Mount Olive Community Unit School District No. 5 Board of Education met Oct. 20.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Education met in regular session in the library. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Brunnworth. Present at roll call were Brunnworth, DeVries, Essington, Osmoe, Remer, Rimar and Skertich. Also present were Superintendent Murphy, Jason Bailey, and John Hanafin.
Motion by Osmoe, seconded by Skertich to adopt the agenda and approve the minutes of the regular school board meeting of September 15, 2021, the public hearing of the 2021-2022 budget of September 15, 2021, the extracurricular committee meeting of September 15, 2021, the special board meeting of October 6, 2021, the special board meeting of October 13, 2021, and the special board meeting of October 14, 2021. All ayes. Motion carried.
Recognition, comments, and correspondence from employees and the public: An FOIA request was sent by Vince Espi on September 16, 2021 asking for a list of library resources for students. The district responded on September 22, 2021.
Jason Bailey spoke about the school’s current batting cages. He asked if the school would help purchase a motorized batting cage.
Motion by Skertich, seconded by Remer to approve the bills and activity accounts as presented. Roll call: 7 ayes. Motion carried.
Financial Report for September 2021:
Mr. Murphy reported the Education Fund balance is at $421,184.62. The Building Fund is sitting at $539,733.50. The Bond and Interest Fund, our copy lease account, is at $11,341.07. The Transportation Fund balance is $215,072.87. The IMRF Fund is at $106,117.30. Site and Construction, our one cent money, is at $31,493.14. Working Cash Fund is at $144,920.04. Tort Immunity Fund balance is $153,172.22. Life Safety balance is $114,587. The total of all funds is $1,737,621.80 and the Operating Fund balance is at $1,320,911.
Budget Report for September 2021:
Revenues vs. Expenses: 22% vs. 28%
Ed Fund: 22% vs. 28%
O & M Fund: 35% vs. 17%
Tort Fund: 31% vs. 19%
Transportation Fund: 23% vs. 44%
IMRF: 30% vs. 26%
Motion by Skertich, seconded by Essington to approve the financial report and the budget report for September 2021. All ayes. Motion carried.
New Business:
Motion by Skertich, seconded by Osmoe to extend SLU and LLCC scholarship courses for the 2021-2022 school year. Roll call: 7 ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Osmoe, seconded by DeVries to approve buying an indoor batting cage for $14,600.
Roll call: 7 ayes. Motion carried.
Mr. Murphy discussed special education aide.
Motion by DeVries, seconded by Remer to accept the resignation of Heather Gallia as pep club sponsor after the completion of the 2021-2022 school year. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Osmoe, seconded by Remer to approve the intergovernmental agreement between Litchfield CUSD #12 and Mt. Olive CUSD #5 to form a coop in wrestling for the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school years. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by DeVries, seconded by Brunnworth to approve Adam Mielke as an unpaid assistant high school softball coach for the 2021-2022 school year. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Rimar, seconded by DeVries to enter into closed session at 7:30 p.m. for the following purposes as allowed under the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.): Discussion of the appointment, employment and dismissal of employees of the public body and collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives. Roll call: 7 ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Skertich, seconded by Osmoe to return to open session at 8:48 p.m. Roll call: 7 ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Osmoe, seconded by Remer to keep the closed session minutes from the following meetings closed for the discussion of the appointment, employment, and dismissal of employees of the public body and collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives: October 21, 2020, November 11, 2020, December 16, 2020, January 20, 2021, February 10, 2021, February 17, 2021, March 17, 2021, April 21, 2021, May 19, 2021, June 16, 2021, July 21, 2021, August 4, 2021, August 11, 2021, September 15, 2021, October 6, 2021, October 13, 2021, and October 14, 2021. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Remer, seconded by Skertich to increase Ashley Troeckler’s hours from 3 to 5 hours a day. Roll call: 7 ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Skertich, seconded by Remer to accept the resignation of Patrick Murphy as golf coach at the end of the 2021-2022 school year. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by DeVries, seconded by Essington to hire June Hall as a bus driver for the 2021-2022 school year. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Osmoe, seconded by Skertich to accept Mrs. Wesselmann’s FMLA request. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by DeVries, seconded by Essington to accept Bunker Hill’s withdrawal from SMASE at the end of 2023. All ayes. Motion carried.
Superintendent’s Report:
Mr. Murphy reported the following:
1. MSM Conference Pass
Passes are available for you and your spouse to go to these games.
2. Social Emotional Grant
The state of Illinois is offering $250,000 a year for two years for social emotional aide for students and staff. Karrie and I are working with the Macoupin County Health Department to apply for this grant. 200 schools in Illinois will receive this grant.
The next board meeting will be held on Wednesday November 10, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the School Library at 804 West Main St, Mt. Olive, IL.
Motion by Osmoe, seconded by Skertich to adjourn at 8:59 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried.