
South Central Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Germantown School District 60 Board of Education met March 13

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Germantown Students | Facebook

Germantown School District 60 Board of Education met March 13.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

Meeting called to order by President Lee Deerhake at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Matt Korte, Terry Biggs, Jessica Hemker, Andrea Linders, Nicole Peters, Ashley Winter and Lee Deerhake. Also in attendance: Superintendent Robin Becker, Board Secretary Leigh Ann Arentsen, Assistant Principal Trisha Weekley and SEL/RtI/Special Education Coordinator Kristine Beer.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance.

Motion (2023/24-94) to approve the agenda was made by Mr. Korte with a second by Mr. Biggs. Motion carried (7-0).

Assistant Principal Report:

● Spotlighted our February Students of the Month: 3rd grade student, Grayson Schroeder, chose St. Jude Children’s Hospital for his charity of choice. 5th grader, Sawyer Kabat, chose Clinton County Humane Society for her charity.

● SEL Family Night: The 2nd Family Night was a huge success. Received a lot of good feedback. There were 62 adults and 89 kids in attendance. Big thank you to Kristine and the whole SEL Squad for all their hard work. Susan Knapp is interested in writing an article for the “Neighbors in Clinton County” Magazine featuring our SEL efforts. Mrs. Weekley presented Bulldog Tic Tac Toe for the Board to play a quick game. This was done to show what types of activities are done at Family Night and at Mindful Mornings. It was a great example of building relationships through conversation.

● IAR Goal Setting: Assistant Principal Weekley shared how the teachers empower their students to help setting goals for the IAR Testing. They typically take last year’s percentages and try to realistically set a new goal this year that builds on the previous one. The incentives are normally an inexpensive gesture to reward the students for all their hard work when the scores come in.

Superintendent Report:

● Construction Update – Lake Contractors were here this week to finish up some minor odds and ends in the new classrooms. We have received our Occupancy Permit from the ROE. The only thing left to do is install the new lockers when the reordered correct size comes in. We have currently paid out 83% of our expenses. The project will actually be coming in under budget.

● Capital Campaign - Mrs. Becker gave a brief update on the Raise the Roof Rockfest that is scheduled for Saturday, September 21. More details will be released soon. So far the campaign has received $147,000 in donations.

● Goals/Strategies Update – A brief update was given on the progress towards the 2023-24 Goals/Strategies. Highlights include: It will soon be time to renew our 10 year Health Life Safety Plan. Currently, we have one project left on the current plan. Girls on the Run has started this year with 15 girls registered. Would like to possibly add a 6-8 grade component next year. We have earned $50,000 in interest on the construction money we invested in CD’s. We recently received a matching $50,000 Maintenance Grant to repair the storm sewer erosion issue by the teacher’s entrance. Discussed possible teaching arrangements for next year along with a couple updates on emergency backup plans if we need them. Our technology arrangement with Jacob is still working out and he is very responsive. Sports update included the bowling season has quickly ended and Volleyball is headed to Regionals next week. Golf will be starting soon. Mrs. Becker plans to continue with her little Board activities each month to keep the Board involved with our core words and activities. Over the summer she plans on trying to align the Strategic Plan and Goals with the Superintendent's Evaluation better.

IASB Liaison Report:

● Mrs. Winter reported that there are some training opportunities available if anyone would be interested. Not a lot to report usually but we will continue to leave it on the agenda in case there ever is something important to report to the Board.

Motion (2023/24-95) to approve Items of Consent as follows was made by Mrs. Winter with a second by Mrs. Peters. Roll call vote showed the following: Korte, aye; Biggs, aye; Hemker, aye; Linders, aye; Peters, aye; Winter, aye and Deerhake, aye.

Items of Consent:

1. Approve Minutes of February 14, 2024

2. Approve Bills/Payroll for March 2024

3. Review of Closed Session Minutes for Public Release – August 2023

4. Approve Destruction of Verbatim Recording of August 2022

5. Approve Financial Reports for February 2024

a. Budget

b. Balance Sheet

c. Fund Balance

d. Bulldog Activity

New Business

Motion (2023/24-96) to approve 2024-25 School Calendar was made by Mrs. Peters with a second by Mr. Biggs. Motion carried (7-0).

Motion (2023/24-97) to set Eighth Grade Graduation for Tuesday, May 14, 2024 was made by Mrs. Winter with a second by Mrs. Hemker. Motion carried (7-0).

Motion (2023/24-98) to approve SB2390 Policy to allow district staff to send their students to school at Germantown Elementary School tuition free was made by Mr. Korte with a second by Mrs. Hemker. Motion carried (7-0).

Motion (2023/24-99) to enter Closed Session at 7:56 p.m. to discuss the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, or Dismissal of Employees was made by Mrs. Peters with a second by Mrs. Winter. Motion carried (7-0).

Motion (2023/24-100) to return to Open Session at 8:25 p.m. was made by Mr. Biggs with a second by Mr. Korte. Motion carried (7-0).

Motion (2023/24-101) to re-employ Tenured Certified Teachers: Jerica Conner, Angie Garren, Leslie Eversgerd, Hillary Kurtz, Kelsey Peppenhorst, Cheri Markwell, Chad Rakers, and Dawn Strake was made by Mrs. Hemker with a second by Mrs. Peters. Roll call vote showed the following: Biggs, aye; Hemker, aye; Linders, aye; Peters, aye; Winter, aye; Korte, aye and Deerhake, aye.

Motion (2023/24-102) to re-employ Non-Tenured Certified Teachers: Kristine Beer, Emma Conway, Lindsey Goestenkors, Tiffany Graham, Carrie Hall, Kayleen Kampwerth, Katie Mense, Grace Reuter, Trisha Weekley, Rose Wilken and Bryan Winterbottom was made by Mrs. Winter with a second by Mrs. Linders. Roll call vote showed the following: Hemker, aye; Linders, aye; Peters, aye; Winter, aye; Korte, aye; Biggs, aye and Deerhake, aye.

Motion (2023/24-103) to re-employ Non-Certified Staff members: April Tolan, Angie Krebs, Peggy Karlovsky, Meghan Felts, Cathy Meskil, Caroline Kenow, Marla Husmann, Kaylen McDowell, Loni Middendorff, LaDawn Gebke, Anita Schomaker, Jamie Wilburn, Carl Diesen, Teresa Mullins, Jordyn Robke, Gerard Albers, Frank Schroeder, Denis Lakenburges, Craig Huegen, Deanna Kehder and Leigh Ann Arentsen was made by Mr. Korte with a second by Mrs. Peters. Roll call vote showed the following: Linders, aye; Peters, aye; Winter, aye; Korte, aye; Biggs, aye; Hemker, aye and Deerhake, aye.

Motion (2023/24-104) to adjourn the meeting at 8:27 p.m. was made by Mrs. Winter with a second by Mrs. Peters. Motion carried (7-0).
