Village of Hoffman Village Board met Dec. 11.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Meeting called to order by President Snyder. The following Trustees answered Roll Call:
Ken Rueter
Karen Grawe
Jamie Spittler
Sharilyn Muench
Mitch McClaren
Tammy Travis
The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Village Clerk and approved as read.
Visitors recognized:
Bills Presented for Approval - $20,337.74 monthly bills $765.14 payroll
Motion to approve made by Trustee Grawe second by Trustee Travis. No opposition. Motion approved.
Finance/Economic Development - None
Health - James Cooper from Whisper Internet wants to meet with the board.
Ordinance/Zoning - Anderson's have been fixing 2nd St. There are some holes onN. Cherry that need to be patched.
Streets - Several street lights were out and have been repaired.
Utilities - The old dumpster will be replaced by Waste Management.
President's Comments - Ron says we need to order new meters. We are almost out.
Electrical panel at the concession stand needs to be replaced.
Water samples have been sent and received.
Flag pole at the ball diamond is broken.
Tax documents for the Lyle property have been completed.
Park overview plans are completed and will need to be broken down into phases.
Clerk's Comments - Delinquent list.
The Community building needs some maintenance done on it.
A. None
A. HPHP Request - They are asking the board to accept large donations for the Veterans Memorial, so they could be tax exempt, and use the money to pay for different materials for the memorial. After discussion, the board, while supporting the Veteran's Memorial, declined to accept donations. Motion to approve made by Trustee McClaren, second by Trustee Grawe. Roll Call Vote taken. 2 Ayes 4 Nays. Motion not approved.
B. Clerk Winter Seminar - Cost will be $45.00 for the seminar to be held in Mt.Vernon. No hotel expenses needed. Motion to approve made by Trustee Travis second by Trustee Grawe. No opposition. Motion approved.
Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Travis second by Trustee Spittler. No opposition.
Motion approved. Meeting adjourned at 7:52 pm.