Steve Dougherty, Litchfield City Mayor | Facebook
Steve Dougherty, Litchfield City Mayor | Facebook
City of Litchfield City Council met Oct. 3.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Regular Meeting Minutes
Mayor Steven Dougherty called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Present on roll call were Alderpersons Dwayne Gerl, Josh Hughes, Kassidy Paine, Jacob Fleming, Marilyn Sisson, Robin Huffman and Ray Kellenberger. Alderperson Sarah Zumwalt was absent. The Mayor declared that a quorum was present.
Mayor’s Report:
Mayor Dougherty shared information on the $ 30,000.00 Duff Fund for the Milnot Beach Expansion. Henry Eilers was inducted into the the Illinois Conservation Foundation Hall of Fame for his Shoal Creek and Route 66 Prairie conservation achievements. Fall clean-up will begin October 21st, with brush pick-up starting November 4th. Trick or treating will start after the Halloween Parade on the 26th and continue until 9 p.m. and on Thursday October 31th from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. Ameren is ahead of schedule, just a few weeks for the gas lines and the electrical can begin. Operation Green Light, in honor of veterans, will run from November 4th through the 11th. Also, the city is closer to securing animal control.
Alderperson Kellenberger made a motion, seconded by Robin Huffman to approve Dr. D. Ross Billiter to fill the unexpired term of Pam Voyles – May 2025 on the Plan Commission.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Sisson, Gerl, Huffman, Paine, Fleming, Kellenberger.
Nay: Hughes.
Absent: Zumwalt.
Motion carried.
Other Business:
Alderperson Huffman made a motion, seconded by Alderperson Kellenberger, to accept the minutes from the September 19, 2024, meeting.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Sisson, Gerl, Huffman, Paine, Fleming, Hughes, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Absent: Zumwalt.
Motion carried.
Alderperson Fleming made a motion seconded by Alderperson Gerl to direct the transfer of funds from the city sales tax to the City’s general fund to issue checks and authorize to pay the bills and process payroll.
Mayor Dougherty discussed the Bid Opening for 619 N. Madison PIN# 10-33-318-009. Melissa Talbert is offering $3,000.00.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Alderperson Fleming made a motion seconded by Alderperson Gerl to approve a Resolution authorizing a change order for a contract with Johnson Controls for security system and fire alarm repairs at the Water Treatment Facility for an amount not to exceed $12,361.56.
Wastewater Treatment:
Alderperson Fleming made a motion seconded by Alderperson Sisson to approve a proposal from Vandevanter Engineering to repair a 15-horsepower motor and pump for the Ohren Drive lift station for an amount not to exceed $14,049.24.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Sisson, Gerl, Huffman, Paine, Fleming, Hughes, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Absent: Zumwalt.
Motion carried.
Wastewater Treatment:
Alderperson Fleming made a motion seconded by Alderperson Sisson to approve a Resolution accepting a proposal form Vandevanter Engineering to perform annual preventative maintenance on eleven lift stations for an amount not to exceed $11,244.00 annually.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Sisson, Gerl, Huffman, Paine, Fleming, Hughes, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Absent: Zumwalt.
Motion carried.
Alderperson Gerl made a motion, seconded by Alderperson Sisson to approve an emergency repair on a 2012 International Work Star dump truck from EJ Equipment, Inc.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Sisson, Gerl, Huffman, Paine, Fleming, Hughes, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Absent: Zumwalt.
Motion carried.
Alderperson Sisson made a motion seconded by Alderperson Paine to approve an Ordinance declaring personal property of the Litchfield Police Department surplus and authorizing its sale and/or disposal.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Sisson, Gerl, Huffman, Paine, Fleming, Hughes, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Absent: Zumwalt.
Motion carried.
City Clerk:
Alderperson Paine made a motion seconded by Alderperson Kellenburger to approve a Resolution appointing Stacie Peecher as Local Election Official Designee for the period November 12-18, 2024. During this period Stacie Peecher will make herself available in City Hall.
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Sisson, Gerl, Huffman, Paine, Fleming, Hughes, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Absent: Zumwalt.
Motion carried.
Executive Session
Alderperson Huffman made a motion, seconded by Alderperson Fleming, to enter into Executive Session, as allowed under the Illinois Open Meetings Act, as found in Chapter 5 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes, section 120, to address these certain and restricted items:
1. “The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body.” (5ILCS 120/2(2)(6)
2. “Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting.” (5ILCS 120/2(2)(C)(11)
3. “The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent contractors in a park, recreation, or education setting, or specific volunteers of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific individual who serves as an independent contractor in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or a volunteer of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. However, a meeting to consider an increase in compensation to a specific employee of a public body that is subject to the Local Government Wage Increase Transparency Act may not be closed and shall be open to the public and posted and held in accordance with the Act.” (5 ILCS 120/2(2) (C) (3)
4. “The selection of a person to fill a public office, as defined in this Act, including a vacancy in a public office, when the public body is given power to appoint under law or ordinance.” (5 ILCS 120/2(2) (C) (3)
5. “Discussion of minutes of meeting lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06.” (5 ILCS 120/2(2) (C) (21)
The Mayor directed a roll call vote.
Aye: Sisson, Gerl, Huffman, Paine, Fleming, Hughs, Kellenberger.
Nay: None.
Absent: Zumwalt.
Motion carried.
Executive Session was entered into at 6:42 p.m.