
South Central Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Aviston Elementary School District 21 Board of Education met March 15

Aviston Elementary School District 21 Board of Education met March 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order—7:00 pm

a. Roll Call

a. Members present: Thole, Voss, Eversgerd, Kohnen, Toennies, Schulte Strubhart

b. Members absent: None

c. Non-Members present: Superintendent Hamil, Principal Niemeyer, Amanda Beer, Shelly Albers, Kelly Jackson, Heather Netemeyer, Logan Niehaus, Rachel Poettker, Jayne Arentsen

b. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Public Comment/Recognition of Visitors/Good News Report

a. Public Comment: None

b. Good News Report: The girls bowling team qualified for state competition and an individual bowler for the boys’ team qualified for state. The K-2 community basketball league donated $1700 to the Sports Boosters. The Eagle Squad theme for the month is “Fairness”.

3. Motion to Amend the Agenda:

a. None

4. Approval of Consent Agenda:

a. Approve Minutes of February 15, 2023 Regular Meeting.

b. Approve Payment of Bills

c. Treasurer’s Report

a. Motion by Voss, second by Schulte to approve the consent agenda items.

b. Roll Call: Thole, aye; Voss, aye; Eversgerd, aye; Kohnen, aye; Toennies, aye; Schulte, aye; Strubhart, aye. None opposed. None absent.

5. Superintendent’s Report

a. Education Fund Referendum – An informational town hall meeting is planned for March 22 at 7 pm in the cafeteria to provide public information regarding the referendum.

b. ISBE Audit Results and ROE Compliance – The ISBE Auditor spent a week in the building viewing financial records and grant management records. The District received a positive review and compliments from the auditor. Overall, the findings/areas to improve were minimal.

c. WiFi Upgrade – QNS installed loaner switches and the internet has been working to its full potential. Feedback from teachers has been positive.

d. Parking Lot Lights Upgrade – The parking lot lights have been upgraded to higher-lumen LED bulbs for improved visibility for pedestrians at night.

6. Old Business

a. Building Addition – FGM Architects met on 3/1/23 to discuss kitchen layout and upgrades. Discussion also began on interior finishes for the classrooms and cafeteria expansion.

7. New Business

a. Graduation Date – May 18, 2023

a. Motion by Strubhart, second by Kohnen to set the graduation date for May 18, 2023.

b. All in favor. None opposed. None absent.

b. Adoption of 2023-2023 School Calendar

a. Motion by Thole, second by Schulte to set approve the 2023-2024 school calendar as presented

b. All in favor. None opposed. None absent.

c. Construction Management Interview Process

a. Board Member Schulte, Board Member Kohnen and Superintendent Hamil were appointed to conduct interviews with Construction Management firms to provide a recommendation for entering into a service agreement with a Construction Manager.

d. Mowing Contract

a. Motion by Thole, second by Strubhart to accept an agreement with Quality Turf for annual lawn mowing and maintenance at a rate of $130 per cut.

b. Roll Call: Thole, aye; Voss, aye; Eversgerd, aye; Kohnen, aye; Toennies, aye; Schulte, aye; Strubhart, aye. None opposed. None absent.

e. Consideration and action on a resolution abating the District’s working cash fund

a. Motion by Schulte, second by Voss to abate $1,580,000 from the working cash fund to be transferred to the capital projects fund.

b. Roll Call: Thole, aye; Voss, aye; Eversgerd, aye; Kohnen, aye; Toennies, aye; Schulte, aye; Strubhart, aye. None opposed. None absent.

f. Annual Review of Safety Plans

a. Motion by Voss, second by Kohnen to approve the District Safety Plan/Crisis Management Plan as presented.

b. All in favor. None opposed. None absent.

g. Rehiring of Certified Teachers for the 2023 – 2024 School Year

a. Motion by Thole, second by Kohnen to rehire all certified teachers for the 2023 – 2023 school year.

b. Roll Call: Thole, aye; Voss, aye; Eversgerd, aye; Kohnen, aye; Toennies, aye; Schulte, aye; Strubhart, aye. None opposed. None absent.

h. Certified Staff Resignation

a. Motion by Schulte, second by Voss to accept the resignation of Chase Henrichs as Physical Education Teacher.

b. All in favor. None opposed. None absent.

i. Superintendent Contract

a. Motion by Schulte, second by Voss to extend the current Superintendent contract effective July 1, 2023 until June 30, 2028.

b. Roll Call: Thole, aye; Voss, aye; Eversgerd, aye; Kohnen, aye; Toennies, aye; Schulte, aye; Strubhart, aye. None opposed. None absent.

8. **Closed Session - Closed session may be used to discuss contract negotiations, employee issues and other items as deemed necessary by the board and as approved in 5 ILCS 120/2 of the Open Meetings Act.

a. Motion by Kohnen, second by Thole to enter closed session at 7:41 pm. 

b. All in favor. None opposed. None absent.

c. Motion by Strubhart, second by Kohnen to return to open session at 9:08 pm.

d. All in favor. None opposed. None absent.

9. Adjournment

a. Motion by Voss, second by Kohnen to adjourn the March 15, 2023 meeting at 9:16 pm.

b. All in favor. None opposed. None absent.
