City of Centralia Tourism Commission met April 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
I. CALL TO ORDER- Roach, Chair at 5:00PM
February 15th, 2022 – 1st Walsh 2nd Quidgeon All voted in favor.
V. TREASURER’S REPORT – Walsh: Walsh gave the report that the balance as of the end of March was $47,826.04. Motion to approve was made 1st Coleman 2nd Schroeder. All voted in favor.
1. Amtrak Station – Improvements
i. Updates were that Light and Lens is willing to have their artwork hung up, but they wanted to know how their art would be protected from vandalism. Public Properties has not had time to work on the Amtrak station yet as they are still catching up on mowing. Davis asked if we would have input on the suggested metal art installations in the planters. City staff said that the KC students would have to make a digital design for the CNC machine that we would be able to review and approve to make sure it matches the aesthetic of our improvements.
1. Status of the Trolley
i. We discussed making a route for the Locust Street Historic Fair. However, the trolley has fallen into disrepair, and we are waiting for council approval for the repairs. It will probably be not operational for Locust Street Historic Fair. Jackson suggested we move forward on plans to make it more useful in Centralia. Jackson suggested doing a first Saturday event to get people to the farmers market, Fairview Park Plaza, and maybe Foundation Park as these are locations that people can park and ride from with a minimal fee charged. Jackson suggested we all come up with a list of potential stops and a fee structure. Finn mentioned we will need to make sure SCT has two drivers available as we will have to run the ADA capable bus as well. Davis asked how much the wraps on the SCT buses costs as if we are running one in tandem with the trolley, we should have it advertise tourism activities. Jackson suggested finding a sponsor to cover the cost for the SCT wrap. The Chamber of Commerce Director suggested trying to pair it with the Amtrak schedule to help provide Amtrak riders a way around town. Davis suggested we make two committees: one on Amtrak station and one on the trolley to help delegate to work to get these plans completed. Jackson, Roach, Coleman, and Walsh said they will be on the trolley committee. Shannon, Finn, Quidgeon, and Davis will be on the Amtrak committee.
2. Event Sponsorship Form
i. City staff said the goal of this form is to focus our efforts on marketing inside and outside our community and to gather data on how many visitors attend our events. City staff requested suggestions for guidelines. Schroeder asked if an event could do marketing through the city, so that we can utilize the discount IL South Tourism provides us for being a member. City staff said that is an option at the moment to utilize the discount. Davis suggested that our tourism logo be part of any of the marketing sponsorship. City staff stated they would continue to work on the form based on the suggestions from the meeting.
IX. ADJOURNMENT – 1st Coleman 2nd Jackson All voted in favor.