
South Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Greenville City Council met Jan. 14

Webp 7

George Barber, Mayor | City of Greenville Website

George Barber, Mayor | City of Greenville Website

City of Greenville City Council met Jan. 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Regular Council meeting was called to order on Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 7:00 PM by Mayor-ProTem Blake Knox.


Council Present: Council Member Ivan Estevez, Council Member Kyle Littlefield, Council Member Lisa Stephens, and Council Member Blake Knox

Council Absent: Mayor George Barber

Staff Present: City Manager Jo Hollenkamp, City Clerk Jody Weiss, Chief of Police Bryan Waugh, SRO Taylor Hill, Finance Director Michelle Liggett, Economic Development Director Bill Walker, City Attorney Patrick Schaufelberger

Public Present: Mark Korte, Rebecca Sponsler, Doug Ratermann, Breck Nelson, Daniel Forsberg, Lee Beckmann



3.1. Presentation by Breck Nelson with update on the Turret Building.

Breck Nelson gave an update on the progress of the Turret Building. As many have heard, Tullaghan's is not coming to Greenville and have closed their Highland restaurant. Nelson has a different operator coming in. Construction is running full speed ahead with plumbers, electricians and HVAC all on site working. Nelson is also excited about the chef. They will have 6 beer tappers. The goal is to be open by late spring. There will be inside seating for 38-40 with an additional 15-20 outside on the patio. There will be outside heaters. The hours will initially be from 4:00 PM - later and possibly a Sunday Brunch. There will be an Airbnb on the second floor.

Nelson added there is a lot of buzz and everyone is wanting to be on the square.


4.1. Knox wanted to thank the Public Works crew and Police Department for their outstanding job during the winter storms last week. The entire council concurred.


5.1. It is with great regret that I announce that Bill Walker our Director of Economic Development has accepted another position. I publicly want to wish Bill the best in his future endeavors. Elaine McNamara will replace Bill in March.

5.2. I am very happy to announce that Jes Adam will be returning to the city as the part-time Tourism Director. His responsibilities will include handling city-wide events, but especially scheduling events for the Plaza.

5.3. Update on courthouse square parking.

Hollenkamp is searching for a resolution to the parking issues on the square. The County Courthouse employees are parking in front of businesses all day, not allowing patrons to park close to the stores, causing an issue. She would like to go the employees and offer designated parking spots with titles (i.e. States Attorney, County Assessor, etc.) in either the old Dollar General Parking lot or the parking lot behind Uppercuts. Since there is no county administrator to approach, she would like permission to approach the County Board to address the issue. Schaufelberger commented that the Annex employees typically park behind People's State Bank. The issue is primarily with the Courthouse employees. Businesses are complaining and if they were to have designated spots it would free up 12-14 parking spots. Hollenkamp added with the new restaurants coming to Greenville, parking will be at a premium.

Council gave permission for Hollenkamp to approach the County Board regarding this issue.


6.1. HMG

Dewey Street

• A resolution to appropriate RBI/MFT funds to pay for construction of this project is included in this month’s agenda.

• Final plans are anticipated to be submitted to IDOT in mid-January. Once the resolution and final plans are approved by IDOT, the City will be allowed to advertise the project for bids.

• A bid date is anticipated in early February, with a potential contract award at the February council meeting.

6.2. Milano & Grunloh

• Safe Route to Schools (SRTS), (Phase 2) The City was successful on this application receiving $250,000. A public meeting was held on July 2nd. The plans have been submitted to IDOT for final review. We anticipate a first quarter bid letting.

• The IEPA has funded the water treatment plant upgrade project in the amount of $21,404,770.96 at an interest rate of 0.93% with $1,250,000.00 in loan forgiveness. The city also applied for a DCEO RIPI grant which was announced and the City received a 2 million dollar grant. The City awarded the All Service Contract for Filter Installation for $119,995.00 and Contract for Filter Supply for $2,043,820.00. Construction began the last week of September 2023. They are working on finalizing all aspects. Additional trades (electrical, plumbing) are working on interior items. The building shell is complete and the interior work is being finalized. Pay Estimate #16 for $860,810.11 from Grunloh Building is presented for approval. Pay Estimate #1 for $104,995.00 from All Services Contracting for the Filter Installation is presented for approval. Pay Estimate #4 for $231,765.36 from All Services Contracting for $231,765.36 the Filter Supply is presented for approval.

• DCEO Applications were due January 19, 2023. Attached is a project exhibit for Elm Street watermain and budget. The project was funded at $1.5 million. We have the IDOT and Railroad Permits. The bid opening was on September 5. The low bidder was Haier Plumbing & Heating. A pre-construction meeting was held on December 9th at 1:00 at City Hall. The start of construction will be dependent on the weather.

• ITEP -- This project is for the beautification of the highway corridor, preliminary Engineering for this area has started. The NOFO is out with applications due September 30th. A public meeting was held. The application has been submitted.

• OSLAD (Open Space Land Acquisition and Development) The application has been submitted. The City of Greenville received a $600,000 grant. See the attachments. The grant agreement has been received. The grant agreement has been executed and design has begun on the Buzzard Bay campground improvements. The project area has been surveyed and design has started. A meeting was held to review the plans. Plans are 90% complete with a bid advertisement planned for the 1st quarter of 2025.

• Downtown Grant – The City received $1.9 million for the plaza project. Milano & Grunloh will assist with Administration. Plans are complete by Studio ARQ with a bid opening on August 15th at City Hall. The City has received reimbursements for $167,635 for Design/Engineering and $25,318.75 in contingenies. Construction should begin soon.

• There are items at the Waste Water Treatment Plant that will need addressed in the next five years. These are being evaluated to develop a plan for a timeline and budget. One clarifier was taken offline and inspected. It was in good shape, but will need work completed or deterioration will escalate. A funding application to the IEPA for a $3 million project was submitted. Preliminary, the City is eligible for 45% principal forgiveness. See the attached exhibit and plan. Milano & Grunloh has submitted the paperwork to the IEPA. Construction for this Phase I project should be in 2025. The project plan has been approved. IEPA has published the intended use plan. Greenville was on the funded list, but past the available funding. There is the possibility to receive bypass funding. An RFQ was completed for engineering. Milano & Grunloh was selected. If bypass funding is approved, construction should begin in 2025. Phase 2 is being planned to improve the intake and other items.

• Bond Madison Interconnect – An interconnection with Bond/Madison has been completed and is operational.

• Box Culvert – There is an existing box culvert on Main Street that has failed. Options for repairing it are being evaluated. The plan is to proceed with an arch type box. The City is going to bid the this out in the next fiscal year.

• 319 Grant – The Notice of Funding Opportunity is out. The City is not applying.

• Energy Transition Grant –The City should receive $97,890.11. It is planned to be used as funding for the RDMS program as part of the plaza project. We are finalizing the paperwork with DCEO.

• The sludge permit for the water treatment plant has been renewed.

• Regional Site Readiness – This is a new grant program the City is evaluating to apply for infrastructure improvements to Kelsey Industrial Park. It was submitted on October 21st. See attached exhibit.

• Red Ball Trail – The County is looking at improving/reconstructing a new overpass across the railroad on Red Ball Trail. Enclosed is an exhibit for relocating the watermain. This is being navigated as to who’d financial responsibility this will be. The County Board met on January 7th and decided to move the bridge project to the west side of the road, so the watermain no longer needs to be relocated.

• Dewey Street – This is a new potential multi-family development. This would require street, sewer and water improvements. See attached exhibit.

• Completed Projects:

• Hena Street

• Dollar General and Fusion Dance

• Water Treatment Plant Sludge Permit

• DG Market Water Main Extension

• Energy Efficiency Grant

• Sunset Point

• Traffic Study

• Anthony Supply Storm Sewer

• Elm Street Overlay

• Source Water Protection Plan

• Idler Lane Water Main Replacement

• Buzzard Bay Sidewalk

• Survey on Spring Street

• Easements for Lights on College Avenue

• Survey on Pecan Street

• Patio at 102 N Second Street

• School Streets

• Chemical Feed Modifications

• SRTS Phase 1


7.1 Minutes of previous meeting

7.2 Financial Statements for the Month

7.3. Approval of Unpaid Bills

7.4. Administrative Reports

A) Police Department

B) Public Works Department

C) Sewer Department

D) Water Department

E) Building Permits

F) Building Inspector / Code Enforcement Officer


G) Record - None

7.5. Other Items:

A) Ratification of change order #1 from Haier Plumbing in the amount of $32,508.00 for the Elm Street Water Main project. This is for 5 Fire Hydrants, 5 replacement of existing meters, 208 LF of Service Line, 90 LF of Bored service line, and 10" x 6" tee, Deletion of 335 LF of 10" C900 PVC pipe.

B) Ratification of invoice from Korte & Luitjohan in the amount of $37,500 for replacement of 8" sanitary sewer at College & 4th Street. This is a budgeted item.

C) Ratification of Tourism grant of $3000 for the 2025 I-70 Baseball Coaches Clinic - This is a budgeted item.

D) Ratification of pay request #3 from Schafer Excavating in the amount of $102,524.20 for the demolition work at 2nd Street. Final payment of $8,700 will be paid when the dryvit is completed on the Mario's wall.

E) Ratification of pay estimate #16 for the Water Treatment plant in the amount of $860,810.11 payable to Grunloh Building Inc.

F) Ratification of Pay Estimate #4 for the Filters for the water treatment plant in the amount of $231,765.36 payable to All Services Contracting.

G) Ratification of Pay Estimate #1 for Filter Installation for the water treatment plant in the amount of $104,995.00 payable to all Services Contracting.

7.6 Approval of consent items

Approval of consent agenda items (<--this text will not show on output document; motion/recommendation will show)

Motion by Ivan Estevez, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, to approve Consent Items 7.1 - 7.5.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Ivan Estevez

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: George Barber


8.1. Consideration of Dewey Street IDOT Resolution for the removal and reconstruction of existing payment along Dewey Street from College Avenue to Killarney Drive in the amount of $796,387.00 ($461,327.52 Rebuild IL money and $335,059.48 MFT funds). This is a budgeted item.

Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Ivan Estevez, to approve the IDOT

Resolution for Dewey Street improvements.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Ivan Estevez

AYES: Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: George Barber

8.2. Presentation of the FY'24 Audit.

Mark Korte with Scheffel Boyle presented the FY2024 Audit. He advised the City had an excellent Audit and gave a big thanks to Michelle Liggett, Finance Director, and her team. Financially the City is in a good spot, although not rolling in cash. IEPA payments will start soon for the Water Treatment Plant and the Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Lisa Stephens, to approve the FY'24 Audit as presented.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Lisa Stephens

AYES: Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: George Barber

8.3. Review of 2025 Governor Bond Lake Summary of Regulation/Boating Information Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Ivan Estevez, to approve the 2025 Governor Bond Lake Summary of Regulation/Boating Information.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Ivan Estevez

AYES: Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: George Barber

8.4. Consideration of Ordinance #3344 amending section 32.038 of the code to increase the number of police officers from 7 to 9.

The City has had 8 full-time police officers for quite some time, but the City Code had never changed. Currently there is $160K budgeted for overtime for police staff, which would be enough for at least one more officer's salary. It was decided to amend the ordinance to have 9 full-time officers.

Motion by Ivan Estevez, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, to approve ordinance #3344 amending section 32.028 of the unified municipal code to increase the number of police officers from seven to nine.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Ivan Estevez

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: George Barber

8.5. Discussion of amending the City of Greenville tobacco code prohibiting purchase and possession of E-Cigarettes by minors. Also, changing the entire tobacco code to be 21 years versus 18 years to match state statutes.

SRO Taylor Hill was in attendance to discuss the vaping, e-cigarettes, tobacco and nicotine products that kids at the junior high and high school are using. Our ordinance applies to the sale of the products, but not the possession, and would like to see that expanded with consequences and age minimums. The schools have their own consequences. Hill would like to see as many kids get off these devices as he can.

He said rather than have the parents pay for a fine, they should have the students do a "Station House Adjustment Program". The minimum age is the big question. Do we follow the state and stay at 21, or lower the minimum to 18 years of age. Stephens feels 18 is more appropriate, as kids that age are old enough to fight in a war so why can they not choose to smoke. She would like this to be more focused on school aged children. It is really tough to decipher if a person is 18-21. Perhaps we could use verbiage "if on school property and the student is 18 or still enrolled in high school."

A straw pole was taken and it was a tie, with Mayor Barber being absent from meeting. Hollenkamp is going to bring an ordinance back to the council at the February Council Meeting using 21 to buy or sell and 18 to possess along with the vaping language.

8.6. Consideration of Ordinance #3346 implementing certain safety measures on Prairie Street.

Hollenkamp informed the council the speed limit can only be lowered to 20 MPH rather than 15 MPH. It was also mentioned that Greenville University did pay for one of the flashing stop lights while the City paid for the second.

Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Lisa Stephens, to approve ordinance #3346 implementing certain safety measures on Prairie Street.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Lisa Stephens

AYES: Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: George Barber

8.7. Consideration of including character traits (words) being depicted as part of the Plaza stamped concrete. The 15 words would be dispersed throughout the outside (not red middle) beige/tan flagstone pattern sidewalk. This would either be a block that is inserted or the words would be stamped in the concrete.

The 15 words proposed are:

Citizenship, respect, responsibility, compassion, integrity, courage, diligence, generosity, gratitude, honesty, humility, industry, perseverance, resourcefulness, and vigor.

If we only want to use 10 words, then we would use the same traits as Greenville Schools.

Just an example:

The Council likes the idea, but what is the budget? What value are the words to the plaza? Is there an ROI? Hollenkamp said if approved these words would be added to the plaza storyboard telling why certain words were used. Council feels that 15 is too many words and needs to cut to 12, 10 or 5 depending on budget.

Littlefield has no strong opinion. He asked if we could table this and bring back when the Mayor is here and when we can get some concrete numbers of costs. Stephens suggested doing fundraising to help pay for it. Five words would be from the Character Council: Citizenship, Respect, Integrity, Responsibility, Compassion.

Littlefield withdrew his motion to approve including character traits to be plaza stamped concrete design with an additional cost not to exceed $1500and instead made motion to table the issue until the February meeting.

Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Ivan Estevez, to table the issue until February meeting.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Ivan Estevez

AYES: Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: George Barber


9.1. Move into executive session for Personnel 5ILCS 2(c)(1), Purchase of Real Estate 5ILCS 2(c)(5), Sale of Real Estate 5ILCS 2(c)(6), Pending Litigation 5ILCS 2(c)(11).

Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, to move into executive session for Personnel 5ILCS 2(c)(1), Purchase of Real Estate 5ILCS 2(c)(5), Sale of Real Estate 5ILCS 2(c)(6), Pending Litigation 5ILCS 2(c)(11) at 8:50 PM and will adjourn the Council meeting from Executive Session.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: George Barber


10.1. Personnel

10.2. Purchase of Real Estate

10.3. Sale of Real Estate

10.4. Pending Litigation


Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Lisa Stephens, to adjourn the Regular Council Meeting at 9:30 PM.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Lisa Stephens

AYES: Ivan Estevez, Kyle Littlefield, Lisa Stephens, and Blake Knox

ABSENT: George Barber




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