Jordan J. Garrison, State's Attorney | Macoupin County
Jordan J. Garrison, State's Attorney | Macoupin County
Macoupin County Board met Jan. 14.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Members Present: Ross Adden, Todd Armour, Leann Barr, John Blank, Mark Dragovich, Kristi Dunnagan, Gordon Heuer, Jim Ibberson, Bernie Kiel, Ryan Kilduff, Holly Klausing, Jon Payne, Larry Schmidt, Harry Starr, Aaron Stayton, and Tony Wiggins
Members Absent: Molly Rosentreter and John Trevino
Elected Officials and Department Heads Present: Aaron Coe, Amy Ashby, Christy Blank, Emily Gerl, Jordan Garrison, Tom Reinhart, and Pete Duncan
1. | Call to Order
Chairman Schmidt called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and let the Board in the pledge of allegiance. |
2. Roll Call There were 16 members present and 2 members absent.
3. Approval of Minutes -
3.1 County Board Meeting - December 10, 2024 Motion to accept the minutes. Moved by: Kristi Dunnagan
Seconded by: Ross Adden
Carried 16-0Aye Ross Adden, Todd Armour, Leann Barr, John Blank, Mark Dragovich, Kristi Dunnagan, Gordon Heuer, Jim Ibberson, Bernie Kiel, Ryan Kilduff, Holly Klausing, Jon Payne, Larry Schmidt, Harry Starr, Aaron Stayton, and Tony Wiggins
4. Committee Reports -
4.1 Road and Bridge Committee Minutes - January 08, 2025 Motion to accept the minutes. Moved by: Leann Barr
Seconded by: Todd Armour
Carried 16-0Aye Ross Adden, Todd Armour, Leann Barr, John Blank, Mark Dragovich, Kristi Dunnagan, Gordon Heuer, Jim Ibberson, Bernie Kiel, Ryan Kilduff, Holly Klausing, Jon Payne, Larry Schmidt, Harry Starr, Aaron Stayton, and Tony Wiggins -
4.2 General Administrative Committee Minutes - January, 9 2025 Motion to accept the minutes. Moved by: Todd Armour
Seconded by: Harry Starr
Carried 16-0Aye Ross Adden, Todd Armour, Leann Barr, John Blank, Mark Dragovich, Kristi Dunnagan, Gordon Heuer, Jim Ibberson, Bernie Kiel, Ryan Kilduff, Holly Klausing, Jon Payne, Larry Schmidt, Harry Starr, Aaron Stayton, and Tony Wiggins -
4.3 Economic Development Committee Minutes - January 8, 2025 Motion to accept the minutes. Moved by: Leann Barr
Seconded by: Holly Klausing
Carried 16-0Aye Ross Adden, Todd Armour, Leann Barr, John Blank, Mark Dragovich, Kristi Dunnagan, Gordon Heuer, Jim Ibberson, Bernie Kiel, Ryan Kilduff, Holly Klausing, Jon Payne, Larry Schmidt, Harry Starr, Aaron Stayton, and Tony Wiggins
5. Report from Special Committees -
6. Guests -
7. Appointments -
7.1 Committee Assignments 2025 Schmidt said these were not written in stone but he had passed out a few changes to the committees he had worked on. Klausing said it looked like she was one committee short. Ibberson noted that Kiel was listed twice under General Administration. Klausing was slotted into that spot.
Motion to approve the appointments as amended. Moved by: Todd Armour
Seconded by: Ryan Kilduff
Carried 16-0Aye Ross Adden, Todd Armour, Leann Barr, John Blank, Mark Dragovich, Kristi Dunnagan, Gordon Heuer, Jim Ibberson, Bernie Kiel, Ryan Kilduff, Holly Klausing, Jon Payne, Larry Schmidt, Harry Starr, Aaron Stayton, and Tony Wiggins -
7.2 Appoint FOIA Officers for 2025 Duncan said this was the annual requirement to appoint the foia officers for the state. Duncan also said this year he had added about three pages worth of links to where to find information online to hopefully help those looking for information find it without submitting a request.
Motion to approve the FOIA officers for 2025 and the guide. Moved by: Aaron Stayton
Seconded by: Holly Klausing
7.3 Appoint Dale Lowrance and Joe Perkins to the Emergency 911 Board for three year terms ending February 28, 2028 Motion to approve the appointment of Dale Lowrance and Joe Perkins to the Emergency 911 Board for three year terms ending February 28, 2028 with Perkins serving as a member at large. Moved by: Leann Barr
Seconded by: Jim Ibberson
Carried 16-0Aye Ross Adden, Todd Armour, Leann Barr, John Blank, Mark Dragovich, Kristi Dunnagan, Gordon Heuer, Jim Ibberson, Bernie Kiel, Ryan Kilduff, Holly Klausing, Jon Payne, Larry Schmidt, Harry Starr, Aaron Stayton, and Tony Wiggins -
7.4 Reappoint Noah Sisson to the Emergency 911 Board for three year terms ending February 28, 2028 Motion to approve reappointment of Noah Sisson to the Emergency 911 Board for three year terms ending February 28, 2028 Moved by: Leann Barr
Seconded by: Jim Ibberson
Carried 16-0Aye Ross Adden, Todd Armour, Leann Barr, John Blank, Mark Dragovich, Kristi Dunnagan, Gordon Heuer, Jim Ibberson, Bernie Kiel, Ryan Kilduff, Holly Klausing, Jon Payne, Larry Schmidt, Harry Starr, Aaron Stayton, and Tony Wiggins
8. Petitions -
Move into Executive Session Motion to resolve into executive session at 6:14 pm to discuss an employment issue in the State's Attorney's office. Moved by: Kristi Dunnagan
Seconded by: Ryan Kildu
9. Executive Session -
10. Arise from Executive Session Motion to arise from executive session at 6:19 pm Moved by: Kristi Dunnagan
Seconded by: Ross Adden
11. Resolutions -
11.1 A Resolution Regarding the Proposed Sale of County Owned Property at 21670 IL Rt 4, Carlinville, IL West of Poggenpol Concrete Armour said a business had reached out wanting to purchase this property. An appraisal was completed with an appraised price of $60,000 for about 2.55 acres. Per past policy, the county would need to accept at least 80% of the appraisal price. The Board felt ready to put this out for sale and set date for bids to be due and the bid opening.
Motion to adopt the resolution with the addition of the bid due date being February 28th and the bid opening date being March 5th. Moved by: Todd Armour
Seconded by: Kristi Dunnagan
Carried 16-0Aye Ross Adden, Todd Armour, Leann Barr, John Blank, Mark Dragovich, Kristi Dunnagan, Gordon Heuer, Jim Ibberson, Bernie Kiel, Ryan Kilduff, Holly Klausing, Jon Payne, Larry Schmidt, Harry Starr, Aaron Stayton, and Tony Wiggins -
11.2 A Resolution Regarding the Proposed Sale of County Owned Property at 21670 IL Rt 4, Carlinville, IL South of Poggenpol Concrete Armour said there had been a buyer interested in this property. It had been appraised but there was a discussion about selling the remainder of the property with it as well, which would require an additional appraisal to be completed. If this property was also sold, that would sell off all of this farm land and put it all back on the tax roll.
Motion to table the resolution and sell the remaining acreage after getting an appraisal for it as well. Moved by: Todd Armour
Seconded by: Holly Klausing
Carried 16-0Aye Ross Adden, Todd Armour, Leann Barr, John Blank, Mark Dragovich, Kristi Dunnagan, Gordon Heuer, Jim Ibberson, Bernie Kiel, Ryan Kilduff, Holly Klausing, Jon Payne, Larry Schmidt, Harry Starr, Aaron Stayton, and Tony Wiggins -
11.3 Resolution in Support of Great Rivers and Routes Tourism Bureau Armour said this was the annual resolution that the county does to help the Great Rivers and Routes Tourism Bureau get recertified with the state. He said they had done great work for us and he felt they should continue to get our support.
Motion to adopt the resolution. Moved by: Todd Armour
Seconded by: Holly Klausing
Carried 16-0Aye Ross Adden, Todd Armour, Leann Barr, John Blank, Mark Dragovich, Kristi Dunnagan, Gordon Heuer, Jim Ibberson, Bernie Kiel, Ryan Kilduff, Holly Klausing, Jon Payne, Larry Schmidt, Harry Starr, Aaron Stayton, and Tony Wiggins -
11.4 Power-to-Act resolution to award contracts from the County’s MFT Rock Letting Reinhardt said this would be the resolution to give the Road and Bridge Chair power to act on awarding the contracts from the MFT rock letting. This would allow them to continue to keep things moving forward since the full Board meeting was a little later than usual this year with how the calendar fell.
Motion to adopt the resolution Moved by: Leann Barr
Seconded by: Holly Klausing
Carried 16-0Aye Ross Adden, Todd Armour, Leann Barr, John Blank, Mark Dragovich, Kristi Dunnagan, Gordon Heuer, Jim Ibberson, Bernie Kiel, Ryan Kilduff, Holly Klausing, Jon Payne, Larry Schmidt, Harry Starr, Aaron Stayton, and Tony Wiggins -
11.5 Resolution to appropriate Rebuild Illinois (RBI) funds to the Staunton-Bunker Hill Road resurfacing project Reinhart said there was about $997,000 left in RBI funds from the state left to spend. This would appropriate that money towards the resurfacing of the Staunton-Bunker Hill Road. Most of the funds had been used for the Brighton-Bunker Hill road project so this would continue it on.
Motion to adopt the resolution. Moved by: Aaron Stayton
Seconded by: Ross Adden
Carried 16-0Aye Ross Adden, Todd Armour, Leann Barr, John Blank, Mark Dragovich, Kristi Dunnagan, Gordon Heuer, Jim Ibberson, Bernie Kiel, Ryan Kilduff, Holly Klausing, Jon Payne, Larry Schmidt, Harry Starr, Aaron Stayton, and Tony Wiggins
12. Ordinances -
13. Unfinished Business -
13.1 Gander Pointe Minor Subdivision - Resubdivision of Lot 1 Coe was present and discussed the resubdivision. There had been a question about if this was allowed since it appeared to be a work around of having a major subdivision but both Coe and Garrison felt the ordinance did not forbid what they were trying to do. All the proper sign-offs had been received, the application fee was in hand, and the letter signed off by the Village of Brighton regarding zone was also submitted.
Motion to approve the resubdivision plat. Moved by: Bernie Kiel
Seconded by: Leann Barr
Carried 13-2Aye Todd Armour, Leann Barr, John Blank, Mark Dragovich, Kristi Dunnagan, Jim Ibberson, Bernie Kiel, Ryan Kilduff, Holly Klausing, Jon Payne, Larry Schmidt, Harry Starr, and Aaron Stayton Nay Ross Adden and Gordon Heuer Abstain Tony Wiggins -
13.2 Fiscal Year 24-25 Month 4 Revenue Review Duncan quickly walked through the revenue picture for the General Fund so far. He pointed out that removing the property tax distribution, sheriff transfers that were really from last FY, and the one time wind permit, the revenue is currently running behind where we were at this point last fiscal year by about 30,000. He also pointed out that the sales tax, income tax, and personal property replacement tax were all basically flat or down from last year, which shows that the three year average has caught up with reality and where some of the extra revenue in previous years was found in these line items.
14. New Business -
14.1 Preliminary engineering agreement with Veenstra-Kimm for resurfacing of a portion of Staunton-Bunker Hill Road Reinhart said this would be the start of the engineering needed for the Staunton-Bunker Hill Rd resurfacing that the Board had just approved the funding for with the resolution.
Motion to approve the agreement. Moved by: Kristi Dunnagan
Seconded by: Holly Klausing
Carried 16-0Aye Ross Adden, Todd Armour, Leann Barr, John Blank, Mark Dragovich, Kristi Dunnagan, Gordon Heuer, Jim Ibberson, Bernie Kiel, Ryan Kilduff, Holly Klausing, Jon Payne, Larry Schmidt, Harry Starr, Aaron Stayton, and Tony Wiggins -
14.2 Construction Engineering agreement with Cummins Engineering for the construction of the Lotus Wind Farm There was a discussion about the agreement and how it would be paid for since the current permit fee has been spent and they would need to get additional funds to from APEX in order to cover the $900,000 cost for this agreement. It was decided to table until next month.
14.3 Citizen's Guide to Macoupin County Government 2025 Duncan said that his office had compiled the updated Citizen's Guide which had a lot of valuable information in it. Each official and department head had been requested to update their information on it.
14.4 Notice that February Agendas will be emailed using new software system Duncan reminded the Board that last year, they had approved switching to a new software system for agenda and minute management.
15. Consent Agenda -
15.1 Claims and Officers Report Motion to approve the claims and officers report Moved by: Kristi Dunnagan
Seconded by: Todd Armour
Carried 16-0Aye Ross Adden, Todd Armour, Leann Barr, John Blank, Mark Dragovich, Kristi Dunnagan, Gordon Heuer, Jim Ibberson, Bernie Kiel, Ryan Kilduff, Holly Klausing, Jon Payne, Larry Schmidt, Harry Starr, Aaron Stayton, and Tony Wiggins -
15.2 Mileage and Per Diem Motion to appove the mileage and per diem Moved by: Kristi Dunnagan
Seconded by: Holly Klausing
Carried 16-0Aye Ross Adden, Todd Armour, Leann Barr, John Blank, Mark Dragovich, Kristi Dunnagan, Gordon Heuer, Jim Ibberson, Bernie Kiel, Ryan Kilduff, Holly Klausing, Jon Payne, Larry Schmidt, Harry Starr, Aaron Stayton, and Tony Wiggins -
15.3 Communications Monthly County Clerk Report - December 2024
Monthly Animal Control Report - December 2024
Monthly American Rescue Plan Report - December 2024
Brighton Betsey Ann Fire Protection District Local Government Efficiency Report
Carlinville Fire Protection District Local Government Efficiency Report
Raymond Fire Protection District Local Government Efficiency Report
South Palmyra Township and Road District Local Government Efficiency Report
Multi-Township Assessment #3 Local Government Efficiency Report
Letter from Marathon Pipe Line RE: Pipeline Markers
Accept and place on file Moved by: Kristi Dunnagan
Seconded by: Ryan Kilduff
Carried 16-0Aye Ross Adden, Todd Armour, Leann Barr, John Blank, Mark Dragovich, Kristi Dunnagan, Gordon Heuer, Jim Ibberson, Bernie Kiel, Ryan Kilduff, Holly Klausing, Jon Payne, Larry Schmidt, Harry Starr, Aaron Stayton, and Tony Wiggins
16. Matters of Recognition Dunnagan said that Bob Watson, the husband of former Board member Julia Watson and former State's Attorney Jennifer Watson, had recently passed away.
17. Adjournment Motion by Ibberson, seconded by Adden to adjourn at 6:48 p.m. All in favor. Motion carried.