City of Centralia Municipal Airport Advisory Committee met June 27.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Members Present: Dave Agee, John Denton, Tom Simpson, Tom Walsh, Jim Shoemaker and Tom Kasten Members Absent: Jack Graham, Bill Crain and vacancy of Herb Williams
Also Present: Kala Lambert- Assistant City Manager, Patrick Stedelin- Public Property Foreman
Tom Kasten called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm.
Public Comment: Approval of Minutes:
Kala presented minutes for the meeting on April 15, 2019. A motion was made by Tom Walsh and Seconded by Jim Shoemaker to approve the meeting minutes for April, all in favor, motion carried.
Old Business:
Kala provided an update on the Obstruction Study Project and distributed copies of the nearly 200 obstructions identified in the report. She stated that the obstructions have been broken down into 3 priority phases and noted they considered a 10’ buffer when identifying obstructions. Therefore, an obstruction within 10 feet of the surface would be present on this report. She noted that 12 of the 30 trees identified in phase one are on City property and Patrick Stedelin would be trying to remove those as soon as possible. She also reported that some trees have been removed on the property now owned by Shores due to their improvements. She stated the next steps will be for CMT to prepare a cost analysis for the easements needed and mitigation of obstructions.
Kala presented the professional services agreement for engineering services for the Access Taxiway to Runway 9 in the total amount of $145,520 for design, construction and special services. Jim Shoemaker pointed out that looking back at the engineers construction estimate two years ago the project called for more quantities etc. Kala commented that the estimate for engineering services for the job have not changed much, however, the City was surprised to be presented proposed fees of $145,520 for engineering services when the construction bid came in at only $216,624. She did say that the fees and contract for engineering services does go through at review process at the State level and it has been reduced some from what was originally submitted by CMT. She noted that she also sent an email to Randy Vogel, CMT and State officials who are part of the fee review process expressing concern over the cost of Engineering. She stated that CMT provided an explanation, stating that based on the pay items and the effort required to prepare for what the State requires to meet standards for the project and receive State/Federal funds, fees have been calculated accordingly.
Tom Kasten asked if Kala felt the fees could be reduced any lower. Kala stated that she did not feel CMT would reduce their fees and the only other alternative would be to reject the contract and proposed fees and solicit qualifications from other consultants to provide engineering services for the job. She reminded the board that the Airport and City is required to go through a selection process every 5 years for consulting engineering for the airport, which we did in 2018, when we selected CMT for another 5 years. While this process is not based on price, rather qualifications instead, we are provided information about the company’s overhead costs and their evaluation letter from the state approving their fees for service.
A motion was made by John Denton and Seconded by Tom Walsh to recommend the professional services agreement from CMT for the Access Taxiway to Runway 9, in favor-Denton, Walsh, Shoemaker and Kasten and opposed- Simpson and Agee, motion carries.
Kala reported the project is expected to take approximately 7 weeks and the east/west runway is expected to be shut down for 4-6 weeks. She stated that she has shared this with Airgo and will be keeping them informed as the project progresses. A pre-construction meeting has not been scheduled yet, but she stated she would let the board know when it is scheduled.
New Business:
Kala stated that we have 4 hangars available- 1 new and 3 of the old hangars. She reported the rent is $125 per month for the new one and $80 for the old ones. Tom Walsh asked if we will be advertising them. Kala stated she would check on the costs for advertising but at a minimum the board suggested we put on the website and alert area airport managers of our vacancies. Patrick recommended we hold one for people traveling through that may only want the hangar for a week or short term. The board discussed fees for someone just wanting to rent for a week and suggested we charge no less than the monthly rate.
Airport Managers Report- none
A motion was made by Jim Shoemaker and Seconded by Dave Agee to adjourn the meeting.