The Illinois State Bank Building located at 201 N. Chestnut St. | WikipediA
The Illinois State Bank Building located at 201 N. Chestnut St. | WikipediA
City of Assumption Committee of the Whole met Dec. 17.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall by Alderperson Kim Porter with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call was answered by Aldermen Gary Nelsen, Kim Porter, Selena Reed, Travis Sullivan and Donny Walden. Also present were Mayor Derek Page, Acting Police Chief Seath Hubbs, Water Collector Tanya Rhoades, Water Employee Dana Owens, Treasurer Angel Palmer and City Clerk Janet Waller.
Alderperson Kandy Smith called in via remote due to family emergency. Present in the audience were Bill Herbord, Kara Hubner and Dan Davis. Public Comments:
Under New Business:
Council Member Walden, seconded by Council Member Sullivan, made a motion to approve the Committee of the Whole Meeting minutes of November 19, 2024. Motion carried with Alderpersons Nelsen, Porter, Reed, Sullivan and Walden voting aye and 0 nays. Alderperson Smith was absent.
Engineer Update:
The Sewer Phase 2 project will be off for 2 weeks over the holidays. A sewer service crew will be continuing with connecting service lines.
There will be a monthly pay request at the next council meeting. The total value of work complete is over 5.5 million or 78% complete.
An easement for 308 W Illinois has been signed.
The Water Main and Lead Service replacements continue. There will be the monthly pay request at the next council meeting. The watermain is about 80% complete and the lead service is 66% complete.
The Water Treatment Plant has been mailed. The fixed rate will be 1% and 71% of the loan will be forgiven. The contractor will be securing bonding and executing contractor forms.
Mayor Page noted American Tower has asked to pay the City $121,000.00 for the tower. The City is not interested in it due to the placement of our water tower.
Alderperson Smith texted Alderperson Reed and asked to be allowed remoted in due to family emergency. Council Member Sullivan, seconded by Council Member Nelsen, made the motion to allow Alderperson Smith via remote due to family emergency. Motion carried with Alderpersons Walden, Porter, Nelsen, Reed and Sullivan voting aye and 0 nays.
Water Collector by Tanya Rhoades:
Water bills will be going out soon. There will be a 3% increase on the water on the February bill.
No update on the replacement pump.
Streets by Dana Owens:
Limb pickup ended on October 18 and leaf pickup ended on November 16. Will post as a reminder.
Parks by Dana Owens:
Security cameras will be installed in the near future.
The women’s bathroom door will be fixed.
Police by Chief Seath Hubbs:
The cost of floormats for the front is $131.95.
Treasurer will get a copy of the budget to Chief Hubbs.
The radar was calibrated.
A vest has been ordered.
A logo for the new squad was discussed and Chief Hubbs would like to not put one on.
The City is done using Chief Hale since Chief Hubbs was officially sworn in and completed the proper paperwork.
A tow ordinance was presented. The City could get revenue if the tow ordinance was implemented. The committee agreed on a $250.00 fee.
Committee discussed the water account and the need to watch expenses due to the number of projects payments.
There is $10,000.00 in the Credit Account that the Treasurer will be working on.
There are 541 water customers billed. A 3% fee will be increased on the water starting on the February billing.
The committee discussed if there was a CD for the Water Account.
The camcorder will be placed on the agenda for approximately $500.00 for final approval.
The Christmas lights were discussed. ACPA will be paying for half of the electrical parts and will be fixed in the spring.
Dana discussed safety and would like some clarification in the handbook or ordinance for employees. She would like the City to protect its employees. Attorney Hedinger will continue to work on it.
213 Sarah Street was discussed and if anything could be done.
An evacuation plan needs to be in place. Alderpersons would like Chief Hubbs to meet with Fire and Ambulance Chiefs.
Kara Hubner from Brinkoetter is interested in selling the lots at the Baxmeyer Subdivision. The City Attorney would like some changes in the contract. Kara will give the changes from the City Attorney to the managing broker and have a contract ready for council. She will also get an estimate of fees. Brinkoetter will charge the City $1,500.00 per lot. The contract will be for 1 year to sell the lots.
The gas line has been installed at the Baxmeyer Subdivision.
It was questioned after other local realtors selling and Mayor Page has not been contacted by others interested in selling the lots.
Signs are up at the Baxmeyer Subdivision to help show lot size.
Mayor Page asked to go into Executive Session for Personnel 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1). Council Member Nelsen, seconded by Council Member Walden, made a motion to go into Executive Session for Personnel at 7:07 pm. Motion carried with Alderpersons Nelsen, Porter, Reed, Smith, Sullivan and Walden voting aye and 0 nays.
Council Member Nelsen, seconded by Council Member Walden, made a motion to go back into regular session at 7:55 pm. Motion carried with Alderpersons Nelsen, Porter, Reed, Smith, Sullivan and Walden aye and 0 nays.
Audience members were invited back into the meeting at 7:55 pm but no members present.
No action taken.
Treasurer Palmer would like a phone for her office.
A reminder for the year end training will need to be completed and certificate turned into the clerk.
Committee of the Whole adjourned at 7:56 pm.
Public Comments:
The meeting adjourned at 7:56 pm.
Council Member Walden, seconded by Council Member Sullivan, made a motion to approve the December 17, 2024 Committee of the Whole Minutes at the January 21, 2025 Committee of the Whole Meeting. Motion carried with Alderpersons Walden, Sullivan, Reed, Porter and Nelsen voting aye and 0 nays.