City of Carlyle Street and Alley Committee met March 9.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Hodapp on Monday, March 9, 2020 at 5:15 p.m. at Case Halstead Library located at 550 6th Street, Carlyle, IL 62231. Committee members present included John Hodapp, Scott Diekemper, and Logan Speiser. Others present included Mark Snyder, Nick Steele, Gene Van Dorn, Scott Rakers of HMG, Joe Behrman, Mayor Judy Smith, Andy Brackett, and Martha Reinkensmeyer.
After reviewing the minutes from the February 5, 2020 meeting, Logan Speiser made a motion to approve the minutes. Scott Diekemper seconded the motion. After a voice vote, all were found in favor.
The first item on the agenda was the Krebs Hill resurfacing project. HMG has estimated the cost of the project to be $412,664.50. The City would start advertising for construction bids on March 9th. The bids would be opened on April 1st. HMG would provide the bid results and its award recommendation by April 3rd. The Council would approve the award on April 13th. The City would have the option to reject bids if the cost of the project comes back too high. This project would be paid out of Fund 41 and would use up a good portion of this fund. A discussion was then held on whether the project could be done in phases and on ways to reduce the cost of the project. No motions were made.
The second item on the agenda was the concrete island behind the US Post Office. The island is located near the alley behind the Post Office and currently protrudes a good distance into the Post Office entrance. It was determined that the Street and Alley Department could shorten the island and square it off. Joe Behrman will notify the Post Office before the work begins.
The third item on the agenda was the water issue by Mark’s Auto Body. Mark Snyder stated that when it rains four or five inches, water comes in his shop. The problem started when Casey’s was built and has gotten worse over time. John Hodapp suggested that a swale be put in on a nearby resident’s property. The resident will be contacted to determine if she would allow this work on her property. Mayor Smith also commented on the need for ditches to be cut in town, especially on the west end. This was one of the reasons that the mini excavator was purchased. No motions were made.
The fourth item on the agenda was the issue with the alley between 18th and 19th blocks of Abbott and Kane Streets. Nick Steele stated that the trash truck has crushed the culvert his neighbor had installed when it enters the alley. Nick would like to install a culvert that would attach to his neighbor’s culvert. He believes this would prevent the trash truck from further damaging his neighbor’s property. He also asks that the City assist him with the cost of installing the culvert. Andy Brackett stated that the City would probably not deviate from the cost of installing the culvert. However, Nick could seek cheaper options for installing the culvert. A discussion also occurred on widening the alley culvert. No motions were made.
There was no old business.
There was no new business.
There were no any other comments.
There were no public comments.
The Committee did not enter executive session so there were no executive session items on which to vote.
With no further business to discuss, John Hodapp made a motion to adjourn. Logan Speiser seconded the motion. Finding all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 5:51 p.m.