Wesclin Community Unit School District 3 Board of Education met Aug. 21.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Education of Wesclin Community School District # 3, Clinton and St. Clair Counties, Illinois, met in a regular session on Monday, the 21st day of August 2023, at the hour of 6:00 p.m., at the Wesclin High School in said district.
At the above-named time and place there were present the following officers and members of the Board:
Members Present
Jeff Stroot, President
Tina Litteken, Treasurer
Connie Elmore
Zach Peters
Dustin Biggs
Jared Poettker
Krystal Schmitt
Members Absent
A quorum of the Board members being present, the current president called the meeting to order and declared the Board to be in session for the transaction of business.
Administrators present:
Jennifer Filyaw, Superintendent
Jamey Rahm
Angela Woll
Zack Huels
Patrick Weathers
Jaime Bonsall
B. Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous regular meeting and of the executive session of July 17, 2023 were approved on a motion by _Connie Elmore_, seconded by _Tina Litteken_.
Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye, Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0
C. District Finances
Motion made by _Tina Litteken_, seconded by _Dustin Biggs_ to approve The Treasurer's Report and payment of payroll in the amount of $723,027.56_ and bills in the amount of $660,197.30_.
Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye, Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0
D. Agenda modification
Motion made by _Connie Elmore_, seconded by _Jared Poettker_ to approve agenda as presented.
Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye, Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0
E. Superintendent Report
The Illinois State Board of Education just announced $50,000 matching maintenance grants. Grants need to be submitted by December 1. We can use these funds towards the relocation of the office at Trenton Elementary, or replace aging HVAC systems at Wesclin Middle School.
The Illinois Association of School Boards joint annual conference in Chicago is November 16- November 19. This is a wonderful opportunity for board members to talk, meet, and learn from other board members throughout the state.
A meeting has been scheduled to meet with the City of Trenton to discuss the TIF agreement.
Wesclin Middle School has 12 above ground gas leaks. The piping is under ground and corroding. We are currently working with our architects and contractors to determine how to proceed.
F. Principals' Report
Jamey Rahm is happy that the first day of school went so smooth and that the handbook rules are being followed.
Zach Huels is happy that the teachers and kids are back in session and that the first day went very well at the Middle School.
Angi Woll is happy the staff took care of things this summer (custodians) and happy to be back for the new school year.
Patrick Weathers is proud of his staff at New Baden Elementary for handling certain situations that have occurred at the start of the year.
II. Public Comments:
Michelle Ferris- Has a child in Middle school and is worried about the special education room. She has concerns about the new Special Education teacher.
Jessica Gruender- She is also worried about the Special Education program at the Middle School and lack of training.
Jeff Mavrogeorge - Has a 15-year-old son in the Special Education program at the Middle School- he wants to support the staff and the parents in the program.
Mandy Koch- Parent support group is concerned about the program and does not want to target teachers. Wants to make sure we have Resources/Candidates.
Jackie VanGorkom- Wanted to be an advocate of the Go Guardian Beacon program. She is an educator in Carlyle and has experience with the program. The program monitors suicide and online activity.
Jamie Brown- Wanted to advocate Go Guardian as she is an educator in Mascoutah.
Kelly Gilbert-She has a 4th grader with Down Syndrome. She is worried about the Special Education program as the teacher last year was forced to quit because of a child's dangerous episodes. She states Mr. Huels knew about the situation. She is worried about the room the children are in as Michelle Ferris- they say it appears as a "storage room." Kelly states she did not hear about who the new Sped teacher was or who was hired until school started.
Kristen Lobsinger- Her son was a part of the Special Education system for many years and she states that the program and Administration is doing all they can.
Andy Weh- Mayor of Trenton is having a meeting Wednesday to discuss a TIF. Trenton has a TIFS that expires in 2025 and wants the Board to work with them on extension.
Lisa Ross - Wants to meet with the Board during "Closed Session."
III. Celebration of Success
A. Maintenance/Custodians have done a phenomenal job cleaning our schools and getting ready for another school year.
B. Welcome back to another year! Opening day and open houses went fantastic. Everyone was excited to be together. We are looking forward to another great year!
IV. Items Requiring Board of Education Action
A. Part Time Student
Tommy Gravitt, senior at Wesclin High School has requested to take a college class at SWIC. He has completed all of the math classes that we offer, and will now take an advanced math class at Southwestern Illinois College.
Motion by _Tina Litteken_, seconded by _Zach Peters_ to approve the request to become a part time student by Tommy Gravitt.
Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye, Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0
B. Tentative Budget
Motion by Connie Elmore, seconded by Jared Poettker_ to post the tentative budget and set the budget hearing for September 18 at 6:00 pm.
Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye, Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0
C. Resolution Regarding Hazardous Bus Routes
Motion by _Tina Litteken__, seconded by _Dustin Biggs_ to approve the Transportation Hazardous Route Resolution for 2023-2024.
Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye, Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0
D. Fuel Bid Gateway FS
Motion by _Dustin Biggs_ seconded by _Tina Litteken_ to approve Gateway FS bid of market price.
Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye, Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0
E. Overnight Field Trip
Motion by Connie Elmore_ seconded by _Jared Poettker_ to approve the FFA and Band and Chorus overnight field trips.
Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye, Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0
F. Consent Agenda
Motion by Zack Peters_ seconded by _Jared Poettker_ to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker- aye, Jeff Stroot-aye, Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0
G. Executive Session for the purposes of discussing personnel.
Motion by Jared Poettker_ seconded by Dustin Biggs_ to move into closed session to discuss personnel.
Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye, Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0
I. Closed Session for the purposes of discussing appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the Board or legal counsel for the Board, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the Board or against legal counsel for the Board to determine its validity pursuant to Section 20(1) of the Open Meetings Act.
Motion by _Jared Poettker_ seconded by _Dustin Biggs_ to move into closed session for the purposes of considering the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the Board or legal counsel for the Board, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the Board or against legal counsel for the Board to determine its validity pursuant to Section 20(1) of the Open Meetings Act. p.m.)
Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye. Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0
Motion by _Jared Poettker_, seconded by _Dustin Biggs__ to return from closed session into the regular meeting. (_____8:08__ p.m.)
Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye. Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0
H. Non-Certified Personnel Hourly Rates
Motion by _Tina Litteken_ seconded by _Zack Peters_ to approve a $.25 hourly rate increase for all returning non-certified staff.
Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken, aye, Zach Peters, aye, Jared Poettker- aye, Jeff Stroot-aye, Krystal Schmitt-aye. Motion passes 7-0
VI. Adjournment:
It was moved by Jared Poettker, seconded by Dustin Biggs that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Vote: Dustin Biggs-aye, Connie Elmore-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Zach Peters-aye, Jared Poettker-aye, Jeff Stroot-aye. Motion passes 7-0