Lee Ross, 7th Judicial Circuit | Macoupin County
Lee Ross, 7th Judicial Circuit | Macoupin County
Macoupin County Board Finance Committee met April 2.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
PRESENT: Payne, Armour, Heuer, Kiel, Stayton
ABSENT: Adden, Dragovich
1. FY 23-24 Month 7 Budget Review
Duncan passed out a summary of the budget at the end of month 7. Duncan also said that the current projection of the surplus was about $90,000, which sounded great, until you look back a year and realize that the projected surplus at the end of month 7 was $290,000. This meant that the projected surplus was already about 1/3 of the surplus last year.
2. Discussion of FY 24-25 budget hearings and FY 23-24 budget check in with officials/department heads
Duncan passed out a draft of the letter the Board had discussed the month earlier. It outlined having each official and department head complete a one pager for each general fund department budget they had as well as the special fund budgets they have. It would outline if they thought they would have money left over, spend the full budget, or need more money in that budget. It would also outline that the budget hearings would be held in May. Per the committee, the dates of May 16th, 28th, and 30th at 5:30 would be the budget hearing presentations. This would give the committee the month of June if necessary to put the budget together for next year.
3. Resolution adjusting General Fund Budgets for PBLC Contract Settling Duncan said his office was still finalizing the backpay for the Sheriff's union but there would need to be significant increases the Sheriff's budgets. In order to get that done before the budget hearing process, he was recommending a resolution be sent to the full Board to cover those costs. The total increase in costs looked to be about $190,000. To make this budget neutral, the insurance line item would be decreased by $100,000; County Administration would be decreased by $40,000 and the balance would come from increasing the sales tax revenue projection, which would max it out for the year basically.
Motion by Kiel, seconded by Stayton to recommend a resolution adjusting the Sheriff's budgets.
MOVER: Bernie Kiel, Member
SECONDER: Aaron Stayton, Member
AYES: Payne, Armour, Heuer, Kiel, Stayton
ABSENT: Adden, Dragovich
4. Discussion of Coroner and/or Circuit Clerk Salaries before possible action next month
There was a discussion about the elected officials salaries. In 2020, the Coroner's salary was lowered since a new Coroner was being in elected. In 2022, the base salary for a Treasurer, County Clerk, or Circuit Clerk elected to their first term was set at $60,000. If the Board wanted the Coroner's position to have any raises over the next four years, that would need to be approved by the end of May since it had to be done 180 days before the new term began. It had traditionally been that the Coroner receive whatever the raises were the other three positions had approved for them 2 years prior. If that were the case, that would be a 2% raise December 1st of 2024 thru 2027. There was a discussion about if the Circuit Clerk starting salary should be raised to $68,000. If they did that, it would require the Treasurer's salary to be raised before the next term since it started at $60,000. Due to the state statute, this could not happen until December 1, 2026 when the Treasurer's new term starts. The committee decided to revisit the topic next month.
5. Update on Coroner, Treasurer, and Sheriff state stipends reimbursement Duncan said that the state had decided to move the Sheriff, Treasurer, and Coroner stipends to a direct check to the county to pay. In order to do this, there would be a new line item added to the county administration budget. It would be budget neutral since the state was paying the full $6,500 to the county to send back.
6. American Rescue Plan Funding Update
Duncan passed out an update on the American Rescue Plan funding on the projects that were still left with money to spend. He also passed out a draft press release on that funding.