Swearing in of Emily Hassebrock, City Council for Ward 1 | Facebook
Swearing in of Emily Hassebrock, City Council for Ward 1 | Facebook
City of Kinmundy City Council met Jan. 9.
Here are the minutes provided by the council;
Call to Order-The regular meeting of the Kinmundy City Council was called to order by Mayor Angela Diss with the leading of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call-All members were present, Gary Cooper, Amy Davis, Emily Hassebrock, Curt Jones, Donna Smith, and Corey Thompson.
Approval of Bills and Minutes-The motion was made by Curt Jones and seconded by Donna Smith to approve the bills and minutes from the December meeting. Yays-Emily Hassebrock, Donna Smith, Corey Thompson, Amy Davis, Curt Jones, Gary Cooper. Nays-none. Motion approved.
Public Recognition-none
Rex Gower-Milano and Grunloh Engineering-Mr. Gower provided the council with notes concerning the DCEO Grant (Lagoon/Sewer), ITEP Grant (sidewalks), and OSLAD Grant (Park), as well as advisement on a water tower mixer. There will be a special meeting for the public on February 15, 2025, at 10:00 am for the purpose of inputting ideas and needs.
Library Report-Amy Davis gave the following report.
General Attendance-108 and 68 computer users for a total of 176 patrons.
Circulations-Sent out-329, Received-146
Program Attendance-Pre-K Field Trip-14 children, 15 adults, 29 total.
Christmas Through the Ages-General-20 children, 18 adults
12 pm Reading-6 children, 5 adults
2 pm Reading-3 children, 2 adults
Santa Line-up-60 children, 41 adults for a total of 155 patrons for the event.
Police Report-Chief Joe Duffy-Chief Duffy reported the Shop with a Cop was a success with 14 children (4 families) and spent $3956.01. He also reported providing two families Christmas dinner. He reported for 2024, he had 43 abatements, 126 citations, 105 traffic tickets, 21 criminal offenses, 23 arrests, 265 incidents with 107 requiring reports made, towed 5 vehicles, two (2) cases are still pending, and he has one (1) warrant out.
He informed the council that the city park was vandalized on New Years Day evening by 5 children. Each received 20 hours of community service, each of the two families involved were fined $500, and they are banned from the park for 6 months.
Water Report-Travis Potter-Travis reports continuing to assist DCE (Wabash) in locates for installation of internet/communication/tv cables.
Street Report-Luke Smith-Approval of 2025 Motor Fuel Program-Motion was made by Gary Cooper and seconded by Emily Hassebrock to approve the Motor Fuel Program. Yays-Emily Hassebrock, Donna Smith, Corey Thompson, Amy Davis, Curt Jones, Gary Cooper. Nays-none. Motion approved. Luke reported he has removed the Christmas decorations and assisted in locating lines/cables for DCE (Wabash).
Committee Reports-none
Mayor's Report-none
Executive Session-Amy Davis made the motion and Emily Hassebrock seconded to move into Executive Session for the purpose of consideration of the following subjects, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (1); Personnel-Section 2 O; Purchase or Lease of Real estate-Section 2 (5); (6);; and Review of Executive Session Minutes - Section 2 (21)" Yays-Emily Hassebrock, Donna Smith, Corey Thompson, Amy Davis, Curt Jones and Gary Cooper. Nays-none. Motion carried.
Return to Regular Session-The motion was made by Amy Davis and seconded by Emily Hassebrock to return to regular session. Yays-Emily
Hassebrock, Donna Smith, Corey Thompson, Amy Davis, Curt Jones and Gary Cooper. Nays-none. Motion carried.
Action from Executive Session-The motion was made by Donna Smith and seconded by Amy Davis to approve increased wages retroactively to January 1, 2025, for all employees at 4% except for the Supervisor of Streets and Alleys at 10%. Yays-Emily Hassebrock, Donna Smith, Corey Thompson, Amy Davis, Curt Jones and Gary Cooper. Nays-none. Motion carried.
The motion was made by Curt Jones and seconded by Donna Smith to approve the increase in hours for the part-time police officer from 16 hours to 24 hours/week. Yays-Emily Hassebrock, Donna Smith, Corey Thompson, Amy Davis, Curt Jones and Gary Cooper. Nays-none. Motion carried.
Adjourn-The motion was made by Emily Hassebrock and seconded by Curt Jones to adjourn. Yays-Emily Hassebrock, Donna Smith, Corey Thompson, Amy Davis, Curt Jones and Gary Cooper. Nays-none. Motion carried.