
South Central Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Germantown School District 60 Board of Education met Sept. 13

Germantown School District 60 Board of Education met Sept. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Budget Hearing

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Lee Deerhake with the following members present: Matt Korte, Terry Biggs, Jessica Hemker, Andrea Linders, Nicole Peter, and Ashley Winter. Also in attendance: Superintendent Robin Becker, Assistant Principal Trisha Weekley, Board Secretary Leigh Ann Arentsen, Teacher Representative Cheri Markwell, School Auditor, Doug Ess and Guests Danielle Ribbing and Blain Loepker.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance.

Superintendent Becker reviewed and discussed the Final Budget for FY 24.

Motion (2023/24-46) to adjourn the budget hearing meeting at 7:04 p.m. was made by Mrs. Hemker with a second by Mr. Biggs. Motion carried (7-0).

Regular Minutes

Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m. by President Lee Deerhake with the following members present: Matt Korte, Terry Biggs, Jessica Hemker, Andrea Linders, Nicole Peter, and Ashley Winter. Also in attendance: Superintendent Robin Becker, Assistant Principal Trisha Weekley, Board Secretary Leigh Ann Arentsen, Teacher Representative Cheri Markwell, School Auditor, Doug Ess and Guests Danielle Ribbing and Blain Loepker. Doug Ess left the meeting at 7:35pm and Danielle Ribbing and Blain Lokeper left at 8:28pm

Motion (2023/24-47) to approve the agenda was made by Mr. Korte with a second by Mrs. Peter. Motion carried (7-0).

Welcome Guests and Comments from the Public


1.) Auditor’s Report:

a. Overall the District is in good financial shape.

b. Noted 3 minor issues that were discovered during the audit, 2 of which have been resolved.

2.) Assistant Principal Report:

a. New Teacher Mentor Program: Have had 1 meeting so far. Both new teachers recently shadowed their team teacher and seem very open to suggestions and new ideas.

b. House System: We had our 1st Feel Good Friday and everyone had a great time. In our House meetings, we have studied 4 letters so far. Two feel good stories from parents about the House system were shared with everyone.

c. CARE Team/Student Mentors: So far we have 8 sets of students paired up as mentors/mentees with 1 more in the works.

d. SEL Happenings: The Bulldog Breakfast Club has met a couple of times, and it appears the students are enjoying themselves. The first SEL Family Night of the school year is planned for Thursday, September 28.

e. Professional Growth Goals: Each teacher has identified a primary and second growth goal for the school year and will be working on them throughout the year.

3.) Superintendent Report:

a. PTA update: In August, the PTA presented the school with a check in the amount of $9,675. This money has been allocated to technology.

b. Homework Help: Thanks to grant funding, the after school Homework Help Program will be returning for the 2023-24 school year. The kids will be working with 6 teachers: K-1 Kayleen Kampwerth & Cheri Markwell; 2-4 Kelsey Peppenhorst & Angie Garren ; 5-8 Tiffany Graham & Carrie Hall. The program will be held Tuesday - Thursday from 3:10-4:00pm starting on September 26th.

c. Construction Project: Masonry will start on the interior wall on Thursday followed by more iron work. Timeline for completion has been slightly impacted due to unexpected excavation findings. Looking at completion sometime in January.

d. Grandparents/Special Friends Day: Scheduled for Friday, October 6, from 10:15-11:40am. Trying something new and having grandparents come closer to the end of the day so grandkids can go home with them to hopefully eliminate tears due to separation.

e. SM2390 Sample Policy: More discussion was held regarding possibly adopting this policy by our Board which would allow staff members to enroll their children at GES tuition free.

f. Raise the Roof Capital Campaign: Two meetings have been held so far with approximately 31 members being involved. Lots of good ideas flowing. Hopefully One on One visits with local Businesses will start in November with family/alumni outreach in the Spring.

Motion (2023/24-48) to approve the items of consent as follows was made by Mrs. Hemker with a second by Mrs. Linders. Roll call vote showed the following: Korte, aye; Biggs, aye; Hemker, aye; Linders, aye; Peter, aye; Winter, aye and Deerhake, aye.

Items of Consent:

1. Approve Minutes of August 10, 2023

2. Approve Bills/Payroll for September 2023

3. Review of closed Session Minutes for Public Release – September 2022, October 2022, January 2023 and February 2023

4. Approve Destruction of Verbatim Recording of February 2022

5. Approve Financial Reports for August 2023

a. Budget

b. Balance Sheet

c. Fund Balance

d. Bulldog Activity

6. Post Administrator and Teacher Salaries

New Business:

Motion (2023/24-49) to adopt Budget for 2023-24 School Year was made by Mrs. Hemker with a second by Mr. Biggs. Roll call vote showed the following: Biggs, aye; Hemker, aye; Linders, aye; Peter; aye, Winter, aye; Korte, aye and Deerhake, aye.

Motion (2023/24-50) to enter Closed Session at 8:28pm to discuss the Appointment, Evaluation or Dismissal of Employees was made by Mr. Korte with a second by Mrs. Linders. Motion carried (7-0).

Motion (2023/24-51) to return to Open Session at 8:33pm was made by Mr. Korte with a second by Mrs. Linders. Motion carried (7-0).

Motion (2023/24-52) to Accept the Resignation of Paraprofessional Jillian Crump was made by Mrs. Hemker with a second by Mr. Biggs. Roll call vote showed the following: Hemker, aye; Linders, aye; Peter, aye; Winter, aye; Korte, aye; Biggs, aye and Deerhake, aye.

Motion (2023/24-53) to Rehire Ms. Kayla Diesen as the Cheer Coach was made by Mr. Korte with a second by Mrs. Linders. Roll call vote showed the following: Linders, aye; Peter, aye; Winter, aye; Korte, aye; Biggs, aye; Hemker, aye and Deerhake, aye.

Motion (2023/24-54) to Hire Marla Husmann as a Paraprofessional was made by Mrs. Linders with a second by Mr. Biggs. Roll call vote showed the following: Peter, aye; Winter, aye; Korte, aye; Biggs, aye; Hemker, aye; Linders, aye and Deerhake, aye.

Motion (2023/24-55) to adjourn the meeting at 8:37pm was made by Mr. Korte with a second by Mrs. Hemker. Motion carried (7-0).
