Jordan J. Garrison, State's Attorney | Macoupin County
Jordan J. Garrison, State's Attorney | Macoupin County
Macoupin County Board Courts Committee met Jan. 28.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Members Present: Kristi Dunnagan, Ryan Kilduff, John Blank, Jon Payne, Molly Rosentreter, and Aaron Stayton
Members Absent: Holly Klausing
Officials and Department Heads Present: Pete Duncan, Amy Ashby, Jordan Garrison, and Anne Clough
1.Call to Order
1.1Roll Call
There was 6 members present and 1 member absent.
2.Agenda Items
2.1Introduction of Judge Denby and Circuit Clerk Ashby
Dunnagan said that Judge Denby was unable to attend as he was at the new Judge's conference. Ashby was present and welcomed to her first committee meeting.
Clough discussed that she was trying to fill the Assistant Public Defender position and had someone showing interest in it.
Ashby said she did have anything as of yet as she is still getting accustomed to the office but things are going well so far.
2.3State's Attorney's Office Proposed Changes
Garrison said that there were less cases now and have been over the last few years as the State Police closed district 18. Garrison passed out a chart showing the staff changes over the last 14 years. He has seen a decrease in staff and has a variety of open positions right now. He also discussed that the funding for his office he feels has continued to be cut since his salary has increased but the budget has not been adjusted for this salary increase. He believed without additional funding his office would need to cut down on cases prosecuted.
3.1Adjourn Meeting
Motion to adjourn at 6:14 pm.
Moved by: Molly Rosentreter
Seconded by: Aaron Stayton