
South Central Reporter

Friday, September 20, 2024

City of Centralia City Council Met May 10


City of Centralia City Council Met May 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Per Senate Bill 2135, the City Council for Centralia, Illinois met via video conference. Mayor Williams called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


Present: Mayor Williams, Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer & Councilman Marshall (Mayor Williams was present at City Hall and all others attended remotely)

Absent: None

Staff Members Participating Physically at City Hall: Forrest Langenfeld, Interim City Manager; Bill Agee, City Treasurer; Gayla Harting, Community Development Director; Derek Sherman, Economic Development Director/Assistant City Manager; Michelle Liggett, Finance Director; and Kim Enke, City Clerk

Staff Members Participating Electronically: Luke Behme, City Attorney; Jeff Schwartz, Public Works Director; Chief Lynch, Fire Department and Chief Dodson, Police Department


Mayor Williams led the Pledge of Allegiance.




A service award was presented to Michael Meyer for 25 years of service.

Service awards were presented by City Manager Forrest Langenfeld to Herb Williams for service as Mayor from 2019- 2021, Howard Jones from 2008-2021 as Councilman, and to Andre Marshall from 2014-2021.

Comments were submitted prior to the meeting and were read and shared by the City Clerk.

Steve Coleman questioned if there are plans for any more retail stores to go into the shopping center.

Vernell Burris would like to know when Roland Burris is going to be recognized by naming Maple St. after him. He also would like to know when the meetings will be opened to the public.

Gretchen Douglas submitted a letter of appreciation. She explained recent interactions that she has had with the Centralia Police Department and expressed her gratitude to them for their conduct and support.


A Motion was made by Councilman Jones and seconded by Councilman Marshall to Approve Items 1&2 of the Consent Agenda.

1. Approval Of The Minutes Of The April 26, 2021 City Council Meeting

2. Approval Of Payrolls And Vouchers In The Amount Of $568,735.68

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.


Councilman Jones thanked his wife and family for their support over the last 13 years. He added that he thanked the citizens of Centralia for the opportunity to serve as Councilman. He also thanked the other Mayors, Councilmen and City Managers that he has worked with as well. He stated that the new City Council with the leadership and experience of David Sauer will do a great job. He also offered words of advice to the new Mayor and Council stating that they should try to do the right thing and try not to hurt anyone while doing it.

Councilman Marshall congratulated and thanked everyone leaving the City Council and those that he has worked with. He noted how much he has learned from the City Managers and Council Members about business and how Centralia works. He thanked for his family for their support over the last 7 years.

Mayor Williams thanked the City employees and staff. He stated that he came to the City during a tough time and for one reason which was to help his city. He stated that they will continue to move forward and he congratulated the new City Council Members. He stated that he knows that they will work hard and continue to do the right thing. He noted that Chief Dodson has fought hard to get started on the drug problems. He expressed his appreciation of the current Council as well. He thanked his wife. Marilyn, for her continued support to make Centralia a better place. He also recognized City Manager Langenfeld for his leadership and the work he is doing to move Centralia forward. He stated that he will continue to work together for his community to help.

A motion was made by Councilman Jones and seconded by Councilman Marshall To Adjourn The Meeting Sine Die.

Ayes: Councilman Jones, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Marshall, and Mayor Williams 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 6:11 p.m.


The oath of office was taken by the newly elected Mayor and Council Members. City Clerk Enke administered the Oath to Mayor Bryan Kuder, Councilman Jeff Castellari, and Councilman Rob Jackson.

Mayor Kuder called the meeting to order at 6:25 p.m.


Present: Mayor Kuder, Councilman Castellari, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, and Councilman Jackson(Mayor Kuder was present in the Council Chambers and all others attended remotely)

Absent: None

Staff Members Participating Physically at City Hall: Forrest Langenfeld, Interim City Manager; Bill Agee, City Treasurer; Gayla Harting, Community Development Director; Derek Sherman, Economic Development Director/Assistant City Manager; Michelle Liggett, Finance Director; and Kim Enke, City Clerk

Staff Members Participating Electronically: Luke Behme, City Attorney; Jeff Schwartz, Public Works Director; Chief Lynch, Fire Department and Chief Dodson, Police Department




Councilman Sauer asked if there was experience with the low bidder on this project that was being considered. City Manager Langenfeld stated that this low bidder was from Mt. Vernon and all three bids were scrutinized thoroughly. He stated that this was the lowest responsive bid with insurance and bid bond in place. Councilman Castellari asked if references from the bidders are required typically for bids. City Manager Langenfeld stated that historically not necessarily references but they are required to have bid bond and insurance and he stated that in this case a warranty is also provided with it. He stated that Pat Stedelin was involved with this and responsible in overseeing the bid process in addition to Jeff Schwartz. A Motion was made by Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Jackson to Approve of Bid Received For Roof Repairs From Master Construction Combined In The Amount Of $63,280.00.

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Kuder 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.




Mayor Kuder stated that he has selected Robert Spanky Smith as Mayor Pro Tem. A motion was made by Councilman Sauer and seconded by Councilman Castellari to Approve A Resolution Selecting A Mayor Pro Tem.

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Kuder Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.


Mayor Kuder stated that he was in favor of going back to in person meetings. He stated that they will need to follow the guidelines of social distancing in the chambers. He added that the use of Zoom and social distancing will allow residents to attend in person or remotely. He asked for clarification from the Clerk about the dates to move to the Bridge Phase which was May 14th and the projected date of June 11th for Phase 5. Councilman Sauer stated that himself and Councilman Smith have been conservative about returning to in person meetings, but he agrees with the Mayor to return to in person meetings if following the state suggestions for mask mandates and social distancing and hopes attendees will follow the restrictions. Councilman Smith stated that he doesn’t think they will ever be close to 100% but with the way the mitigation is going, the numbers are declining, and the vaccinations are increasing, they should return to in person meetings. Councilman Castellari confirmed with the Clerk that the meetings would continue to be offered by Zoom. Councilman Sauer also noted that the City Attorney had advised the Council that Zoom would need to be offered if the capacity was being limited. Mayor Kuder asked about the capacity limit and Attorney Behme stated that he didn’t believe the bridge phase allowed for shorter distancing so they may need to continue the 6’ distancing, but it would be allowed in Phase 5. Councilman Jackson stated that he feels it is important to return to in person while also following social distancing guidelines. Councilman Smith asked the Clerk what the limitations were previously when social distancing. The Clerk stated that previously it would have been 6’ and 50% capacity, but once socially distanced, only approximately 35 people could attend but when the City is able to move to a shorter distance and Phase 5, the amount able to attend will increase. She noted if Phase 5 is reached by June 11th, it would only require one meeting in the Bridge Phase. Councilman Sauer stated that it should be approved and the City Manager and Attorney can discuss it to determine what to require. Attorney Behme stated that since the City has been in full remote, the Council should have a motion to move to full hybrid in compliance with the state guideline which will allow to keep it open to Zoom as well. A motion was made by Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Jackson To Return To Full Hybrid In-Person Meetings To Follow The State Guidelines.

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Kuder Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried.


Mayor Kuder stated that he knows that this ordinance concerning truancy has been tabled for the past two meetings and there are still some questions. Councilman Castellari stated that after reading through the ordinance there are some questions about the wording concerning juveniles being fined, but he feels that the Council should do their due diligence to review it and understand the guidelines as a new council. Councilman Jackson stated that he feels that they are on the right track with this and feels like it will benefit the City but he would like to see a report or study that would shine some light on it from other communities of the same size that may have done something like this. He stated that he would like to see how it affects their community to get a grasp on what they are getting into. Councilman Smith stated that he believes that there is a city in the metro area putting a similar ordinance into effect and questioned if Chief Dodson had any more information about that but agrees that they should do their due diligence and go about it the right way. Chief Dodson stated that the reason for the truancy ordinance was in response to COVID remote learning that has caused an explosion of truancy. He stated that truancy is currently tracked on a 180-day consecutive cycle. He explained that if a student reaches 9 days of unexcused absence, then they are flagged for truancy and the school begins their process and stages to intercede. If this continues then it moves to the truancy review board conducted by the Regional Office of Education. He states that this is typically a 30–45-day process. He stated that depending on if the parent shows up or not, then they can go to the juvenile court for an educational neglect charge which could be another 30–45-day process. He stated that what they are trying to accomplish with the ordinance is to give the schools and officers a tool that falls between the processes to push the parents to get their child to school. He stated that the goal is not to collect a dime but to generate voluntary compliance. He stated that the educational neglect charge only applies for those under the age of 14. He stated that there was concern that the parents don’t have control of the 16–18-year-olds and he said that this is correct, and this ordinance is not one size fits all. This will be geared towards the parents of young children where a parent must show up on a court date, which hopefully encourages them to send their child to school. He stated that there is a provision that if they send their child to school, then the ticket gets dropped. He stated that if they do not send their child to school then it has to go to juvenile court. He explained the abundance of court cases and it is becoming more than they can handle. He also added that they are trying to reduce the amount going to court and intercede earlier to get the children back in school. He stated that he worked with the City Attorney on this ordinance, and it was modelled after multiple cities ordinances. He stated that another provision was added in the interest of the high school to prevent employers from employing high school students during school hours. During COVID, this has become an increased problem when students are supposed to be remote learning but instead working. Councilman Jackson asked how many truancy students there are. Chief Dodson stated that they started the school year with approximately 190 kids unaccounted for in the city schools which is a huge uptick. He stated that the first 3 months of the school year was spent going to home visits trying to correct it and there is still approximately 60 kids in the city schools not attending school. He stated in some instances kids will go from being truant, to not being truant, and then truant again. He hopes that when an officer shows up to fine the parent and ticket them, they can also explain that they can either go to court or send the child back to school to drop the ticket. Councilman Jackson asked if there was a study or information from another community about how it has worked or its success rate. He stated that he doesn’t have one but if the ordinance passes and it doesn’t work, they are not going to continue writing the tickets. Mayor Kuder stated that if the ordinance does pass, he doesn’t want it to be a catch all. Mayor Kuder asked if that could be guaranteed. Chief Dodson stated that it would not be the first response or knee jerk reaction. He noted that it will be applied more at the grade school level more so than the high school level since the high school age has a totally different set of circumstances that results in truancy. He stated that when truancy starts, they reach out to the parents to find the root of the problem. Councilman Sauer stated that this is not meant to be an alternative to the state truancy statute. He stated that he has spoken to Judge Sanders and Chief Dodson in addition to Mayor Kuder that were quite familiar with this. He explained that it is overwhelming the state, and the schools are in danger of losing funding if the children are not enrolled. He stated that the Chief has stated that this is an additional tool, and it is a threat of fine to the parents that are not sending their children to school. He stated that there were a couple Council Members in the past that stated that they are just going to fine poor families. He stated that very few of the families are going to be fined. He stated that the poverty is not going to be addressed until those kids are in school, otherwise you are just going to have another generation of poverty. He stated that he is in favor of it and has read it. He stated that the Council should have already done their due diligence since this has been on the agenda since they were elected, and it is the 6th week that it has been kicked over. Councilman Sauer asked Chief Dodson how significant it was to wait, and Chief Dodson explained that he would like to have something to get them in school due to the end of the school year nearing. He added that some of them need to be identified so they can get enrolled in summer school since they are so far behind. Attorney Behme stated that this would be an ordinance violation and would go onto his docket and not the States Attorney’s docket. He stated that they will appear for their initial court date and be given the opportunity to plead guilty or not guilty. He further explained that if they plead not guilty then the trial date is set. He stated that if they have records that show that they have had their child in school since the date of the ticket to the trail date, he can dismiss the ticket too. He stated that when they drafted this ordinance, the goal was to have something in it to get the children in school and ensuring that they are not going to work when they should be going to school. He stated that if they do not show up for the court date, then they may get defaulted on the ticket but there are consequences for the parent not showing up, the same as the child not showing up for school. He noted that there are fail safes in the ordinance. Councilman Castellari noted the section of the ordinance that mentions penalties and fines for minors. Chief Dodson explained that the citations are issued to the parents of the minors that are responsible for the minor. Councilman Castellari stated that he doesn’t disagree with it and agrees with Councilman Sauer that they need to get the children in school to learn, but he wants the true definition and to ensure that the ordinance is watertight. Attorney Behme explained that truancy is an impact of the minor, but it states that the fine can be assessed against the parent which makes it work for a 16- or 17-year-old in the same way for curfews, smoking as a minor, etc. He stated that he cannot collect on it, but they can be found guilty of it. He stated that the ticket is going to be issued to the parent for the truancy of the minor and to an extent identify the minor as allowed. Councilman Castellari stated that the Council is going to be questioned so he wanted to be able to explain it. Attorney Behme further explained that in this situation the minor is the truant, so the definitions must describe the minor as the truant and the condition is that the parent is allowing the minor to be truant which is the reason for ticketing them and holding them responsible. He stated that if it is not having the desired effect the Council has the ability to repeal the ordinance or modify it at a later time. Councilman Castellari stated that he feels they should monitor the schools to ensure that they are not passing this off to the truancy officers. Councilman Sauer stated that the schools are on top of this and are communicating well with law enforcement and SRO. Chief Dodson explained that the school review boards are held at the police department. He added that they have worked closely with the schools on this issue because it is important to get the children back in school. Councilman Sauer stated that many times minors are fined for various violations when they are participating in adult activities and it is difficult to collect fines. He stated that they also could be encouraged or ordered to participate in community service or counseling. He stated that he agreed with Councilman Castellari that he would like paragraph three to be paragraph one so the apparent purpose would be leading rather than following the fine. He stated that those involved including Chief Dodson, Judge Sanders, Probation and SRO Officers know that certain remedies don’t work although the statutes provide for it and it would be a waste of time to fine the minor, but the minor is the truant and they need to go to school. Councilman Sauer stated that he is concerned to table it again and asked for the Chief’s opinion. Chief Dodson stated that it has been tabled for many weeks for various reasons but he feels it is important to get this tool for the school staff and SRO to get the children back in school so they can be identified as summer school students. He stated that they could be held back or be that much further behind for next year. Chief Dodson stated that if there is not the intended outcome, they are not going to continue to use something that doesn’t work. A motion was made by Councilman Sauer to Approve An Ordinance Amending The City Municipal Code To Establish A City Truancy Code.

The motion died for lack a second.

There was discussion about bringing it back to the agenda as new business in the future.


City Clerk Enke thanked those that have served on the City Council and congratulated the newly elected Mayor and Councilmen that were sworn in stating that she was looking forward to working with them.

City Treasurer Bill Agee congratulated the Mayor and Councilmen on their election and thanked the outgoing Council and wished them the best.

Interim City Manager Langenfeld reported that last week in Springfield State Representative Blaine Wilhour held a press conference regarding Illinois’ growing pension problems. He stated that the report was done by a nonprofit bipartisan agency showing that 166 of 175 of the largest cities had a substandard grade from a 2019 review of their pension statuses. He stated that to put this in local perspective, 65% of the City’s tax levy last year addressed pensions where previously it was only 20-30%, which is a growing problem. He stated that the City has taken various steps to address pension issues. He stated that prior to the next meeting the Council will be receiving a report on the status of the public pensions and information about how the City is addressing it including hiring an actuarial firm last year to look at the police and fire pensions. The report will catch the Council up to speed and it will be publicly posted so the citizens are aware of the issues as well. He stated that while a lot of it is out of the City’s control there are several things happening to move the City to a better position. City Manager Langenfeld thanked and also congratulated Gayla Harting, Mimi Hawkins, and all volunteers for the successful planning of the Locust Street Historical Fair. He expressed his appreciation for the support received and the community involvement and attendance that made it a great success. He also reiterated the service of the officials that concluded their terms. He also congratulated those that have begun their service and looks forward to working with them.

Councilman Sauer discussed the Locust Street Fair specifically mentioning the Centralia historical presentation that John Stuehmeier presented during the fair. He also thanked Gayla Harting and Mimi Hawkins noting the overwhelming response of participants and the attendance of the public. He also expressed his appreciation of Herb Williams, Howard Jones and Andre Marshall for their service and congratulated Mayor Kuder and Councilmen Jackson and Castelllari. He addressed the letter received from Gretchen Douglas complimenting the Centralia Police Department. He stated that it confirms that the department functions at a better level than other larger communities and is doing a fine job.

Councilman Smith thanked Michael Meyer for his 25 years of service with the City of Centralia. He also wished all mothers a Happy Mother’s Day. He questioned the timeline of the overpass project due to some concerns of the traffic flow. He also thanked Gayla Harting and Mimi Hawkins for their work on the downtown event and he shared the positive reviews he had heard. He also expressed his appreciation for the City Manager and Gayla Harting resolving the fence issue on Clarida Dr. He shared the event, Centralia Gives Back, that will be held in the Fairview Shopping Center that includes carnival vendors and entertainment. Noting that it is sponsored by Centralia Rent A Center with the funds that are raised going back to Sleep In Heavenly Peace to provide beds to those in need. He also thanked those that have served on the City Council and congratulated the newly elected Mayor and Councilmen stating that he is looking forward to working with them and making Centralia the place to be. Mayor Kuder stated that he has made a donation to the event and encouraged others to as well.

Councilman Castellari stated that he is happy to serve on the Council and noted how welcoming everyone has been. He stated that the new members have a lot to learn but they will listen well to represent the people well. He shared that they are aligned and will make a solid team. He noted that he expects them to move forward rather quickly.

Councilman Jackson stated that he is excited and ready to get to work with everyone. He stated that he is going to make it his mission and goal to meet with department heads and business owners in the community to bridge the gap. He stated that he looks forward to meeting with community members and local businesses. He stated that he attended the Locust Street Historical Fair and also congratulated Gayla, Mimi, and everyone involved for a successful event.

Mayor Kuder thanked Gayla and Mimi as well for their work on the Locust Street Historical Fair. He stated that he received so many positive comments and stated that this is the Centralia that needs to be shown more often. He noted his involvement in the car show while taking second place. He also thanked the Centralia Police Department regarding the public participation letter from Gretchen Douglas. He stated that they deal with issues and situations that are difficult and when the officers show compassion as they did, it gets those kids attention. It reflects how much the officers care, and he again thanked the officers for dealing with this situation and how they continue to deal with other situations similar to this. He offered a heart felt thank you to the Police Department. He stated that the Council is ready and excited to work with the City Manager, Economic Development Director, and all Department Heads. He stated that they have a lot of good ideas and want to implement a lot of good things.


A motion was made by Councilman Jackson and seconded by Councilman Smith To Adjourn The Meeting.

Ayes: Councilman Castellari, Councilman Smith, Councilman Sauer, Councilman Jackson, and Mayor Kuder 

Nays: None

A majority of the Council voting aye, the motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:18 p.m.




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