
South Central Reporter

Saturday, May 11, 2024

City of Bunker Hill City Council met Oct. 12

City of Bunker Hill City Council met Oct. 12.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Chapman called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.


Present: Mayor John Chapman, Treasurer Lisa Webb, Alderpersons Kerri Brown, Glenn Bruckert, Rich Girth, and Julie West, Joe Manar, City Clerk Heather Kraus

Absent: Alderperson Chelsie Householder

Gallery: Boe Yaeger, Lynzie Hill, Will Manar, Grant Burch, Dave Schick, Jill Chapman





A. Park Committee Meeting Minutes of August 19, 2022

B. Park Committee Meeting Minutes of September 19, 2022

Alderperson Brown made the motion to approve all of the minutes. Alderperson Manar made the second.

Roll Call

Ayes: Bruckert, West, Brown, Girth, Manar

Nays: None

Absent: Householder

Motion carried.


Expense and Payroll reports were approved as presented. Motion to approve the Council’s reports made by Alderperson Manar and seconded by Alderperson Brown.

Roll Call

Ayes: Girth, Manar, West, Bruckert, Brown

Nays: None

Absent: Householder

Motion carried.


The Depositor’s Refund report and the Inspection report were presented and accepted. Motion to approve the reports was made by Alderperson Girth and seconded by Alderperson Bruckert.

Roll Call

Ayes: Manar, West, Girth, Bruckert, Brown

Nays: None

Absent: Householder

Motion carried.


The motion to approve the Treasurer’s reports as presented was made by Alderperson Bruckert and seconded by Alderperson Girth.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West

Nays: None

Absent: Householder

Motion carried.


A. Hall Fee Updated: Alderperson Manar presented adding another group description for the Rental Fee list. The committee wanted to recommend providing the building for use for not for profit groups wanting to use a space for about an hour with no food served. Examples of these groups would include but not be limited to Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Vaccine Clinics, Sport Leagues. The Council clarified that fundraisers fall into a different category. Alderperson Manar continued by informing the Council that the committee was working on updating the Ordinance Book.

B. Sound System Update: Alderperson Manar continued by discussing upgrades to or alternatives to the sound system for the Municipal Hall. Bo Yaeger demonstrated a portable system that he had purchased and summarized costs for the system: two microphones were $66 and the system was about $700. He commented that the size of his particular system was likely too large for the needs of the Municipal Hall. He demonstrated how to set up the system and cautioned that the microphones should be stored without the batteries installed. The issue was returned to the committee.

C. Public Works Employee Update: Alderperson Brown informed the Council that no resumes had been received thus far and that she would begin running an ad to generate interest in the position.


A. Jr. Class 4-Way Stop Fundraiser: Lynzie Hill, as the Jr. Class representative, requested permission of the Council to conduct a Fundraiser for the Jr. Class Prom at the 4-Way Stop on October 15, 2022 from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm. Alderperson Brown made the motion to approve the Fundraiser as stated. Alderperson Girth seconded the motion.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West

Nays: None

Absent: Householder

Motion carried.

B. Parents For Kids 5K Race and Fun Run: Jill Chapman presented the request from PFK to hold the 5 K and Fun Run on the same day as the Christmas Tree Lighting held by the Beautification Committee. The request is for Sunday, November 28, 2022 with no rain date. There was discussion about the time the event would begin. It was left for the two organizations TBD. Alderperson Girth made the motion to approve the event with the beginning time TBD. Alderperson Bruckert made the second.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West

Nays: None

Absent: Householder

Motion carried.

C. BHHS Boy’s Basketball 4-Way Stop Fundraiser: The Boy’s Basketball Team requested permission to hold a Fundraiser at the 4-Way Stop on Friday, 10/28 from 3:30 pm-6:30 pm and on Saturday, 10/29 from 9:00 am-12:00pm. He described how the funds would be used to fund the PDC (?) Basketball Clinic on Nov. 5th and 6th for boys and girls in grades 5th -12th, as well as new basketballs and Summer Basketball Camp in 2023. Alderperson Brown made the motion to accept the request as presented. Alderperson Manar made the second.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West

Nays: None

Absent: Householder

Motion carried.

D. Hire James Cody Stewart as PT Police Officer: Chief Girth summarized the work history of Cody Stewart and recommended hiring him as a PT Police Officer to reduce overtime for the City. Alderperson Brown made the motion to hire J. Cody Stewart as PT Officer. Alderperson Bruckert made the second.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West

Nays: None

Absent: Householder

Motion carried.

E. USCellular Perpetual Easement Proposal: Tabled until Mr. Verticchio arrived. F. Recommended Resolution to correct IMRF deduction: Tabled until Mr. Verticchio arrived. G. Approval of Trick or Treat days and Hours: Alderperson Manar made the motion to approve the

Trick or Treating hours for 10/30/22 and 10/31/22 from 6:00pm-8:00pm. Alderperson Brown seconded the motion.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West

Nays: None

Absent: Householder

Motion carried

H. Approval of the Trunk or Treat at the Municipal Building: Treasurer Lisa Webb presented the request for the Council to approve the Trunk or Treat sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. It is open to the public. The Chamber will provide snacks and have the ambulance and a helicopter for the public to inspect. Anyone is welcome to sponsor a trunk at the event. Alderperson Brown made the motion to approve the Chamber of Commerce Trunk or Treat at the Municipal Building on Sunday, October 30, 2022 from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm. Alderperson Girth made the second.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West

Nays: None

Absent: Householder

Motion carried

I. Purchase of a snow plow: Discussion began about whether approval had already been given to approve the purchase of a plow. Mayor Chapman requested approval to have Kerri obtain bids for a snow plow for the newer white truck. Alderperson Brown made the motion to seek bids for a snow plow up to $15,000. Alderperson Manar made the second.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West

Nays: None

Absent: Householder

Motion carried.

J. Purchase of a Utility Locator: Mayor Chapman requested approval from the Council to have the Public Works Dept. purchase a utility locator up to $10,000. Alderperson Brown made the motion. Alderperson Manar made the second.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West

Nays: None

Absent: Householder

Motion carried.

At this time, Mr. Verticchio arrived for the meeting. 7:27 p.m.

K. Purchase of a Skid Steer: Mayor Chapman requested approval from the Council to have an ad in the paper to obtain bids for the purchase a Skid Steer. Alderperson Brown made the motion. Alderperson Bruckert made the second.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West

Nays: None

Absent: Householder

Motion carried.

L. USCelllular Perpetual Easement: Mr. Verticchio presented USCellular’s request to purchase a perpetual easement for their tower for $127,547.97. This is the tower located by the water tower. Discussion followed about several topics including whether the easement could be signed over to another entity. The Council granted approval for Mr. Verticchio to proceed with negotiations with the stipulation that should USCellular wish to reassign, or use the tower for some unrelated activity of the tower that they must approach the City first. No roll call was taken.

M. IMRF Deduction Resolution: Mayor Chapman presented the request by IMRF to correct the deductions pursuant to the IRS code. Discussion between Alderperson Brown and Mr. Verticchio followed as to what the resolution actually says. Mr. Verticchio recommended passing the resolution. Alderperson Bruckert made the motion to pass the Resolution. Alderperson Manar made the second.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West

Nays: None

Absent: Householder

Present: Girth-He felt he did not know enough to make an informed decision. Motion carried.

N. Alluvial Addendum: Mr. Verticchio summarized the proposed addendum to the Alluvial Contract. The issue at hand is that Alluvial could, in the current contract, choose for any reason to repay our contributions with water credits rather than cash. Since we are paying interest on the loan extended periods of time could pass waiting for the funding to be returned to the City all the while the City is paying interest on the loan. Water credits do not create the cash needed to repay the loan and its interest. The current addendum gives Bunker Hill the discretionary ability to determine how the money gets returned. Further discussion followed. Alderperson Bruckert made the motion to accept the addendum as presented. Alderperson Manar made the second.

Roll Call

Ayes: Bruckert, Manar, Girth

Nays: West, Brown

Absent: Householder

Motion carried.


A. Public Works Department Update: Alderperson Brown reported that the city’s water bill was significant due to three water main breaks and the cleaning and flushing of the water towers. Park is 95% complete. Waiting on McCann to finish painting to remit payment. Alderperson Brown asked Mr. Verticchio for clarification on bidding procedure. She had a bid to present and was unsure of how to complete it according to procedures laid out in the Ordinances. Discussion followed about procedures for grant funded projects and how to solicit bids. Mr. Verticchio said that the solicitation for bids on city funded projects must be advertised regardless of total bid amount. The exception was if the Council waived the bid procedures by a two-thirds vote. The Council is bound to use the lowest bid. If there was only one bid received, the city could proceed. Alderperson Bruckert suggested that the Public Works employees should be trained in pouring concrete. Alderperson Brown described some of the complications of this particular project. She agreed that using a simpler project for training is a good idea. Mr. Verticchio clarified what “soliciting for competitive bids entailed”. This includes advertising for the bid, cold calling vendors for the bid, or simply posting the solicitation on the door of the building. Care needed to be taken avoid the appearance of bid rigging. Inspections of the site can be offered to facilitate accurate bids. Alderperson Brown made a request to have herself and the Council informed of any FOIA requests. The Clerk agreed to inform the Council in the future. Alderperson Brown was informed by Mr. Verticchio that requests to solicit bids needed to be brought to the Council before the process began. She requested that clarification in the Ordinances be tasked to the Ordinance Committee. Alderperson Manar informed her that this process had already begun.

i. Sidewalks to the Pickle Ball Court: Alderperson Brown made the motion to run ads for bids to construct sidewalks from the lakeside walking path to the end of the Pickle Ball Courts 4’x about 195’ with any additional costs to complete the work. Alderperson Manar made the second.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West

Nays: None

Absent: Householder

Motion carried.

B. Police Department: Chief Zach Girth—September, 2022 Monthly Report: Chief Girth summarized the report submitted in the packet. Alderperson West if there was anything more that could be done to follow up on Ordinance Violations. Mr. Verticchio responded that violations needed to be resolved in a timely manner to not only save time, money, and inconvenience, but to encourage compliance with paying the fines. He gave some recommendations on escalating fines due to non-compliance. Alderperson Brown described information she would like to see in a spreadsheet form for ordinance violations. Other Alderpersons concurred. Discussion followed about delinquent ordinance violations and their follow up. Chief Girth said that he would work on presenting the information in this form.

i. 615 East Seminary: Mayor Chapman introduced a discussion concerning 615 East Seminary. Alderperson Girth updated the Council with the contact he had made with the homeowner, Mr. McClain, who is having recurrent hospitalizations and was unable to address the situation. Chief Girth concurred and informed the Council that Mr. McClain had sold the property. He had no information about the person he sold it to. Mr. Verticchio reminded the Council that he could hire someone to “abate the nuisance”. Mr. Verticchio recommended the Council pass a resolution declaring the property a nuisance, give him notice and a time frame, and then, should he not comply, the City can decide what the City wants to do. The City can also sell the property if the homeowner does not comply. The Mayor asked the Council to declare 615 East Seminary and nuisance. Alderperson Bruckert made the motion. Alderperson Manar made the second.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West

Nays: None

Absent: Householder

Motion carried.

ii. 610 E. Warren: Alderperson Girth reviewed the information concerning the residents of 610 E. Warren. The Council clarified that a registered letter and regular post letter needed to be sent to the family informing them of action being taken by the City. Discussion followed concerning utilities and property tax. Alderperson Brown made the motion to declare 610 E. Warren a nuisance and send a registered letter containing the conditions set by the city.

Roll Call

Ayes: Brown, Bruckert, Manar, Girth, West

Nays: None

Absent: Householder

Motion carried

C. City Clerk: The Clerk informed the Council that Chris had finished more accounts and had only one more to go and the Audit will be ready to complete very soon. There are two invoices for consultation fees from F&V for about 6.5 hours total. The Clerk was unable to attend the MCI Conference. A description of the three tiers of City Clerk qualifications. An email had been sent to another contact for information. The clerk updated the Council concerning the progress on updating the SAM.gov number. The laptop has been updated, but the remote streaming is not working very well, there are also issues with backwards compatibility with necessary apps. The Clerk also referred the Council’s attention to the reports included in the packet.

12. ATTORNEY MATTERS: Mr. Verticchio asked if any of the Council members had begun discussion about health insurance policies being offered for 2023. Alderperson Girth responded that he had been speaking with Dan Rull and he had just gotten some quotes. Mr. Verticchio asked for his contact information. He was told that he already had it. Alderperson Girth responded that there were plans in place to meet and make a recommendation.

13. ACCOUNTANT MATTERS: No new information.

14. COMMITTEE MATTERS: Alderperson Brown brought up questions concerning codification of new ordinances. Mr. Verticchio summarized the process. She was concerned that new ordinances were being passed that had already been addressed and codified. Mr. Verticchio recommended having a master book that any new ordinances be put into it. Then the master and the added ordinances be sent to the codifier. Alderperson Bruckert explained that the Ordinance Committee is working on this issue. Discussion followed concerning who the last codifier was that was hired to update the Ordinance Book.

15. COMMENTS FROM THE VISITORS: Bo Yaeger informed the Council that the next day was the fire prevention activities at the school. The second comment was to inform the Council that he was purchasing a firework keg to be used at the Christmas Tree Lighting. He will complete the permit and informed the Council that the fireworks were donated.

16. EXECUTIVE SESSION: No items for executive session


Alderperson Brown moved, seconded by Alderperson Bruckert to adjourn the Regular Council Meeting of the City of Bunker Hill of October 12, 2022. Voice vote; meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.




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