
South Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Greenville City Council met Nov. 12

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Lisa Stephens, Councilwoman | City of Greenville Website

Lisa Stephens, Councilwoman | City of Greenville Website

City of Greenville City Council met Nov. 12.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The meeting was called to order on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 7:00 PM by Mayor George Barber.


Council Present: Mayor George Barber, Council Member Ivan Estevez, Council Member Kyle Littlefield, and Council Member Blake Knox

Council Absent: Council Member Lisa Stephens

Staff Present: Jo Hollenkamp, Jody Weiss, Keith Scoggins, Jake McClintock, Michelle Liggett, Bryan Waugh and Brad Iberg

Public Present: Tanya & Fred Hilpert, Tracy Philips, Debi & Byron Shanks, Alice & Richard Fitzsimmons, Samantha Hill, John Dawdy, Cindy Tischhauser, Preston Johannes, Richard Johannes, Nate Wielard, Sam Pawlin, Blake & Tori Gocey, Logan Rose, JoEllen Vohlken, Vicki Volkmar, Scott Crothers, Mike Kaegy, Chance Vohlken, Jeremy Pestle, Jane Hopkins, Kenny Hampton, Chris Kantner, Jeff Gipson, Barb Schaufelberger, George Peters, Nate Von Wheeler, Monique Brunious, Linda Peters, Mike Sheeley, Scott Gaffner



Fred Hilpert represented Lost & Found Ministries and wanted to thank Scott Gaffner & Mike Sheeley, who are taking over the old "gas station", for allowing their ministry stay through spring.

Dr. John Dawdy spoke about the Lost and Found Ministries. They have been operating for nearly ten years and are open 4-5 days a week. It is a very useful group. He would like to see some sort of contract that would allow Lost & Found to continue to use the garage or fund or give or rent space for the Lost & Found.

Scott Crothers lives at 847 N Elm Street and does not approve of the N Elm Street and Grigg Street prohibiting parking. The lanes will increase speed and make more dangerous for pedestrians/children living in the area.

Jeremy Pestle lives on N Elm and said on-street parking is vital. Most homes have a single lane driveway and needs to use the street for parking their vehicles. Traffic speed increases when the parked cars are gone. The residents are good about getting off the road during snow emergencies. These homes have very narrow lots.

Tonya Hilpert works with the Women's Recovery Group, and would like to continue in the building they are in as it is "established". People know where to go, and if the building is torn down, no one will know where they are.

George Peters of N Elm is against the change in parking. There is no way to widen the driveway. He also said he and his wife own Jubilee House and they assist Lost & Found, and would like their building to stay.

Nate Von Wheeler was representing Kirk Langham of Uppercuts. They had another person fall. Hollenkamp said that is the GU project and we will ask what is the status of completion.

Monique Brunious said the Lost & Found has a decade of recovery at the current location. She would like that they stay in the current location where everyone knows they are located.

Tori Gocey lives at the corner of Prairie & East Oak and does not want parking to be eliminated. She would like for it to stay public parking but not allow GU students to park there.

Chance Vohlken is a member of the Planning Commission and said the University was charged with a couple of tasks when planning the new dorms, but they did not do them. No students or GU staff are not be parking in the areas proposed to close, and the residents should not be punished.

Vicki Volkmar of N Elm is against closing North Elm to Grigg.

Linda Peters of N Elm said she should be able to park in front of her home. This could potentially hurt the value of her home if she would ever try to sell it. Street parking brings more value to selling a home.


4.1. Proclamation celebrating Native American Heritage Month.

Mayor Barber presented the Native American Heritage Month Proclamation to Cindy Tischhauser.

4.2. The City is seeking one individual to serve on the Tourism Committee. This committee meets on an as-needed basis. We are also seeking one person to serve on the Planning Commission. Planning also meets on an as-needed basis.

Interested parties should contact City Manager Jo Hollenkamp or Mayor George Barber.



6.1. HMG Report:

Beaumont Avenue Resurfacing

• Construction is complete. The final balancing authorization and pay estimate have been submitted to the contractor and IDOT.

Dewey Street

• Preliminary plan comments were received from IDOT. Revisions are currently in progress.

• This project is anticipated to be bid in early 2025, but this target is subject to change.

6.2. Milano & Grunloh Report:

∙ SRTS (Phase 2) The City was successful on this application receiving $250,000. A public meeting was held on July 2nd. The topographic survey is complete, and design has started.

∙ The IEPA has funded the project in the amount of $21,404,770.96 at an interest rate of 0.93% with $1,250,000.00 in loan forgiveness. The city also applied for a DCEO RIPI grant which was announced and the City received a 2 million dollar grant. See attached layout and bid tabulation. The City also received a state legislative grant from Rodney Davis which is being worked through. Bids were opened on May 5th. The City awarded the All Service Contract for Filter Installation for $119,995.00 and Contract for Filter Supply for $2,043,820.00. The pre-construction conference meeting was held on September 5th. Construction began the last week of September. The contractor has completed site work, vessel foundations, head tank, claricone, clearwell and foundations. They are working on above grade piping, the building, etc. Additional trades (electrical, plumbing, brick layers, etc.) are working on interior items. The building shell is complete and the interior work is progressing well. See the attached construction minutes for more information. Change Order #4 for an increase of $53,315.50 is attached for approval. Pay Estimate #14 for $1,093,841.39 from Grunloh Building is presented for approval.

∙ DCEO Applications were due January 19, 2023. Attached is a project exhibit and budget. The project was funded at $1.5 million. . We have the IDOT and Railroad Permits. There is a potential gap in Right-of-Way between the Railroad and the Highway for which easements have been prepared. The bid opening was on September 5. The low bidder was Haier Plumbing & Heating. Bonds, insurance, etc. have been received. A pre construction meeting is scheduled for December 9th at 1:00 at City Hall.

∙ ITEP A new project area is being evaluated. See new exhibit. Preliminary Engineering for this area has started. The NOFO is out with applications due September 30th. A public meeting was held. The application has been submitted.

∙ OSLAD (Open Space Land Acquisition and Development) The application has been submitted. The City of Greenville received a $600,000 grant. See the attachments. The grant agreement has been received. The grant agreement has been executed and design has begun. The project area has been surveyed and design has started. A meeting was held to review the plans (comments are being incorporated into the plans).

∙ Downtown Grant – The City received $1.9 million for these improvements. Milano & Grunloh will assist with Administration. Plans are complete by Studio ARQ with a bid opening on August 15th at City Hall. The City has received reimbursements for $167,635 for Design/Engineering and $25,318.75 in contingencies. Construction should begin soon.

∙ There are items at the Waste Water Treatment Plant that will need addressed in the next five years. These are being evaluated to develop a plan for a timeline and budget. One clarifier was taken offline and inspected. It was in good shape, but will need work completed or deterioration will escalate. A funding application to the IEPA for a $3 million project was submitted. Preliminary, the City is eligible for 45% principal forgiveness. See the attached exhibit and plan. Milano & Grunloh has submitted the paperwork to the IEPA. Construction for this Phase I project should be in 2025. The project plan has been approved. IEPA has published the intended use plan. Greenville was on the funded list, but past the available funding. There is the possibility to receive bypass funding. An RFQ was completed for engineering. Milano & Grunloh was selected. If bypass funding is approved, construction should begin in 2025. Phase 2 is being planned to improve the intake and other items.

∙ Bond Madison Interconnect – An interconnection with Bond/Madison is being completed. Plans and permits have been sent to the IEPA. This was reduced to a basic connection. The IEPA permit has been received. Construction is almost complete. An operating permit will be secured after completion.

∙ Box Culvert – There is an existing box culvert on Main Street that has failed. Options for repairing it are being evaluated. The plan is to proceed with an arch type box. The City is going to bid the this out in the next fiscal year.

∙ 319 Grant – The Notice of Funding Opportunity is out. The City is not applying.

∙ Hena Street – The exhibit and legal are complete. The agreement is being finalized.

∙ Dollar General and Fusion Dance – The low bidder was Precision Excavating. A pre-construction meeting was held. Construction is complete. Attached is Pay Estimate #1 and Change Order #1 for approval.

∙ Energy Transition Grant –The City should receive $97,890.11. It is planned to be used as funding for the RDMS program.

∙ The sludge permit for the water treatment plant has been renewed.

∙ Regional Site Readiness – This is a new grant program the City is evaluating to apply for infrastructure improvements to a possible new industrial park. It was submitted on October 21st. See attached exhibit.

∙ Completed Projects:

∙ DG Market Water Main Extension

∙ Energy Efficiency Grant

∙ Sunset Point

∙ Traffic Study

∙ Anthony Supply Storm Sewer

∙ Elm Street Overlay

∙ Source Water Protection Plan

∙ Idler Lane Water Main Replacement

∙ Buzzard Bay Sidewalk

∙ Survey on Spring Street

∙ Easements for Lights on College Avenue

∙ Survey on Pecan Street

∙ Patio at 102 N Second Street

∙ School Streets

∙ Chemical Feed Modifications

∙ SRTS Phase 1


7.1 Minutes of previous meetings

7.2 Financial Statements for the Month

7.3. Approval of Unpaid Bills

7.4. Administrative Reports

A) Police Department

B) Public Works Department

C) Sewer Department

D) Building Permits

E) Building Inspector / Code Enforcement Officer

F) Record - None

7.5. Other Items:

A) Ratification of pay estimate #2 in the amount of $263,017.80 payable to Shafer Excavating. This was paid out of ARPA and the General Fund, see attached for breakdown. ARPA funds are now exhausted.

B) Ratification of payment for City patrol boat dock, this was a budgeted item. Payment of $76,817.00 to G&H Marine Inc.

C) Ratification of 2nd payment to GTSi for the lake siren in the amount of $25,787.50.

D) Ratification of F250 truck purchase of $60,488 with Lous Fusz for the sewer department. This is a budgeted item.

E) Ratification of change order #4 for the new water treatment plant project in the amount of $53,315.50 payable to Grunloh Builders. This is for a snow guard, additional lights, and a new water intake valve versus using the old valve.

F) Ratification of renewal of the concession agreement with Stay'N A Wake LLC for exclusive concessionaire rights for boat rental on Governor Bond Lake. Same terms - $50 per month plus 7% fee to the City, 3 year agreement (1/1/25 - 12/31/27).

G) Ratification for pay estimate #14 for the water treatment plant project payable to Grunloh Building Inc. in the amount of $1,093,841.39.

H) Ratification of the appointment of Jo Keillor to be appointed to the Planning Commission.

I) Ratification of the appointment of Joellen Vohlken to the Tourism Committee.

J) Ratification of the appointment of Morgan Gilmore on the Tourism Committee.

K) Ratification of the appointment of Caleb Walton to Lake Committee. L) Ratification of the appointment of Andrea Ord to Lake Committee.

7.6 Approval of consent items

Approval of consent agenda items (<--this text will not show on output document; motion/recommendation will show)

Motion by Ivan Estevez, seconded by Blake Knox, Motion to approve Consent Items 7.1 - 7.5.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Ivan Estevez

SECONDER: Blake Knox

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: Lisa Stephens


8.1. Consideration of redevelopment agreement with SG Solutions LLC (Scott Gaffner and Mike Sheeley) for the renovation of the old Shell gas station.

SG Solutions LLC, represented by Scott Gaffner and Mike Sheeley, would like to restore the old Shell gas station and protect the local landmark. They are open to a long term lease with Lost & Found. Sheeley said he has been rehabbing old buildings for a while now. He added that this is one of the older remaining gas stations still standing in the United States.

Littlefield said this is the best outcome we could have hoped for. He encourages the rest of council to approve. Knox thanked Gaffner and Sheeley for taking this project on, and for keeping the Lost and Found where it is for now.

Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Blake Knox, Motion to authorize the City Manager to proceed with a Redevelopment Agreement with SG Solutions LLC. for the sale of 219 N. Second Street.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Blake Knox

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, and Blake Knox ABSENT: Lisa Stephens

8.2. Consideration of Business District grant for $31,050 payable to Banking Properties, LLC for the remodel of 1500 Illinois Route 127 (old Jumpin' Jimmy's).

Knox asked if this was TIF Eligible, and Hollenkamp said yes, up to 30%. He asked about timelines, and they have already gutted the interior and ready to go. Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Ivan Estevez, Motion to authorize the City Manager to proceed with a Business District grant for Banking Properties, LLC in the amount of $31,050.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Ivan Estevez

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: Lisa Stephens

8.3. Consideration of Development Agreement with Robert Rinella (Developer) for 428 E. Winter Street to build a new construction single family home.

Motion by Blake Knox, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, Motion to approve the development agreement with Robert Rinella for 428 E. Winter Street.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Blake Knox

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: Lisa Stephens

8.4. Consideration of value engineering items for the Plaza Project.

Motion by Ivan Estevez, seconded by Blake Knox, Motion to approve the value engineering items to date.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Ivan Estevez

SECONDER: Blake Knox

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, and Blake Knox ABSENT: Lisa Stephens

8.5. Consideration of value engineering items for the Visitor's Center. Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Ivan Estevez, Motion to approve the value engineering items to date for the Visitor's Center.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Ivan Estevez

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: Lisa Stephens

8.6. Consideration of Grant request from Bond County Humane Society in the amount of $10,000 for a Community Cat Program to reduce number and issues associated with stray cats.

Rachel Hunsdorfer of the Bond County Humane Society said they are looking to start a new program for feral cats. It is called Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate, Return. They are asking the high school shop program to build some shelters to help trap the cats. They will then neuter and vaccinate them and then return them to the shelters. The cats will have their ears clipped to indicate they have been spayed or neutered. The intent is to prevent more cats to be born. The animal control officer had to put 100 cats to sleep last year. They are asking for money to help buy materials and supplies for the shelters. This may become an annual request, but Hunsdorfer was not sure of that yet.

Motion by Blake Knox, seconded by Ivan Estevez, Motion to approve a $10,000 grant to Bond County Humane Society for the Community Cat Program.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Blake Knox

SECONDER: Ivan Estevez

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: Lisa Stephens

8.7. Consideration of Resolution for the city to accept Hena Street from Route 40 to Asbury from BCCU.

Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Ivan Estevez, Motion to approve resolution for the city to accept Hena Street from Route 40 to Asbury from BCCU.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Ivan Estevez

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: Lisa Stephens

8.8. Consideration of No Parking on either side of Prairie Street from Beaumont Street to College Street.

Estevez said the parking is for residents on Prairie Street and should be the priority.

Kenny Hampton commented that GU used to ticket those who parked on the public street. At this time, he did not know if they had enough resources to ticket each car on side of street.

Hollenkamp said they will talk to University about the parking issues.

Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Ivan Estevez, Motion to table action on this until we talk to university about eliminating street parking on Prairie Street between Beaumont Street and College Street.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Ivan Estevez

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: Lisa Stephens

8.9. Consideration of No Parking on either side of North Elm Street from Walnut Street to Asbury Street.

Died with no motion.

8.10. Consideration of No Parking on either side of Walnut Street from Grigg Avenue to Elm Street.

Died with no motion

8.11. Consideration of No Parking on either side of Grigg Avenue from HWY 140 to Walnut Street.

Died with no motion.


9.1. Move into executive session for Personnel 5ILCS 2(c)(1), Purchase of Real Estate 5ILCS 2(c)(5), Sale of Real Estate 5ILCS 2(c)(6), Pending Litigation 5ILCS 2(c)(11).

Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Blake Knox, Motion to move into executive session for Purchase of Real Estate 5ILCS 2(c)(5), Sale of Real Estate 5ILCS 2(c)(6), Pending Litigation 5ILCS 2(c)(11).

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RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Blake Knox

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: Lisa Stephens


10.1. Purchase of Real Estate Update

10.2. Sale of Real Estate

10.3. Pending Litigation

10.4. Move back into open session

Motion by Ivan Estevez, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, Motion to move back into open session.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Ivan Estevez

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: Lisa Stephens



Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Blake Knox, Motion by Littlefield, seconded by Knox to adjourn the Regular Council Meeting at 9:45 p.m.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Blake Knox

AYES: George Barber, Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: Lisa Stephens




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