City of Centralia Recreation Board met Oct. 11.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Roll call was taken at 12:00PM by Mike Young
Board members present: Jack Graham, Herb Williams, and Vince Holtkamp
City Staff: Gayla Harting
Centralia Recreation Complex Representative: Sonya Germann and Jacy Keef
Public Comment: No Public comment
Approval of Minutes: The board minutes from August were read and approved with Jack Graham motion and Herb Williams seconded.
Chairman report: No report
Centralia Rec Complex Report:
1. Jacy reported that the Outdoor Soccer program was down 21% from the previous year. There was a total of 10 teams. The season ends on October 20th. Overall the season has gone very smoothly, with no incidents.
2. Jacy submitted to the board the financial report for the SIJHSAA State tournament. We had an increase in attendance from the previous year. Jacy reported on some of the issues that occurred during the tournament of the fans of Hamilton County tearing down the orange fence and not paying the admission. Jacy did contact the Supt. of the school and they reimbursed us $250.00. The actual tournament went very well. Sonya thanked Mike and Gayla for assisting us with the tournament. Mike stated that the tournament was ran very well. Extra parking is needed during this type of an event.
Centralia Youth Center Report
1. Herb reported that their attendance is up in the tutoring program with 30-45 kids. They have them separated into 3 groups due to the number.
2. On Monday and Thursdays the Wrestling team practices from 6-7:30 pm and they currently have 35-40 wrestlers.
3. On Tuesday and Wednesday they have basketball from 6-7:30 pm.
4. Herb reported that the Mike Maines tournament went well with 8 teams.
5. On October 13th they will be having their Fish Dinner for $7.00 and will remain till fish is gone.
6. November 17th will be hosting a Blues night. Tickets are $25.00 per person.
7. Herb reported that the Center is now open on Saturdays from 1-5pm
Old Business –
1. Sonya reported that the work for the batting cages has begun and the nets are in but waiting on the poles.
2. Sonya reported that the City will be oiling and chipping the parking lot.
New Business
1. Gayla mentioned that Herb Williams will be honored at a Ceremony from the 100 Black Men which is a national organization and the local chapter is in Alton, IL. It is a black tie affair to honor local individuals.
2. Gayla invited everyone to Celebrate Centralia on Saturday, Oct 13th 4-10pm.
Adjournment: Jack Graham the motion to adjourn and Vince Holtkamp seconded.