
South Central Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Hillsboro Community School District 3 Board of Education met Oct. 8

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Mr. David Powell, Superintendent | Hillsboro Community School District No. 3

Mr. David Powell, Superintendent | Hillsboro Community School District No. 3

Hillsboro Community School District 3 Board of Education met Oct. 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1) A regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by Vice-President Nathan Kirby, at the Hillsboro Unit Office at 7:00 p.m. The following board members were present: Brian Patton, Blake Furness, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. John Lentz, Kassie Greenwood and President Lentz were absent.

2) Agenda Item 2.0. Good News Reports

Principal Frailey reported the new attendance reward program is off to a great start. Student attendance is up 35 percent from last year.

Board member Patton praised high school teacher Mrs. Edwards. The teacher stepped up for a senior student whose family was not present at a homecoming event.

3) Agenda Item 3.0 Consent Agenda

3.1 Approval of Regular Session Minutes from September 17, 2024

Vice President Kirby asked for additions or corrections to the September 17, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes. There were none.

3.2 Approval of Executive Session Minutes from September 17, 2024

Vice President Kirby asked for additions or corrections to the September 17, 2024 Executive Session Meeting Minutes. There were none.

3.3 Review and Approval of Payables

Vice President Kirby asked for questions or comments. Superintendent Powell asked for approval on pay request #11 to O'Shea Builders in the amount of $1,858,908.18.

3.4 Financial Report

Vice President Kirby asked for questions or comments. There were none.

Consent Agenda Vote.

Motion made by Brian Patton, seconded by Mike Cerutti to approve the consent agenda as presented. On roll call the following voted yes: Brian Patton, Blake Furness, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 4-0.

4) Agenda Item 4.0 Recognition of Audience

No cards submitted.

5) Agenda Item 5.0 Old Business

5.1 Second Reading and Possible Adoption of Policy Revision Recommendations

Superintendent Powell asked for questions or comments. There were none.

Motion made by Brian Patton, seconded by Mike Cerutti to approve the Second Reading of Policy Revisions from PRESS Issue 115 and 116. On roll call the following voted yes: Brian Patton, Blake Furness, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 4-0.

5.2 Continued Discussion of 6-12 Grading Practices

Curriculum Director Hope McBrain informed the board that administration and teachers have continued to meet throughout the month to discuss integration of the policy. She reported some teachers have already began to put more thought into assignments and their value as they transition to the new policy. She added the quantity of grades taken is varying greatly from department to department. The district will continue to work on better aligning departments to ensure students are receiving common assessments. School improvement days on November 1st and 8th will both be used to continue getting feedback from teachers and administration.

6) Agenda Item 6.0 New Business

6.1 Consideration of Adding Honors Physical Science Course at HHS

HHS Physical Science Teacher Emma Dixon is proposing a new honors physical science course be offered at HHS. The class will cover basic chemistry, physics, Earth and space concepts and information. The course is best suited for students who are college bound or looking to pursue more advanced science classes in their junior or senior year.

Motion made by Brian Patton, seconded by Mike Cerutti to approve Honors Physical Science as a new course at HHS. On roll call the following voted yes: Brian Patton, Blake Furness, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 4-0.

7) Agenda Item 7.0 Communication

There was none.

8) Agenda Item 8.0 Executive Session

Motion made by Brian Patton and seconded by Mike Cerutti to move into Executive Session at 7:34 p.m. for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees. Voice vote. Motion carried.

Motion by Brian Patton and seconded by Mike Cerutti to move out of Executive session at 7:41 p.m. Voice Vote. Motion carried.

9) Agenda Item 9.0 Action Items Resulting from Executive Session

9.1 Employment of HHS Prom Coordinator

Motion made by Brian Patton, seconded by Mike Cerutti to approve the employment of Amber Connor as HHS Prom Coordinator. On roll call the following voted yes: Brian Patton, Blake Furness, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 4-0.

9.2 Employment of Teaching Assistants

Motion made by Brian Patton, seconded by Mike Cerutti to approve the employment of Chasity Ritchey as a Teaching Assistant at HHS. On roll call the following voted yes: Brian Patton, Blake Furness, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion made by Brian Patton, seconded by Mike Cerutti to approve the employment of Chantel Long as a Teaching Assistant at Coffeen Early Childhood Center. On roll call the following voted yes: Brian Patton, Blake Furness, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 4-0.

9.3 Approval of Volunteer Coaches

Motion made by Brian Patton, seconded by Mike Cerutti to approve Andrew Law as a Volunteer Wrestling Coach. On roll call the following voted yes: Brian Patton, Blake Furness, Mike Cerutti, and Nathan Kirby. Motion carried 4-0.

10) Agenda Item 10.0 Adjournment.

Motion by Brian Patton, seconded by Mike Cerutti to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 p.m. Voice vote. Motion carried.
