
South Central Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Mt. Olive Community Unit School District 5 Board of Education met Oct. 16

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John Essington, Ed.D., Secretary | LinkedIn

John Essington, Ed.D., Secretary | LinkedIn

Mt. Olive Community Unit School District 5 Board of Education met Oct. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education met in regular session on October 16, 2024 in the library. The meeting was called to order at 6:59 p.m. by President David Brunnwoth. Present at roll call were Brunnworth, Essington, Knes, Osmoe, Rimar, and Skertich. Also present were Superintendent Kelly, Secretary Durbin, Nikki Garrels, John Hanafin, Ellie Borrowman, Misty Borrowman and Tim Borrowman.

Jen Stockstill arrived at 7:04. Brian & Murphy Vazzi arrived at 7:29.

Motion by Skeritch, seconded by Rimar to adopt the agenda and approve the minutes of the regular board meeting and Public hearing minutes of September 18th, 2024. All ayes. Motion carried.

Recognition, comments, and correspondence from employees and public:

A. Board Norms: Follow chain of command, assume positive intent, and mutual respect.

B. Board Values: Integrity, mutual respect, and excellence.

C. Board Priorities: Culture, academic performance, facilities (with a focus on safety), and finances.

D. FOIA request from Lake County Gazette dated 9/19/24

E. FOIA request from Walz dated 9/25/24

F. Ellie Borrowman- National Merit Scholarship Program Commended Student.

Motion by Skertich, seconded by Knes to approve the bills and activity accounts as presented. Roll call: 6 ayes. Motion carried

Financial Report for September 2024:

Mrs. Kelly reported the Education Fund is sitting at $2,517,263.80. The Building Fund is at $779,983.21. The Transportation Fund balance is $433,799.37. The Working Cash Fund is at $229,848.97. The total of all funds is $3,960,875.35

Budget Report: Revenues vs. Expenditures for September 2024:

Education Fund: 36% vs. 21%

Building Fund: 64% vs. 9%

Bond & Interest: 21% & 51%

Transportation Fund: 21% vs. 23%

IMRF: 70% vs. 18%

Site & Construction: 39% & 17%

Working Cash: 69% & 0%

Tort Immunity: 74% vs. 28%

Life Safety: 103% & 54%

Motion by Rimar, seconded by Essington to approve the financial report and the budget report for September 2024. All ayes. Motion carried.

Unfinished Business:

Motion by Skertich, seconded by Knes to approve a resolution authorizing transfer from Operations and Maintenance into Debt Services Fund. Roll call: All ayes. Motion carried

Motion made by Essington, seconded by Knes to approve the contract with Journey12 to be purchased with Stronger Connections Grant Funding. Roll call: 5 ayes 1 nay. Motion carried

New Business:

Motion by Skertich, seconded by Essington to establish snow routes for South Panther Creek Road, Redwood Road, Hoefker, and Eilert Trail. Roll call: 6 ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Rimar, seconded by Skertich to approve School Maintenance Grant Application. 6 ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Osmoe, seconded by Rimar to hire Doug Becker as unpaid junior high basketball assistant coach pending successful background check. Roll call: 6 ayes. Motion carried

The board had a lengthy discussion about adding extracurricular activities to our co-op with Litchfield School District. The Litchfield School District has reached out to our administration to gauge interest re. Girls soccer at Litchfield. While the board is open to adding activities for students, concerns were raised and discussed. Some of the concerns discussed included the 1 staff shortages in transportation and difficulties providing transportation. Additionally, concerns were raised about the potential consequences of losing sports hosted by Mt. Olive School District. The board articulated the desire to serve the interest of the community; therefore, we will continue our conversation with Litchfield School District about adding girls soccer to our co-op agreement. This is a multi step process and will require approvals.

Semi-annual review of closed session minutes required by the Oppen meetings Act.

First Reading of the following policies:

■ 2:270 Discrimination and Harassment on the Basis of Race, Color, and National Origin Prohibited-New

■ 2:265 Title IX Grievance Procedure-Draft Update, Rewritten

■ 2:70 Vacancies on the School Board - Filling Vacancies-Review and Monitoring

■ 2:125 Board Member Compensation; Expenses-Review and Monitoring

■ 2:160 Board Attorney-Review and Monitoring

■ 2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure-Draft Update

■ 4:15 Identity Protection-Review and Monitoring

■ 4:70 Resource Conservation-Draft Update

■ 4:80 Accounting and Audits-Review and Monitoring

■ 5:100 Staff Development Program-Draft Update, Rewritten

■ 5:130 Responsibilities Concerning Internal Information-Draft Update

■ 5:180 Temporary Illness or Temporary Incapacity-Review and Monitoring

■ 5:200 Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal-Draft Update

■ 5:290 Employment Termination and Suspensions-Review and Monitoring

■ 5:310 Compensatory Time-Off-Review and Monitoring

■ 6:110 Programs for Students At Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives Program-Review and Monitoring

■ 6:140 Education of Homeless Children-Draft Update

■ 6:150 Home and Hospital Instruction-Review and Monitoring

■ 7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited-Draft Update

■ 7:170 Vandalism-Review and Monitoring

■ 7:185 Teen Dating Violence Prohibited-Draft Update

Principals’ Reports:

Mr. Martin reported the following:

• We are closing the door on the first quarter of the school year. Everything seems to be progressing. Some areas are more accomplished and developed than others. However, as situations arise the staff have been great at debriefing and assisting in creating systems that will allow us to function better in those areas for future events.

• I still believe that the overall culture and climate of the school is in a good place. We are working on ways to celebrate our students within and outside of the school.

• Sarah Lesko was awarded the Daughters of the American Revolution award.

• Ellie Borrowman was awarded as a Commended Student by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (In the top 34,000 students nationwide).

• We celebrated our Homecoming Week and things went very well.

• Carter Brunnworth and Ellie Borrowman were crowned King and Queen.

• The dance was very well attended and the student’s had good things to say such as “It wasn’t as lame as last year” and “I stayed a lot longer this year”.

• The Junior class won the spirit stick. And beat the teachers in ironman volleyball. • I want to thank all of the staff as they helped to pitch in and make this year's homecoming week a great success.

• We had students attend the Capital Area Education Fair at Lincoln Land in Springfield. This was a well attended event and Mrs. Monke thought it was the best field trip yet this year.

• Mr. Winsel was able to take students down to SWIC for a Manufacturing Day event.

• We have senior night this coming Monday at the Volleyball game for all fall sports.

• I want to again congratulate our student athletes as we have not yet had one ineligible student this school year.

• MOHS hosted the Golf Regional at Timber Lakes. Special thanks to Amanda Osmoe for diligently working to make sure this event went smoothly.

• This month the HS had 2 ISS’s and 2 OSS’s.

• With the end of Quarter 1 near I did some Q1 data comparison with last year at this time. o 39% reduction in overall discipline incidents.

o 54% reduction in discipline incidents in the classroom.

o 64% increase discipline incidents in the cafeteria.

▪ Yet behaviors and atmosphere are much better this year

o 400% increase in discipline incidents in the office area.

Mrs. Scheller reported the following:

• End of the first quarter is Friday the 18th.

• Report cards will go home on the 23rd.

• PTC conferences are scheduled for the 23rd and 24th from 4-7:30. Parents have received a sign-up notice to schedule meetings.

• The elementary and junior high have been working hard on building school culture and school climate. Part of that process is creating a culture shared leadership and collaborative decision making, This will take place via the school leadership team and PLCs.

• Girls basketball has had a very busy schedule. Their record 7th grade 4-3; 8th grade 1- 6. We still have a lot of games to place before regional in November.

• Boys basketball will start practices Monday October 21st.

• October 29 title1 will be hosting our annual truck or treat from 5:30-7:00 for PreK-8th grade Mt. Olive students.

Superintendent’s Report:

Dr. Kelly reported the following:

The Illinois School Report Card will be published October 30. Mt. Olive CUSD #5 is making good academic gains; according to the Illinois School Report Card. We are proud of our designation this year and have much to celebrate. We will continue in School Improvement Status for a full four-year cycle. With your partnership, we can sustain these gains.

The proposed date for prom is April 26, 2025 and the proposed date for high school graduation is May 17, 2025.

Dr. Kelly presented the state of the district presentation. While we still have work to do, we are witnessing pockets of excellence. The teachers and staff are to be celebrated as they are providing the instruction and strategies needed for our students to excel academically, socially, and emotionally.

Motion by Rimar, seconded by Osmoe to enter into closed session at 8:04 p.m. for the following purposes as allowed under the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.): Discussion of the appointment, employment and dismissal of employees of the public body and collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives. Discussion of pending and probable litigation against, affecting, or on behalf of the Board of Education and the District. Roll call: 6 ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Skertich, seconded by Rimar to return to open session at 8:27 p.m. Roll call: 6 ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Rimar, seconded by Knes to hire Mark Cornell to provide supplemental Band Instructional Services for Mt. Olive CUSD#5. Roll call: 6 ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Skertich, seconded by Essington to hire Mary Brackman as a part-time teacher’s assistant pending a successful background check. Roll call: 6 ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Osmoe, seconded by Knes for a transportation MOU between BOE and MO Education Support staff. Roll call: 6 ayes. Motion carried.

The next regular board meeting will be at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 in the school library at 804 West Main St., Mt. Olive, IL.

Motion by Skertich, seconded by Rimar to adjourn at 8:31 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried.
