L. Amber McGartland, Macoupin County Treasurer/ Ex-Officio Collector | Macoupin County
L. Amber McGartland, Macoupin County Treasurer/ Ex-Officio Collector | Macoupin County
Macoupin County Board met Dec. 10.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
1. Swearing In of Recently Elected Board Members
Judge Denby swore in the 7 members recently reelected.
PRESENT: Schmidt, Dunnagan, Adden, Armour, Barr, Blank, Dragovich (Remote), Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, Klausing, Payne, Rosentreter, Starr, Stayton, Trevino, Wiggins
1. Selection of Temporary Chair
Schmidt had Armour serve as temporary chair.
2. Election of a Chair
Motion by Ibberson, seconded by Kiel to elect Schmidt as Board Chair.
MOVER: Jim Ibberson, Board Member SECONDER: Bernie Kiel, Board Member AYES: Schmidt, Dunnagan, Adden, Armour, Barr, Blank, Dragovich, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, Klausing, Payne, Rosentreter, Starr, Stayton, Trevino, Wiggins |
Motion by Ibberson, seconded by Starr to elect Dunnagan vice chair.
MOVER: Jim Ibberson, Board Member SECONDER: Harry Starr, Board Member AYES: Schmidt, Dunnagan, Adden, Armour, Barr, Blank, Dragovich, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, Klausing, Payne, Rosentreter, Starr, Stayton, Trevino, Wiggins |
1. Macoupin County Board - Regular Meeting - Nov 12, 2024 6:00 PM
Motion by Ibberson, seconded by Rosentreter to accept the minutes.
MOVER: Jim Ibberson, Board Member SECONDER: Molly Rosentreter, Board Member AYES: Schmidt, Dunnagan, Adden, Armour, Barr, Blank, Dragovich, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, Klausing, Payne, Rosentreter, Starr, Stayton, Trevino, Wiggins |
1. Finance Committee - Regular Meeting - Dec 3, 2024 5:30 PM
Motion by Rosentreter, seconded by Starr to accept the minutes.
MOVER: Molly Rosentreter, Board Member SECONDER: Harry Starr, Board Member AYES: Schmidt, Dunnagan, Adden, Armour, Barr, Blank, Dragovich, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, Klausing, Payne, Rosentreter, Starr, Stayton, Trevino, Wiggins |
Motion by Armour, seconded by Rosentreter to accept the minutes.
MOVER: Todd Armour, Board Member SECONDER: Molly Rosentreter, Board Member AYES: Schmidt, Dunnagan, Adden, Armour, Barr, Blank, Dragovich, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, Klausing, Payne, Rosentreter, Starr, Stayton, Trevino, Wiggins |
Motion by Dunnagan, seconded by Kilduff to accept the minutes.
MOVER: Kristi Dunnagan, Board Vice Chair SECONDER: Ryan Kilduff, Board Member AYES: Schmidt, Dunnagan, Adden, Armour, Barr, Blank, Dragovich, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, Klausing, Payne, Rosentreter, Starr, Stayton, Trevino, Wiggins |
1. Approve appointment of Shannon Bilbruck to the Northwestern Fire Protection District to fill the unexpired term ending May 1, 2025
Motion by Ibberson, seconded by Barr to approve appointment of Shannon Bilbruck to the Northwestern Fire Protection District to fill the unexpired term ending May 1, 2025
MOVER: Jim Ibberson, Board Member SECONDER: Leann Barr, Board Member AYES: Schmidt, Dunnagan, Adden, Armour, Barr, Blank, Dragovich, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, Klausing, Payne, Rosentreter, Starr, Stayton, Trevino, Wiggins |
Motion by Barr, seconded by Adden to approve reappointment of Glen Rascher to the Northwestern Fire Protection District for a term ending May 1, 2027
MOVER: Leann Barr, Board Member SECONDER: Ross Adden, Board Member AYES: Schmidt, Dunnagan, Adden, Armour, Barr, Blank, Dragovich, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, Klausing, Payne, Rosentreter, Starr, Stayton, Trevino, Wiggins |
1. Shaws Point #44
Motion by Rosentreter, seconded by Armour to approve the petition.
MOVER: Molly Rosentreter, Board Member SECONDER: Todd Armour, Board Member AYES: Schmidt, Dunnagan, Adden, Armour, Barr, Blank, Dragovich, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, Klausing, Payne, Rosentreter, Starr, Stayton, Trevino, Wiggins |
1. Executive Session Minute Review
Motion by Stayton, seconded by Dunnagan to Release the following minutes from 2022 as the time frame for litigation has past
Finance 10/6 - Potential Litigation
Full Board 10/11- Potential Litigation
Finance 11/28 - Potential Litigation
Finance 12/8 - Potential Litigation
Full Board 12/13 - Potential Litigation
and release the following minutes from 2024 as the personnel matters discussed have been resolved and employment offered
Public Safety 6/4
Public Safety 6/10
Public Safety 7/2
Full Board 7/9
Public Safety 11/7
MOVER: Aaron Stayton, Board Member SECONDER: Kristi Dunnagan, Board Vice Chair AYES: Schmidt, Dunnagan, Adden, Armour, Barr, Blank, Dragovich, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, Klausing, Payne, Rosentreter, Starr, Stayton, Trevino, Wiggins |
1. 2025 County Motor Fuel Tax Maintenance Resolution
Reinhart said this was the annual motor fuel tax program resolution for an amount of $1,766,295.
Motion by Rosentreter, seconded by Adden to adopt the resolution.
MOVER: Molly Rosentreter, Board Member SECONDER: Ross Adden, Board Member AYES: Schmidt, Dunnagan, Adden, Armour, Barr, Blank, Dragovich, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, Klausing, Payne, Rosentreter, Starr, Stayton, Trevino, Wiggins |
Garrison said this resolution would establish an appropriation for his State's Attorney Automation Fund It has never had a budget before and this would avoid another audit finding. The amount would be $1,500.
Motion by Dunnagan, seconded by Klausing to approve the resolution.
MOVER: Kristi Dunnagan, Board Vice Chair SECONDER: Holly Klausing, Board Member AYES: Schmidt, Dunnagan, Adden, Armour, Barr, Blank, Dragovich, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, Klausing, Payne, Rosentreter, Starr, Stayton, Trevino, Wiggins |
1. Ordinance Providing for the Levy and Assessments of Taxes for the County of Macoupin, Illinois for the Fiscal Year Beginning September 1, 2024 and ending August 31, 2025
Duncan said the Board had three options: they could reduce the levy and decide which line items to decrease, they could leave it exactly the same, or they could increase it and decide which line item or items they wanted to increase. Because the county is PTELL there is a limit of an increase of 3.4% this year which translates to $192,225 potential increase. Some Board members were concerned with school taxes increasing that an increase by the county would only add to the tax bills of property owners. Others were concerned that there would be the need to find additional revenue from some other source if the county didn't get it from property taxes. There was discussion about trying to find things to cut so next year they wouldn't be in the position that they needed to increase taxes.
Motion by Dunnagan, seconded by Klausing to adopt the ordinance with an increase of $192,225 to the corporate line item.
MOVER: Kristi Dunnagan, Board Vice Chair SECONDER: Holly Klausing, Board Member AYES: Schmidt, Dunnagan, Adden, Armour, Barr, Dragovich, Heuer, Kilduff, Klausing, Rosentreter, Starr, Stayton, Trevino NAYS: Ibberson, Kiel, Payne, Wiggins ABSTAIN: Blank |
1. FY 2024-2025 First Quarter Budget Review
Duncan walked through the first quarter budget review. On the expense side, overall the general fund had spent about 24% of the total budget, though Duncan pointed out that Capital Outlay had spent 0% of it's appropriation and the permanent transfers were only at 5% so it would run a little higher if those were closer to evenly spent.
On the revenue side, the county had receipted 24% of the projected revenue, but Duncan said that was a little deceiving since there was the one time revenue of 100,000 from the wind permit as well as about 105,000 in transfers in that should have been done in FY 24. Taking that out, the county had only receipted 22% of what was projected. Duncan said this year would be very tight and would need to be monitored.
2. American Rescue Plan Funding Updated Amounts
Duncan said that there was $1.991 million left to spend. $547,413 was left to be obligated. Circuit Court, Highway, Public Health, and Animal Control all had money left to obligate. If it was not obligated, or not spent after obligated, the remainder of the funds would go to Courthouse HVAC upgrade project.
3. American Rescue Plan Funding Final Obligation
Duncan reminded the Board that the deadline for spending or obligating the funds was at the end of the month, he had requested all invoices or agreements/contracts purchase orders by December 15th to make sure there was enough time to make sure everything was taken care of before the deadline.
4. Update on Potential Sale of County Trustee Farmland
Duncan said that they were still waiting for the Trustee to get back to them on scheduling the sale.
5. Update on Energy Transition Community Grant
Duncan said that the state had sent a note requesting updates to the application, mainly regarding a better job description for the grant manager position as well a calculation of fringe benefits, which will require a firmer potential salary to calculate. This would be discussed at next month's Economic Development committee.
1. 2025 Work Comp and General Liability Insurance Renewal
The work comp and liability insurance renewal came in at $988,000 which is about $100,000 higher than it was last year. There is a pending lawsuit regarding a deputy that has a significant reserve being held that is increasing the renewal.
Motion by Starr, seconded by Kiel to approve the renewal.
MOVER: Harry Starr, Board Member SECONDER: Bernie Kiel, Board Member AYES: Schmidt, Dunnagan, Adden, Armour, Barr, Blank, Dragovich, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, Klausing, Payne, Rosentreter, Starr, Stayton, Trevino, Wiggins |
There was a discussion about this subdivision and if this resubdivision would skirt being a major subdivision. The Board wanted the State's Attorney's opinion on this.
Motion by Kilduff, seconded by Dunnagan to refer the issue back to the Road and Bridge committee.
3. Macoupin County’s 2024, Jail and Detention Standards Unit compliance review Schmidt said this was the annual review and the only non-compliance noted as in the commissary audit not being available when requested by the inspectors.
Motion by Rosentreter, seconded by Armour to accept and place on file the review.
MOVER: Molly Rosentreter, Board Member SECONDER: Todd Armour, Board Member AYES: Schmidt, Dunnagan, Adden, Armour, Barr, Blank, Dragovich, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, Klausing, Payne, Rosentreter, Starr, Stayton, Trevino, Wiggins |
Motion by Stayton, seconded by Dunnagan to approve the disposition of all county board recordings older than May 2023.
MOVER: Aaron Stayton, Board Member SECONDER: Kristi Dunnagan, Board Vice Chair AYES: Schmidt, Dunnagan, Adden, Armour, Barr, Blank, Dragovich, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, Klausing, Payne, Rosentreter, Starr, Stayton, Trevino, Wiggins |
Motion by Dunnagan, seconded by Barr to approve the 2025 meeting schedule with the only difference of the second Tuesday of the month being the November meeting would be held on November 13th due to the second Tuesday falling on Veterans Day.
MOVER: Kristi Dunnagan, Board Vice Chair SECONDER: Leann Barr, Board Member AYES: Schmidt, Dunnagan, Adden, Armour, Barr, Blank, Dragovich, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, Klausing, Payne, Rosentreter, Starr, Stayton, Trevino, Wiggins |
1. Claims and Officers Report
Motion by Kilduff, seconded by Klausing to accept the claims and officers report.
MOVER: Ryan Kilduff, Board Member SECONDER: Holly Klausing, Board Member AYES: Schmidt, Dunnagan, Adden, Armour, Barr, Blank, Dragovich, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, Klausing, Payne, Rosentreter, Starr, Stayton, Trevino, Wiggins |
Motion by Dunnagan, seconded by Stayton to approve the mileage and per diem.
MOVER: Kristi Dunnagan, Board Vice Chair SECONDER: Aaron Stayton, Board Member AYES: Schmidt, Dunnagan, Adden, Armour, Barr, Blank, Dragovich, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, Klausing, Payne, Rosentreter, Starr, Stayton, Trevino, Wiggins |
Motion by Dunnagan, seconded by Klausing to accept and place on file the communications.
MOVER: Kristi Dunnagan, Board Vice Chair SECONDER: Holly Klausing, Board Member AYES: Schmidt, Dunnagan, Adden, Armour, Barr, Blank, Dragovich, Heuer, Ibberson, Kiel, Kilduff, Klausing, Payne, Rosentreter, Starr, Stayton, Trevino, Wiggins |
2. Monthly Animal Control Report - November 2024
3. Monthly List of Delinquent Tax Property Sales
4. Letter from Administrative Office of the Courts RE: FY 25 Annual Probation Plan
5. Northwestern Fire District Local Government Efficiency Report
6. Polk Township and Road District Local Government Efficiency Report
Motion by Armour, seconded by Rosentreter to adjourn. All in favor. Motion carried.