. Kassie states that she has witnessed numerous instances in the program that she is involved in, where students build relationships with each other no matter the social setting they are in. She finishes by saying that she would like to see something like this set up in the public school system, to help the students feel more comfortable with opening up to each other- and that it would go a lot further than the Anonymous App.

Sophie Swaim states that she is a former student of Wesclin High School, and that she was pulled out due to the bullying that occurs in this district. She adds that she doesnt think that her classmates really understood the words they would say to her, and how hurtful they can be- such as calling her fat or making fun of her haircut. Sophie finishes by saying she's witnessed teachers hear negative comments from other students about other classmates, and would then turn their heads as if nothing was heard. She mentioned that she left Wesclin schools after being bullied for 7 years straight, including in Kindergarten- and tells the Board there was nothing ever done to stop it.

Tyler Huelsman attends Wesclin High School, and says that speaking to other students, they are afraid to

speak up about the bullying that goes on in this school. He adds that there needs to be a comfortable environment where students feel they can speak up and not have to worry about what happens after.

Tyler finishes with saying the Anonymous App may not always work- but there needs to be a secure place to record bullying incidents.

Brandy Porter addresses concerns with the presentation that Mrs. Filyaw gave regarding the Anonymous App. Brandy states that the definition that Mrs. Filyaw gave is not in the student handbook, but it fits in her agenda for tonight. Brandy added that what was brought to this board meeting by parents tonight, is that bullying is repeated behavior. She asks if it is not repeated behavior, it is a conflict, and not bullying, but that is what the handbook says. Brandy finishes by saying that no matter what job there is, it's the person at the top who is ultimately responsible. For those who have had issues with administration, maybe they have made poor choices that they could have made better, but ultimately-what they are allowed to do and what happens in our district comes from the top.

Brad Clark asks why law enforcement was contacted about his child who made a threat to the school, but other students who caused issues, they were not? Brad stated that he and the other parents will be heard regarding this issue, and that they will get a petition to get board and superintendent removed with legal action if need be.

Steven Sohnrey says he contacted Mrs. Filyaw 10 days ago with concerns about bullying, and he was told to bring in hard facts and evidence. Steven added that is not his job, and it is administrations responsibility- and there is a problem in this school district. Parent and parent, student after student addressing the board tonight regarding bullying and it needs to be fixed. He asks how many more children need to go somewhere else to get educated? Steven finishes by saying that he's been contacted by parents of children who have left this district- and says get it together folks or we will replace all of you.

Ava Sohnrey states her best friend was Noelle Parsons. She adds, has anyone spoke to the children who has been bullied since Noelle’s passing? She finishes by saying that there has been a bullying issue at Wesclin since Middle School- and when Administration is contacted, nothing is ever done to fix it.

Travis Rodgers says that he has 2 kids that go to school at Wesclin. He states that it is not just the board members fault with the bullying issue- but that it is also teachers/admin who raise bullies.

He says that if you raise your children to think they are better than everyone else, they will bully other children. He finishes by saying that if you are a teacher/administrator at Wesclin, and if you have a child that bullies, you should not be an employee in this district.

Rhiannon Mitchell is a student at Wesclin Middle School. She states that she has had an issue with being bullied and has been told to die and that she was ugly. She finishes by saying Mr. Huels is the only person who listened and tried to help, and that Mrs. Filyaw is too much of a coward to do anything.

III. Celebration of Success

Congratulations to Sara Barton for being awarded the Touchstone Energy Grant. She will be given $500 to implement a project that she proposed.

Congratulations to Angie Wegman for winning a Clinton County Farm Bureau Foundation Classroom Grant for $350. She plans to purchase a compost bin and accessories for Trenton Elementary, incorporating lessons for her students and encouraging faculty and staff to use it.

NBE 3rd Grade Teachers were awarded $450 for their “Animal & Plant Life Cycles Projects.” Teachers use this for their baby chicks and ducks projects, compost pile project, and growing plants for Mothers’ Day project.

The Senior Citizen Luncheon was a success. Everyone enjoyed the event. A special shout out to Danielle Schmitt for her organization of the event.

Congratulations to our music department, under the direction of Amy Page, Luke Davis, and Megan Washburn, for their outstanding Christmas performances.

Special thank you to the High National Honor Society and the parent organizations at Trenton Elementary and New Baden Elementary for a successful Santa’s Cottage.

Every year, students from Wesclin have the option to audition for a chance to participate in the Illinois Music Education Association’s annual music festival. We are part of District 6 which includes the metro east and all of southern Illinois. The audition material is very challenging and only the best musicians in our district are chosen to participate in the festival. This year we had the following students chosen:

Jr. Vocal Jazz- Aubrey Page

Sr. Vocal Jazz- Emma Page

Jr Chorus- Aubrey Page, Ella Ranz, Rhiannon Mitchell

Sr Band- Emma Page, Callie Ferguson, Connor Cooper

IV. Items Requiring Board of Education Action

Wastewater Operator Contract

The district's contract with the City of Trenton to perform the required IEPA monthly testing, expires on December 31st. The cost was $130, and Mrs. Filyaw is recommending that the district enters into a contract with Certop. In addition, if Certop becomes our Wastewater Operator, their contract is attached and they are proposing $400/monthly.

Motion by _Tina Litteken_, seconded by _Dustin Biggs_ to enter into a contract with CERTOP to become our wastewater operator and perform the required IEPA testing.

Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye, Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0

Bus Camera Proposal

Southern Bus and Mobility provided us quotes from 3 different companies for Bus Cameras. Southern Bus and Mobility is located in Breese, and they ultimately will install the cameras on the buses as soon as possible. Mrs.Filyaw is recommending ProVision Camera System for our larger buses, a 3-camera system with the camera’s located on the driver side of the bus. For our smaller buses (which does include the white activity bus) it will be a 2-camera system. Each camera will have its own individual high-frequency microphone. Once the cameras are installed, Mrs. Filyaw will discuss working directly with the representative from ProVision and purchase an add-on package called “Cloud Connect” that allows the district to access video through an app that costs $240.00 yearly.

Camera System Cost

Large Bus- $2,399.60 per bus

Small Bus- $2,095.05 per bus

Large Bus Total- 13 (big bus fleet) @ $2,399.60 = $35,994.00

Small Bus Total- 5 (small bus fleet) @ $2,095.05= $14,525.00

Total= $50,519.00

Motion by _Tina Litteken_, seconded by _Connie Elmore_ to approve Southern Bus and Mobility to install a Provision Camera System on each bus. The cost is $2,399.60 per large bus, and $2,905.05 per small bus.

Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye, Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0

Anonymous Alert and Incident Management Proposal

Anonymous Alerts is an anonymous reporting system that enables students, parents, or members of the community to anonymously report bullying, behavioral, and/or campus safety concerns using a mobile or web-based app 24/7. The Anonymous Alerts reporting mobile app is simple and intuitive for anyone to use, and allows school Administrators to quickly/efficiently manage and investigate incident reports. In addition, potential safety threats and mental health behavioral risks can be quickly identified and handled by the designated school Administrators, safety personnel, and counselors.

Motion by _Jared Poettker_, seconded by _Zach Peters_ to approve Anonymous Alerts as an online anonymous reporting system.

Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye, Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0

Earthquake Insurance

The district’s insurance covers $10 million towards an earthquake, and the district carries an additional $25 million policy. Therefore, should there be an earthquake, we have a total of $35 million in coverage. The cost is $52, 310 (last year’s cost was $43,170.)

Motion by _Dustin Biggs_ seconded by _Tina Litteken_ to approve Intact Insurance for our additional earthquake insurance coverage.

Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye, Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0

Consent Agenda

a. Hire:

i. Jeff Bassler- We are recommending Mr. Bassler as an Assistant High School Track Coach.

ii. Nicole Hendricks- We are recommending Mrs. Hendricks as a Middle School Track Coach.

b. Resignation

i. Courtney Huels- Mrs. Huels is resigning as the Varsity Volleyball Coach.

ii. Catherine Haake- Mrs. Haake is resigning as the JV Volleyball Coach

c. Volunteer:

i. Riley Fisher- We are recommending Ms. Riley Fisher as a volunteer cheerleading coach.

d. Days Without Pay:

i. Kelly Strieker- Mrs. Strieker is requesting 2 days without pay for personal business.

ii. Erin Holt- Mrs. Holt is requesting 2 days without pay to attend a trip with her husband.

Motion by _Tina Litteken_ seconded by _Connie Elmore_ to approve the consent agenda as presented.

Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye, Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0

F. Closed Session for the purposes of discussing appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the Board or legal counsel for the Board, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the Board or against legal counsel for the Board to determine its validity pursuant to Section 2©(1) of the Open Meetings Act.

Motion by _Tina Litteken_ seconded by _Connie Elmore_ to move into closed session for the purposes of considering the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the Board or legal counsel for the Board, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the Board or against legal counsel for the Board to determine its validity pursuant to Section 2©(1) of the Open Meetings Act. _7:54_ p.m.)

Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye. Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0

Motion by _Connie Elmore_, seconded by _Jared Poettker_ to return from closed session into the regular meeting. (_8:58_ p.m.)

Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye. Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0

VI. Adjournment:

It was moved by _Tina Litteken_, seconded by _Jared Poettker_ that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting was adjourned at 9:07 p.m.

Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye. Motion passes 7-0



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